-27- (8)

"Arjuna, watch your words! Even though you are a skipper, he is a parent, you know!"

Being yelled at like that by Manis, my heart really hurts. This is the first time I've been yelled at by her. All the more so, because of that savage man.

I rubbed my face roughly, I took a cigarette from my pocket. Manis looks surprised. I know, and I'm sure she's getting angrier. Because she was the first person who desperately forbade me to smoke. But, she was also the first person to make me want to smoke now.

"I'm going out first, I'll be back later," I said.

I glanced with the corner of my eye, Manis was about to walk towards me who was now opening the door. But, detained by Minto. It felt really strange, seeing that sight. I really hate it.

I exhaled at the outside air that seemed to release the tight grip of the room earlier. I inhaled deeply the nicotine scent of the now-lit cigarette. I remember again when was the last time Manis cried. But my brain never found it. In my eyes, almost every day, she always smiled so cheerfully. She always seems to be fine, so I don't have to worry about it. But, looking at Manis today, everything seemed different. She was like broken glass. So fragile that it made me want to hug her so the wind couldn't touch her.

But Minto, that boy. Is he really being insolent or is it even me being unnatural? Wait... if I'm here, it's tantamount to giving that old man a chance to do something bad to Sweet!

I immediately threw away my cigarette butt, and ran as hard as I could back to Manis's grandma's room. I don't want Manis to be touched by any man, especially him!

After arriving at Manis's grandma's room, it was true what I guessed. My eyes caught Minto squeezing Manis's ass and kissing her neck. Sweet looked scared, but she was very stupid for just standing around without putting up a fight.

I took wide steps to get to them quickly, grabbed Minto's shirt collar then punched him in the stomach so hard he fell on the floor. Manis was surprised, but immediately I pulled her hand to be behind my back.

"One more time you touch Manis, I'll kill you with my own two hands. So, before I get really mad now, you better get going!"