Chapter 1 Hades

In N city.

Death prison was one of the ten most horrible prison in the world.

Today was Michael's early release.

The whole prison was in turmoil, sending their boss away.

Although he rarely stayed in the death prison, Michael had once swept through the entire prison on his own. He was invincible and had long become the king of the prison.

In the depths of the death prison.

It was dark, cold and wet here.

In the innermost part, there was a closed steel room, airtight.

But the next second, the steel door was kicked open, and a handsome 1.85-meter young man with crew cut and dark blue eyes came out.

The young man was Michael, the Hades, of whom countless people were afraid.

"I can finally leave. I hope those who set me up can live well. Otherwise, who else can I find to revenge?"

Then he left the prison step by step.

Seeing Michael, the warden bowed his head and saw the man off.

Countless prisoners half knelt down to see their boss off.

Outside the prison.

Michael appeared on the road.

The next second, a black BMW drove towards Michael and stopped three meters away from him.

The one who got out of the car was a handsome young man, who looked almost the same as Michael. However, different from Michael, the young man's hair was red.

This man was also one of the twelve members of the Hell established by Michael. His name was Saul, also known as Lion King.

"Greetings, sir!" When he saw Michael, he knelt down in front of Michael and said.

"How's the investigation going?" Michael asked.

Saul stood up and said, "I've found it out. It was your girlfriend who drugged you five years ago, and then Kayden Mark kidnapped Catherine Miller, and finally let you sleep in the same bed. It's a perfect trap."

"Catherine, I know she is a member of Miller family. Then who is Kayden?" Michael was curious. In his memory, he seemed to be a nobody five years ago, but someone had already noticed him.

"Kayden is a member of the Mark family. They are mortal enemies of the Miller family."

"So, my girlfriend fell in love with Kayden. Kayden needed to deal with Catherine, so he cooperated with my girlfriend to stage a hotel drugged rape?"

"I suppose so." Saul nodded, feeling that everything had been explained.

"It was just a casual frame up. Five years ago, my reputation was ruined. What a good method!"

As Michael spoke, a bloody killing intent spread out.

Michael knew he was nobody five years ago, but he became a scapegoat now.

Saul said angrily, "leader, as long as you give the order, Mark’s family can be destroyed, let alone Kayden and your ex-girlfriend."

Michael shook his head and said, "I usually like to take revenge myself."

"Yes, sir."

"Let's go! It has been five years since I came back to my family. I don't know if things have changed or not."

"Yes, sir."

In this way, Saul drove the car, Michael sat on the passenger seat and left the prison.

Along the way, Kayden couldn't help but say, "leader, in fact, I have another news. I don't know if I should tell you or not."

"If you have any news, just tell me."

Michael felt like there is nothing worse than the news of his parents.

"Actually, Catherine, the woman you raped five years ago, is having a hard time. She was the most talented girl in the Miller family, the dream goddess in the eyes of countless people. However, after that night with the leader, her life was completely dark. She was mocked for being unclean and lived under the accusation. Now she was forced to marry a middle-aged man she hated very much for her brother. The wedding will be held in church tomorrow."

"It was my fault. If it was really a wedding she hated, I would save her tomorrow." Michael said seriously.

Michael recalled what happened five years ago carefully. Both of them were victims, and they should help each other.

Michael even thought that this woman was injured more than him, not to mention that this woman was his first woman, and Michael was also the first man of this woman.

"Yes, sir."

Soon, Saul drove back to the town where Michael lived five years ago.

Michael was an orphan and was adopted by an old couple in a small town.

The old couple also adopted a girl named Lisa, who was about the same age as Michael.

Michael also firmly believed that the old couple were his parents.

At the door, Michael finally came back.

But at this moment, the door had been razed to the ground. There was nothing around except for construction.

The family was gone.

Michael's eyes turned red, and then he suppressed his anger and looked at Saul, "what's going on?"

"I don't know." He didn't know anything.

"Check it right now. I want to know it right away."

"Yes, yes."

Saul panicked.

Then he went out and called immediately.

A few minutes later, Saul came to Michael with a long face and said, "Boss, I don't dare to tell you the news."

"Tell me!" Michael's killing intent had turned into a substantial red killing intent.

"Yes, yes."

Saul felt the breath of Michael, and then said in a trembling voice, "Leader, your parents were killed by a local underground force three days ago."

"What? Are you kidding me?"

Michael's killing intent spread out, and the supreme aura made the surrounding space tremble.

Michael was a genetic soldier and a powerful one whose level was higher than ninety. Even the breath was frightening.

"I'm not kidding, and I don't dare to."

"What happened?"

"Because your parents' residence was in the way of the local developer, and then your parents did not agree to move out, planning to wait for you to come back from prison. But those people were extremely angry, and you were a rapist. All kinds of anger mixed together, and then someone drove and hit them to death."


Michael's face was dull, and his body kept falling back, and his face was getting worse and worse.

"Chief, are you okay?" Said Saul worriedly.

"Leave me alone. I want to know what happened later." Michael tried to calm himself down and asked.

"Sir, the local police said it was a traffic accident and it was left unsettled."

"Let it go? Are you kidding me?"

The killing intent of Michael made the surrounding space tremble.

With sweat on his face, Saul said, "That's the truth."

"Well, investigate it right now. Investigate it for me. I want everything. I want to know everything."

"Yes, sir."

"Then why don't you go?"

"Yes, sir."

"Wait, where are my parents' graves?"

"I'll check it right away."

"Hurry up!"

"Yes, sir."

Saul then went back to the car and made a phone call.