Chapter 65 Threat

"Satan is still stronger than Anthony." Apollo said.

"Anthony, I'll kill you right now." Satan said angrily. In an instant, he came to Anthony and slashed out the angel blade.

However, when Satan was about to approach Anthony, Caroline appeared. Caroline threw a punch at him.

Caroline's fist collided with the angel blade, and the terrible energy burst out. Satan was forced back and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Satan was a little shocked that Caroline was so powerful.

"If you want to kill someone in front of us, you are not qualified." Caroline said.

"Then I don't mind killing you together." Satan shouted, and once again rushed to kill Caroline.

Although his left hand had been burnt, his right hand could still hold the angel blade and rush out.

"You're courting death." A stream of earth element power gushed out of Caroline's body, and his breath instantly soared. Then he came to the front of Satan again and threw a punch at him.