Chapter 173 13 Allies, Michael Became Level 7

One Minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Michael was still unable to fuse with the power of godhood.

Michael's cells were damaged and blood gushed out of his body.

Michael's face turned pale.

Michael couldn't believe that he had already become a level-14 universe-level master, and it was so difficult to merge the fourth godhood.

But Michael didn't want to give up. He wanted to create a path that no one had created, which was to merge with godhood and gain unimaginable power.

This was the faith that Michael had to integrate.

However, at this moment.

Several masters of Black Water Company came here.

Orlog, Niederhogg, Wild Wolf, slaughter god, Night Demon and Thetis arrived here.

Their target was Michael.

"There's the smell of Neptune here. Michael, did you kill Neptune?" Orlog said angrily.

"Yes, I killed Neptune, and I will kill you," Michael's voice was full of fear.

The power in his body was constantly transformed.

Michael's strength was increasing.