Chapter 10 Beauty Amy

At this time, Michael also took up his spear, came to the front of the three, and shot off them.

It was a piece of cake.

Kayden was completely desperate at this moment. Such a powerful warrior had actually been defeated. How terrifying would Michael be?

Michael stretched himself and walked to Kayden. He lit a cigarette and smiled, "Call Rose over."

Michael wanted Kayden to kill Rose. That's interesting.

"Rose didn't contact me three years ago and I don't contact her anymore." said Kayden.

"It seems that you are also a tool used by this woman?" Michael said, thinking of something suddenly.

"Yes. We are both used by this woman. She is a big shot now." Kayden said with a bitter smile.

"So, don't mess with other people's women."

"Why not? Don't you feel a sense of accomplishment?"


"Give me a quick death, please."

Kayden courted death. Because he knew that Michael would not let him go, and it was useless to beg for mercy.

"What the hell are you doing? How can I torture you next?" Michael sneered.

"You are not a people, you are a demon...”

"Compared with you, I think I am very kind."

Michael then continued to torture Kayden.

Thirty minutes later, Kayden died.

He died like this.

"Delete all the surveillance videos." Michael said, looking at Saul.

"Yes, boss."

Saul then came to the six genetic soldiers and woke them up. The six of them obediently followed Saul to deal with the rest of the matter.

Ten minutes later, outside the security company.

The six people and Saul came to Michael.

Michael looked at the six people and said, "Are you sure you want me to be your boss?"

"Yes, it's true." The six men said respectfully.

"Well, you will be Michael’s men from now on. Do you understand?"

"Yes, boss." The six men answered respectfully.

"See you at the Free Bar tomorrow night."

"Yes, boss."

"You can leave now. I won't need you until tomorrow."

"Yes, sir." The six men replied and left.

"Drive to Rose's company." Michael said to Saul.

"Yes, sir."

The two drove away.

Then they came to Rose's big company.

Fashion brands.

A clothing company.

"Take the Rose out." Michael said coldly.

Michael looked at this clothing company, there were no strong men, so he didn't worry that Saul couldn't do it.

"Yes, sir."

Saul then got off the car.

But ten minutes later, Saul returned to the car and said, "Rose is not in the company."

"What's going on?" Michael asked in confusion.

"It seems that the news of Kayden’s death has been leaked out. Rose left here in advance."

"Investigate. We must find her." Michael frowned for his careless. He didn't expect Rose to be so well-informed. It was incredible.

But Michael understood after he recalled it carefully. The news must have come from a small town, and many people knew the news that he had come out.

"Boss, don't worry. As long as she is in N city, she can't escape." Saul said confidently.

"Don't underestimate Rose. She has become the CEO of the current fashion brand step by step. She must be very sophisticated."

"No matter how powerful she is, she still has no strength."

Michael continued, "Don't act rashly. Just tell me if you find her."

"Yes, sir."

"How long is it before Catherine gets married?"

"It won't be long. About two hours."

"Then let's go to church directly!" Michael said.

"Yes, sir."

Saul knew. Michael still cared about Catherine.

Then he drove to the church.

In the church.

Countless relatives and friends came to congratulate them.

The crowd burst into laughter, and countless people were blessing the new couple.

Michael and Saul also came here.

Saul said to Michael, "Chief, I've checked the background of this bridegroom. His name is Parsons, and he is a member of the Soro family."

"Is this family very powerful?"

"It's more terrible than the Mark family. It's one of the top ten families in N city. There may be divine level genetic soldiers above level eighty."

"No wonder Catherine doesn't have the ability to resist. Facing such a family, she can only get married obediently." Michael nodded.

"What are you going to do, chief?"

"Didn't the people of the Soro family threaten her with her brother? Then you just have to save her brother, right?"

"Yes, sir. I’m going to save his brother." Saul then left.

Anyway, there was still some time before they got married.

Then Michael came to the door of the church.

However, at this time, the two security guards stopped Michael and said, "Hello, please show me the invitation."

Michael said: "I'm Catherine's classmate. I forgot to bring the invitation when I went out."

"The bride's classmate?" The two security guards doubted. After all, Catherine didn't have many friends.

"Yes, my name is Michael. If you don't believe me, you can ask the bride."

"Well, please come in." The two of them looked at Michael sincerely and then let Michael in.

Michael then came to the church.

Everyone was talking and laughing here. Michael randomly found a seat and sat down.

However, because of Michael’s handsome appearance, some beautiful women soon noticed him.

After a while, a beautiful woman appeared beside Michael.

The beauty was about twenty-one years old, with blonde hair, blue eyes, high nose and sweet smile.

"Hello, I'm Amy. What's your name?"

"Michael." Michael replied.

"Have we met before?" Amy asked Michael.

"Really?" Michael was confused.

Because he was unfamiliar with this woman.

"I seem to have met you before. I suddenly know who you are." Amy said with a smile.

"Who am I?" Michael was curious.


Michael looked at Amy in shock. He couldn't believe that she knew him.

Amy continued, "I work for Satan. When Satan went to drink with you and I was just there. But we were wearing masks, so I saw you. I knew you are Hades."

"I see."

Michael nodded. He was indeed a friend of Satan and had drunk with him several times. It was not strange that he was recognized by his subordinates.

"I'm very curious. Why is the dignified Lord Hades here?"

"Then why are you here, a subordinate of Satan?"

"I'm here to kill Parsons." said Amy.

"Catherine is my woman. I’ll take her away." Michael replied.