1- Prologue

"Do you think that I choose you? I had no choice, you mean nothing to me." He said to her coldly, his hazel eyes staring disdainfully at her.

"I am your wife now, Julian Wang. Legally, you can treat me like trash in the house, I don't care, but outside the walls of this house you'll respect me." She uttered calmly without missing a word.

Julian Wang cocked his head to the side, his eyes fixed on her "And if I don't?" He asked.


Kate was a substitute.

A substitute of her sister.

She never came first, she was always the runner-up.

When her sister was busy with college, she was forced into an early marriage with a man she knows nothing about nor love.

She was abused, she was hurt, she suffered while watching the man she loves with her whole heart being a power couple with her sister.

When her husband died she was left with nothing and so she went back to her father's house.

Her beautiful, smart and intelligent sister was going to get married to the man Kate loves and she couldn't do anything about it.

She was a shadow of herself until her sister ran away on her wedding day.

The widowed sister became the substitute and Julian hates her for it.

He hated Kate Bai with passion.