Saturday Nights

Yeah I'm sure, y'all go on without me I'll see you later…

Constantly swirling with pain everyday overcast with the darkness of rain. Why would anything else be present in my brain.

Falling deeper within this dark abyss no longer do I crave the emotions that I thought I missed.

Sitting in the crucible being burned by my sadness, loneliness, pain and the instability in my brain. I'm left to wonder if I die would anyone even remember my name. Or would their lives just go on the same.

A part of me wants to mean something to somebody. I think back over my life I've never even had a birthday party.

Just sitting in a house not alone but with people I wouldn't even want to call on a phone. With these dark emotions that then started to seep into my bones.

I thought that one day I'd love to see a brighter tomorrow but it's now that I finally understand that the sun is only destined to bring me more sorrow. Do you know of any mental fortitude that I could borrow. Or was I just meant to be another depressed man that people too nice for this world are destined to follow.

Follow down a rabbit hole of the depressed and then left to wander my psyche of emotions and scars better left repressed.

I don't want you to worry about me because in the end even your mental would've leagues better without me.