Chapter 27 Catherine Was Jealous

"Michael, you can just rob the bank. Ten billion dollars. Do you know how much ten billion dollars is?"

Miller family members said unhappily.

All the members of the Soro family looked at Arthur and said, "Patriarch, we can't agree. Once we agree, the Soro family won't be the Soro family, and we won't have any money."

However, neither Love nor Arthur answered.

The Michael in front of them was a demon. If they displeased Michael, they knew that many people would die.

One minute later, with a long face, Arthur said, "Michael, our family can only offer ten billion. There is no more."

"Miller family can offer five billion dollars." Love said.

Michael said coldly, "I'm not discussing with you. If you don't agree, you will die."

"This world is not up to you. There are still people with Security Bureau and many powerful warriors." Arthur added.

"Then there is no need to talk nonsense. You will pay the price." As Michael spoke, killing intent surged out.