Chapter 71 Cultivate the Super divine-level

Michael said, "It's very simple. You hide and do your own things. No one knows where you are, because you are killers. It's easier for killers to hide."

"What about the next battle?" Satan said.

"Of course, we will gather together. Once there is a conflict with any force, everyone can return to N city, or return to my side to fight." Michael explained.

"Of course, I'm worried that you will be in danger if you stay at N city all the time, because I'm at the super divine level, so I'm naturally not afraid of the revenge from those warriors at the super divine level. But you're not at the super divine level. Once they take revenge, you won't be able to defeat these warriors at the super divine level." Michael explained.

Everyone was lost in thought.

Indeed, if they stayed by Michael's side all the time, it was very likely that they would find an opportunity to kill them.