-37- (10)

Uncle Junet looked down. He slowly approached me, then nudged Uncle Sobirin's arm.

"Is it true, some time ago, Manis visited the house several times?" I asked.

Uncle Junet is still silent.

"Yes, skipper. Did Junet not tell you about it?" Uncle Sobirin answered.

I took a breath while looking at uncle Junet. Turns out, what I suspected was true. There must be something wrong between me and Manis that he misunderstood like this.

"Manis, when did she visit, Uncle? And why didn't Uncle tell me?" I asked again.

Uncle Junet seemed to be scratching the back of his neck. "I think she came just to make a fuss. Intrude into your room, then sleep there, as if she were your little sister. Or rather, as if she were your wife. I hate it, she's just Sari's niece, only a courtier. But she doesn't seem to know herself. So, every time she comes, I say you're not home."

So, that's the reason behind Manis's anger towards me? She must have thought that I was a lousy friend. A friend who doesn't care about his friend's suffering. God, I really feel so blessed.

"Uncle ndhak doesn't have the right to judge someone, let alone decide who I'm friends with. What's wrong with Manis? I already consider her as my sister, just like Rianti in my eyes."

"It's all different, Jun. It's definitely different. She's a woman who doesn't know manners. Her style is just like a man's. Really, it's not a reflection of the good women in this village!"

"So, according to Uncle, what is a good woman like?" I asked. I feel that I can't understand Uncle Junet's way of thinking.


I almost jumped when he said the name. I could see that Uncle Sobirin was surprised by what he did.

"Even though her appearance is simple. She is a complete woman. I agree if it's Arni," he explained.

"No, Net... Net. Are you slacking off, or what, anyway?" Now Uncle Sobirin has spoken. "How can you tell your own nephew to be friends with a woman who is already married? Besides, people don't deserve to be looked at by people. Don't worry about her husband. Your nephew is a skipper, you know. A lord, a role model for everyone. ."