Chapter 151 Michael Went Berserk and Things Reversed

"I have to control Michael. I can't let Michael go crazy anymore." Zeus said.

At first, Zeus didn't care about Michael. But as time went by, he had to attach great importance to Michael's strength. What's more, Zeus didn't like what Michael had done.

If he didn't like that, he had to control Michael or kill Michael.


The people of Darcy charged towards the people of Hell.

Zeus also rushed to the energy shield. The terrible thunder strength collided with the energy shield.

Seeing Zeus and the others help them kill Michael, Orlog was excited.

Everyone was madly destroying the energy shield.

All the people who were watching the live room suddenly stood up with incredible expressions.

"Zeus wanted to kill Michael?"

"Isn't Darcy forbidding Michael's Hell to grow?" "Has Michael touched the interests of Darcy?"

Everyone was confused and shocked.

In the army, Hera was stunned.

Hera said, "Is Zeus crazy? Is he going to kill Michael?" Apollo couldn't believe it.