Chapter 115 The God of Thunder, Thor

The power of Satan was even weaker than the man in the ghost mask.

Compared with the man in the ghost mask in front of him, it was like the strength of a three-year-old child facing the strength of an adult, they were no match.

"The god of death, Satan, your strength is too weak. No one can stop me from killing Michael today," the man in the ghost mask said as he instantly rushed towards Michael.

"Kill!" the two of them rushed towards the man in the ghost mask together.

"Get out!" the man in the ghost mask was so angry that he kicked the two of them away. The two of them were kicked more than 30 meters away, lying on the ground and unable to move.

The god of death and Satan could no longer fight.

"Michael, run!" Satan shouted.

The god of death said to Michael, "Boss, hurry up, or you will die."

At Michael's place, the life energy was constantly healing his wounds.

But the wounds healed very slowly.