Part 41

The cold wind blew my hair across my face. Coffee tables were scattered with swirling oak leaves, and the trees' branches danced wildly together. Despite my cold hands and numb lips and cheeks, I remained seated. I gently brushed the snow away from my feet while sitting on the chilly bench in the winter garden. Some servants passed by, giving a polite bow and a friendly smile. It felt good to be acknowledged by the people.As I looked around the garden, memories of last night with Stanley flooded my mind—the painting and our warm time together. I couldn't even remember when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was in my room and covered in a soft blanket. My face was covered with a smile, and I was happy.My thoughts then wandered to William, and the deep-rooted hatred I held for him still remained. He had grown into little more than his father's slave. I was angry, but there was still a glimmer of hope. I wondered if he knew the truth, maybe he'd be able to put himself back together. Edmond, on the other hand, was a deceitful scoundrel, taking advantage of people for his own selfish gains. He didn't even spare his own son and used him as a pawn in his vengeful plans."There you are."Terra's voice startled me out of my thoughts as I raised my eyes from the dewy snow beneath my feet to see the beautiful woman walking steadily towards me."You were looking for me?" I asked with a warm smile and moved over to the bench to give her space to sit."I thought letting you wander around on your own is not such a good idea while monsters lurking around. Her voice was teasing and I laughed."Monsters? Really?" I asked and she smiled. After a long pause, she spoke."Are you okay?" She asked. I sighed a bile rose in my throat. I choked on the unease feeling."I... I don't know. There is this uneasy feeling that I am not able to shake. I feel like something bad is going to happen. I told her honestly. She took a deep breath and looked forward crossing her legs."Kristen. You have gone through a lot and everyone here knows how strong you are yet they care for you too much. We all are here to protect you. If there is anything bothering you. Let me know, together we are stronger." She said and placed a hand on my shoulder. My gaze met hers and we smiled at each other. I nodded, I couldn't shake the odd feeling, not with cold chilling my bones. The wind was picking up again, the branches tossing.A loud but distant commotion stopped our conversation and Terra's head snapped up faster and a sudden serious look crossed her face which scared me. Something is wrong and I can feel it much stronger now."What is it?" I asked as she stood up."Stay here, I will check." her voice was clear and chilling even over the howl of the wind."Let's go," I said."I don't think it's a good idea, Kristen." The look on her face increased my suspicion. Panic filled my heart.I frowned as the noise of people got louder followed by shouts. My stomach twisted uneasily. My powers started to awaken inside me and I bolted in that direction. "Kristen, no..." I ignored Terra and ran faster. I followed the sound of yelling all the way to the entrance of the castle gates. I stopped and pushed open the main gates. Snow blurred my eyes, and the wind numbed my body as if I'd stepped into a current of ice water.I saw a small crowd of people when I took a step towards them I felt a small pain in my chest. My feet stumbled when I saw a brief glimpse of a woman lying on the floor with blood-covered clothes."Move!" I suddenly shouted at the crowd in front of me and they let me through. I kneeled on her side.A gasp escaped my throat when I found Lyn's lifeless eyes staring at me on the ground. She looked like someone drained her blood completely. "Lyn..." I screamed."I told you not to go, let us take care of this person." Terra snapped.I ignored her and tried to pick a pulse on the almost dead friend of mine. I placed my hand's over her chest. I focused solely on Lyn, my almost lifeless friend, blocking out everything else around me. I could feel my powers coursing through me and travelling to my palm. I never used my powers to save someone and it scared me to try something reckless on my best friend. I let out a shaky breath and willed my power to save her. This is Lyn. I would do anything for her.She was completely still. I couldn't feel her heartbeat. "Lyn stay with me. Don't you dare die on me. I will kill you myself. Do you hear me? Hang in there. I am here." There was snow all over her, like a white fur coat.My powers passed from my palm into her body and a bright white light surrounded the both of us. People gasped and took several steps away from us. I had let the power leave me and enter the stab wound on her chest.There was chaos around me. I am sure Terra was trying to reach me but was stopped by my power. After several moments I felt a faint beat of heart under my palms and it felt like I have jump-started her heart. The wounds around her neck started to close and her skin started to glow. Although it drained half of my energy saving her I tried my best and removed my hand when I felt her heart start to beat normally. I fell onto my side gasping for air and the white power around me vanished letting Terra catch me before I fell on the floor."K... Kristen." Terra's panicked voice rang in my ears and I took deep breaths to steady myself. There was almost a peaceful look resting on Lyn/s face, her body no longer thrashed as her dry and cracked lips called out my name in a faint tone."Lyn. Lyn. I am here. You are safe." I said and hugged her. "K Kristen." She tried to speak more.Lyn's head lifted. Her eyes were open now, but they stared straight ahead, expressionless. When she spoke, her voice was distorted. "Kristen, help. Danger. You are not safe." her voice was weak and shaken before her eyes closed and her body fell back on the floor."You are safe," I said and placed my hand over her forehead making her fall asleep."Kristen. Let us take care of her. You have used too much of your powers. Please. You need to stop." Terra pleaded. I looked at her with tear-filled eyes and nodded. That's when I noticed that the white light was surrounding us and stopping anyone from approaching us, it was like a bubble wrapped us. