
"But you have to care, Juna. After all, you are a skipper here. All your behavior will be in the spotlight and a role model,"

I was silent, no longer replying to Romelah's grandmother. It's just that I looked surprised, why with a problem like this he seemed angry.

"You can be nice, but don't be too compassionate. Don't repeat the sins that your grandmother and mother once committed."

"I feel sorry for his destiny. Especially yesterday seeing the bruises on his body. I think he is really suffering, grandma."

"That is none of your business!" Romelah grandmother snapped at me. "Remember, Juna, compassion is one of the feelings of love. I tell you, yes, don't ever think because of your pity, then you want to snatch it from Muri. It's not good, don't, Juna... Grandma, please. Don't ever be someone else. third."

I could barely breathe when Grandma said that. The third person? God, that was truly an unexpected thing.

"So, just because my grandmother and mother are the third people, then grandma accuses me of doing the same thing? Remember, Grandma... destroying people's households is not a contagious disease."

"But you have to know, Jun. If karma can take various forms. It could be karma from your grandmother or your mother that fell on you. So grandma advises before it happens. It's better to stop it, or it will be passed on to your children and grandchildren. "

It's useless, to deny grandmother's words at this time. I know he's worried right now. That's why grandma said nonsense. Again, I try to explore the depths of my heart. Do I really feel sorry for Arni? And, since when did that compassion come? Wasn't before this, just yesterday it felt like I hated him so much because I was disgusted with him? Yes, one of them is because of Ningrum--Arni's daughter who stole my heart. Thanks to the shabby appearance of the little girl, compassion grew in my little heart.

"Yes, Grandma," I replied then.

Grandma seemed to smile. Then he gently stroked my cheek. "You know, Jun. Grandma loves you very much. And Grandma doesn't want you to get into anything bad. Got it?" she asked. I nodded.

"Well, don't think about it like that, Grandma. Then the beauty will disappear, you know. Arjuna will not love how?

"Why to bother?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's okay. Hahaha!"

"Basically, it's you. You don't like to be clear."


This afternoon I deliberately invited Junet's uncle to go to Marisah's grandmother's shop. As usual, the dish is coffee, as well as several other Javanese snack menus. And today, I ordered coffee with sticky rice. Bitter black coffee has been my favorite for a long time. My mother said I used to suffer from high fever. So from a young age, I was introduced to a black drink called coffee.

"So how's it going? You're not disgusted by eating here anymore?" asked Uncle Junet. I shook my head.

Actually, it's not a matter of disgust or not the food. I purposely came here because I was curious how I could feel sorry for Arni. Yes, I'm really curious about that. And no way, I observed it in the garden. Possibly, the other employees were suspicious.

Arni looks out of the kitchen. She brought a tray containing two cups of coffee, a plate of fried tempe, and two plates of sticky rice to give to the customer on the other end. She is currently wearing a pink floral patterned skirt. But unfortunately, that color is getting old. The color is faded to slightly whitish. While his jet black hair was back he wore a bun. Then, the rest... There's nothing special about this woman. She, just like them. Olive skin with typical Javanese facial lines. It's just that her eyes are a bit rounder, her lips are fuller, and... her nose is sharper. I admit it.

"Hey, Jun. You, you know, how come you're so quiet!" Uncle Junet said, surprising me. I almost took another sip of hot coffee. Luckily, Arni's tiny hand held mine.

"Apparently, it's the habit of the skipper to never be careful with anything. For example, this coffee."

"Oh, yeah . . . thanks," I stuttered. Like a thief caught red-handed stalking his spy. Maybe this is how I feel right now.

"Just daydreaming, after all, Jun. It's like an old virgin who doesn't sell well," said uncle Junet. But, I ignored him.

"Did you forget, Arni, that you are someone's wife?" I asked. Arni looked confused to hear that. "Apparently, it's inappropriate for a woman who is already married to hold another man's hand. Moreover, the man is a master. It can lead to bad prejudice. Moreover, it is very detrimental to me."

Arni quickly let go of her hand on my wrist. Then she lowered her gaze even further.

"Sorry, boss, I really don't have any intentions. Except, just to help you. Really!" she explained. I noticed the twinkle in her eyes that stole a glance at me looking serious. And it managed to make my anger disappear for no reason.

"Today, I understand. Don't do it again," I said. He nodded.

"Basically, it's Arni's turn to be noticed. But it's my turn to be ignored," grumbled Uncle Junet.

I chuckled at her angry expression. I immediately patted his shoulder and said, ", Don't be jealous. My attention to you, will not be divided by anything."

"Ouch! Your shit, like buffalo, Jun!" she cried half disgusted. And that made me laugh even more.


This afternoon, I plan to go to Romelah grandmother's house. Because she said, mom and dad will come tonight. Grandma asked to be picked up, to prepare some dishes to welcome my parents.

"Juna, where are you going?" asked Uncle Junet. He was bathing his favorite chicken in the courtyard of the house.

"Want to pick up your mother. Why?" I answered. He nodded.

"Bring me my green batik shirt, okay. I don't want to look bad when I meet my uncle and aunt."

"It seems that the skipper is you, uncle, not me," I quipped. He even laughed.