Chapter 39 What Is a Bullet?

"Because you look handsome and righteous." Stella said.

"Don't be fooled by my appearance. I'm a bad person." Michael said.

"Bad? How bad?" Stella asked.

"I have many women." Michael replied.

"Are you a Casanova?" Stella didn't get angry but asked curiously.

"No, theoretically, I won't make women happy." Michael explained.

"Then why do so many women like you?" Stella asked, confused.

"I don't know." Michael shook his head.

"Maybe I know the reason." Stella said.

"Why?" Michael was confused.

"Because you are handsome and have a special charm." Stella said.

Michael was still a little confused and asked, "Particularly charming, am I?"

"Yes, this feeling is hard to describe, but it does exist."

"Okay." Michael smiled.

At this time, Stella held Michael's arm naturally.

Michael asked immediately, "What are you doing?"

Michael was a little nervous. What did she mean?

Did she fall in love with him now?

"I like you. Can't you see that?" Stella said.