Chapter 131 Apollo Vs George and the Wild Wolf

Then the death god moved extremely fast and killed everything.

Slaughter god and Night Demon were also fast, beheading and killing the death god.

The three of them rushed to each other at such a fast speed, and a terrible battle broke out. This kind of power had already reached the first level of the universe level. It was incomparably powerful.

In the live room.

Masters from Hell.

The masters of Black Water Company kept sighing. This was not a battle of super divine level, but a battle of universe level.

Some even commented that such strong men were ten times more terrible than any kind of bullet and cannon. They were too powerful.

Ten minutes later.

The battle was coming to an end.

The death god stood on the ground with a very weak breath of life. He would die at any time. Slaughter god and Night Demon fell. It was inconceivable that one person fought against two people, and Night Demon and the slaughter god were still defeated.

They fell to the ground, motionless.