Chapter 139 The God of Moon

When Michael saw Sheila, he asked, "Where are the others?" "Elizabeth went back to Security Bureau."

"Janet went to the flower shop."

"Catherine went to the company."

"Fiona went to meet a person."

"Lisa went back to school."

Sheila explained.

"Got it." As Michael said, he walked up to Sheila and put his arms around Sheila's waist.

Then he kissed Sheila's lips.

Sheila held Michael in her arms and began to kiss him.

Then they came to the sofa and hit it.

Michael untied Sheila's clothes.

The two of them just kept making out.

In this way, the two of them had sex for more than an hour.

Michael put on his clothes and hugged Sheila. "Will you feel scared if you follow me?" Sheila kissed Michael's cheek and said, "I'm willing to follow you, even if I die." Sheila was very simple. She had a crush on Michael all her life. She loved Michael so much.

No matter it was Michael's personal charm or his charm in bed, she couldn't refuse.