Chapter 7 Shadow Allen

In this way, Lisa left with a smile.

"Chief, it's too unsafe for Lisa to be alone. She needs someone to protect her." Saul said worriedly.

After all, Lisa was his sister with Michael. If someone wants to target Michael, then Lisa is the weakness of Michael.

"Someone has come to protect her." Michael leaned against the car and lit a cigarette.

Saul looking around, I didn't see anyone!

"Lion King Saul, don't you see me or don't you want to see me?"

At this time, a figure walked out of the dark night.

This was a young man, about 1.8 meters in height, with beard all over his face. He looked very slovenly.

"Allen, Shadow," Saul said in surprise when he saw the young man.

"Allen. Nice to meet you, boss."

The young man came to Michael and said respectfully.

There were a total of twelve people in Hell except Michael. Allen was one of the twelve.

Allen was the most terrifying person in the Black Ox Prison. His strength and strength were extraordinary.

He was a level eighty-two soldier.

However, a level did not represent strength. Saul was seventy-five levels. One could also have the qualifications to challenge someone above his level.

"Are you used to coming out?" Michael asked.

Allen said with a smile, "I'm not used to it. I still miss the days when I fought with our leader."

"It's not easy to like fighting and killing. Just establish a force of yourself."

"You must be kidding, chief. I'm from the Hell. How can I establish my own force?"

"Who says you can't? If you like it, you can build your own power. I won't stop you."

"Chief, are you kidding?" Allen was shocked.

"No kidding!"

"I see." Allen said with an evil smile. He already had his own plan.

"But you can't do it now. You have to protect my sister Lisa."

"Chief asked me to protect a person?"

"What? You don't want to?"

"Of course not. But is it a bit of a waste of my talent to protect a person?" Allen was speechless.

"There are a total of twelve members in Hell. Saul I need his help. You are a jobless vagabond now. The others are either in prison or outside for battle. In N city, who else do you think can protect my sister?"

Allen thought for a while and said helplessly, "Yes, sir."

"Thank you." Michael said with a smile.

Saul also came over and patted Allen.

"Leader, what are you going to do after you getting out of prison?" Allen asked.

"What is the purpose of Hell?"

"Wipe out all the evil forces and become the most terrifying force in the world."

"So, we have to change the world step by step. For example, control all the dark forces in N city."

"I see. Chief, I will help you."

"Well, thank you."

"Chief has saved my life. Please don't say thank you."


"Then boss, I will hide myself now."


Allen didn't say anything more and his figure disappeared.

Saul then looked at Michael and said, "Leader, we have booked a hotel. Shall we go there?"


Michael nodded.

In this way, Saul drove away.

The two booked a double bed room.

Michael after taking a shower, he came to the balcony and took out a black stone.

The stone emitted a strange power and then began to absorb the element power from the heaven and earth.

All kinds of elements were absorbed.

Fire elements, metal elements, earth elements and countless other elements.

Then the power of these elements began to slowly flow into the body of Michael, making Michael more and more powerful.

This was his biggest secret. Having a divine stone which could help him constantly become stronger.

Moreover, Michael was an all element warrior, who could absorb the power of all the elements and become stronger.

Saul is a genetic soldier with earth elements. There were only two ways to become stronger. One was to constantly fight with the strong, and the other was to find medicine to enhance the power of the earth elements.

In addition, only warriors above level sixty could control the element power.


On the other side.

In the small town.

Several cars came in.

After arriving at the Ghost Bar, William got off the car.

He frowned in anger.

The Ghost Group in the town was one of his branches. The real Ghost Group was in N city.

But now everyone was dead, and all the money they spent in the small town was in vain.

And she didn't know who the enemy was.

"Investigate. I want to know who killed these people. Anyone who dares to kill my people, I will not let go of them." said William coldly.

"Sir, they were killed by Michael. He is avenging the Ghost Group."

Andrew, the betrayer of the town, stepped forward and said.

After the death of the Ghost Group, Andrew met the criticism of the small town. He was so angry that he only wanted Michael to die.

"A rapist killed so many of us?" William was confused.

"There is a tall and strong man with him."

"Did two people kill so many of us?"

"It seems so."

"Are the members of our Ghost Group too weak?" William couldn't believe it. There were more than fifty of them. How could they be killed so easily.

Andrew added, "Maybe they are too strong."

"Where are they now?"

"I don't know. They have left the town."

"So I don't know where to find someone to take revenge, right?"

"No, he has a sister, Lisa, in the city. He probably went back to look for Lisa."

"He had a sister, that's easy."

"My lord, she is at the Colon University in N city."

"Got it. You did a good job. You will be the boss of the town in the future."

"Thank you, Mr. William."

William didn't say anything more. He asked his man to drive back to N city. As long as he kidnapped Lisa, he was not afraid that Michael would not appear.


At noon of the second day.

Michael then walked into the room from the balcony. Since he didn't sleep all night, Michael she wouldn't feel tired. Even if he didn't sleep for a month, Michael wouldn't be tired.

The powerful aura fluctuation made Saul suffocate.

Saul didn't know how powerful Michael was, but he could feel that Michael was much stronger than before.

"Chief, this is lunch." Saul handed a cup of steak and a glass of milk to Michael.

"Okay." Michael nodded and began to eat.

"Kayden and my previous girlfriend, where are they now?" Michael asked.

Saul continued, "Kayden joined the army four years ago and came back to N city in the past half a year. Now he is managing a security company, where basically there are genetic soldiers with a deep background."

"The leader's previous girlfriend is now the president of a listed company in N city. She is a goddess that many people chase after."

"Do you think I should kill Kayden or my previous girlfriend Rose first?" Michael asked.

"It depends on you."

"Then kill Kayden first!" Michael said.

As a matter of fact, it was unforgivable for his girlfriend to betray him, but as the chief culprit, Michael would not let go of Kayden.

"It's easy for you to kill him. He is in the company now. We can kill him directly if we go there."

"Okay, go and park the car at the gate of the hotel and wait for me."

"Yes, sir."

Saul then he left respectfully.