Hey Everyone I know it's been a bit longer than I said I'd take a break for but I just wanted to update you all on what's been going on.

So my family has been going through some things and I've been taking this time to get back into earning some income and rescheduling my time.

At the beginning of this month I planned on releasing some background information and chapter 1 of my fanfic along with volume 3 of this series but amongst that and other things I have gone back to the drawing board and I am currently rewriting Chapter 1 of the Pokémon fanfic and Chapter 1 of an undecided fic not sure on what universe I wanna base it in. I might consider a multiverse fic but I'm still at the drawing board.

I would ask that you all please bare with me as I strive to return as strong as possible. Until then I'll see you all next time!