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down and willed back my powers.Lyn was transported to the infirmary and immediately a healer started examining her body. She lost a lot of blood and we are not sure how she got here. I mean there is no way a human can enter witch land. My thoughts and emotions were all over the place."Kristen." A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I felt something tighten around my heart. Stanley looked like he ran a few miles, his hair was dishevelled and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. His long strides stopped in front of me."Are you alright?" He asked checking my body for any scratches or wounds before his eyes landed on my face."What happened?" He asked Terra in an angry tone.Terra trembled before answering him. "Your Highness. Kristen tried to save the dying girl using her power and it almost drained her but she is okay now and the girl is recovering." Terra said pointing towards Lyn on the bed."And you didn't bother to stop her or tell me about it?" He said in a dark tone which surprised me. I have never seen him angry and seeing this side of him made me feel uncomfortable."Stanley. It's not her fault. This is my friend Lyn. I don't know how she ended up here like this but I had to save her. She helped me when I was in the vampire kingdom and her brother John died saving my life. I owe them my life." I said in a panic tone."Kristen. I understand what you did is right for your friend but you cannot put yourself in danger like this. You have never used your powers to heal someone and you have not learnt how to use it or control it. What you did was reckless and dangerous. Do you still not believe in us? You are living in between powerful beings on earth and we have healers here. You didn't have to jump in to save her before informing the healers." His voice came out as a loud, dark growl that didn't hide how displeased he was with me at that moment. I took a step back from him when I saw his blue eyes glow and his ears turned red. He was extremely angry at me.My heart dropped painfully in my chest and I sucked in a ragged breath trying to stop the tears falling from my eyes. His harsh words hurt me. He never yelled at me before and now that he did I didn't know how to handle it."Are you mad at me?" My voice was soft and unsure as I blinked up at him, but he kept those beautiful eyes and glanced away."Yes." He groaned again as that bright gaze flashed. I have never seen Stanley getting so worked up. He never got angry with me like this.He grunted before finally bringing those spell-binding eyes back to mine. Our gazes locked again as his body loomed over my smaller one.We stood there quietly for a while, both of us gazing at each other. It felt like years before his eyes softened and his hand slowly reached up to my hair. "Do you not trust me? Is it so hard for you to ask for my help?"His voice was soft as his fingers played gently with a stand of my hair, his eyes following the action, but I knew he was silently demanding the answer. I wanted to close my eyes when he brushed his hand softly along my cheek, but I couldn't. His eyes wouldn't let me."I am sorry. It's my fault to use my powers like that but I couldn't stand by when my best friend was dying. There was no time to call for help and I agree the thought of asking for help never crossed my mind. I will not do it again." I said and sniffed looking at my feet."Kristen, if anything happens to you what am I supposed to do? I just got you back after all these years and I will not allow you to face harm." He said lifting my face to meet his eyes."I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you, I am just very protective of you and when I came to know that you almost lost consciousness using your powers, I lost it. I know you are more than capable of taking care of yourself and others around you but let me take care of you for a change. You don't have to do things alone anymore." He said reassuringly and smiled."I will not do it again," I said innocently and looked at my feet like a child caught in the act. I was not like this ever not in the human world and not when I lived among vampires. I was never obedient when someone snaps at me but with Stanley it's different. I can't see him angry and it pained me to be a cause of it. He sighed looking at my expression and pulled me to his chest. We have completely ignored the people around us and we seem to do that a lot when I heard someone clearing their throat. We pulled apart and looked at the Queen who was looking at us from the door smiling."You seem to be fine after burning up your energy like that." She said playfully and made her way to Lyn. I smiled and followed her."Lyn. Wake up." The queen said in a soft tone placing her hand on Lyn's forehead.Lyn's eyes fluttered open and after a few seconds, she looked around trying to sit up. I sat beside her and when her eyes locked with mine tears started to fall from her eyes and she cried hard hugging me. I hugged her back and a few long tears escaped my eyes."I thought I lost you. I am so sorry. I didn't know you were involved. I should have saved you. I am so sorry." I said as I pulled away and took her hands in mine.I apologized sincerely. "I am so sorry Lyn. None of these would have happened if I was not there in the first place. I should have stopped John. I am so sorry." I cried."Kristen. S... stop. P... please." She said in a raspy tone like she didn't drink water for months. I took a glass of water from the bedside table and made her drink. She took large gulps and I gave her one more glass. She looked terrible, I cannot imagine what happened to her to be like this.She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked at me with tears glistening in her eyes. "Kristen. It's not your fault." She said in a concerned tone like always."What happened? How did you end up here like this?" I asked her.She looked around us and when her eyes landed on the Queen she bowed her head in respect confusing me to the core. Did they know each other? I thought."You made it dear. You are safe." Queen Irna said and placed a hand on her shoulder giving it a light squeeze."Lyn, what happened?" I asked her again. She let out a breath."When you escaped the King captured me and kept me in the dungeon. They tortured me to know about the location of Fork's land. They believed that I know everything and planned your escape. A witch used her powers to get the location from me, when she learned that I didn't know anything they thought I am useless and the king ordered them to kill me but Prince William had other plans. He visited my cell and beat me up for hours until I lost consciousness, I was barely alive and I wished for them to end me soon. He brought a witch with him the next day and she used some magic on me before she stabbed me and placed a letter on my hand.I could barely stand up but her magic forced me to walk and I didn't know how long I walked or where I was going but after 2 days of walking in the forest I lost consciousness and fell from a cliff. I don't know what happened after that.Her trembling hands reached her gown pocket and she pulled out a letter stained with her blood.I took the letter and opened it.I miss you.Consider Lyn as a peace offering and come back to me. The witches will pay for what they did to my mother and you. Be with the witches and become the reason for their death or return back, I shall let them and your family live. The choice is yours.Love, W.I clutched the paper so hard turning my knuckles white. Stanley took the letter from my hand and read it before crumbling it and burning it away with his flames.