MOM'S BUTTONS (by - CMK877181) Part-2

"Wait," Anthony interrupted. "Can you do it turned around?"

I sighed and complied with his request. I turned around and slowly pulled my tight jeans down over my butt. I had to wiggle and shake my hips a little bit to get them down, no doubt making a better show for Anthony. I just hoped he wasn't enjoying this too much.

I bent over and pushed the jeans down to my ankles. I pulled them off my feet and tossed them aside. I stood back up and looked over my shoulder to find Anthony staring unashamedly at my ass.

"What?" he asked, reading my disapproving face. "This whole thing was your idea."

"Yeah, I know," I responded.

Truth be told, some part of me actually liked the fact that he had been ogling my butt. I was rather proud of my butt. I jogged a lot to keep it round and firm and was a little glad someone had noticed.

I turned around to fully face Anthony. My bare legs felt a little chilly compared to my fully-clothed upper body. I felt very exposed, standing like this in front of my son. I reminded myself that this was all for his benefit.

Anthony's gaze traveled up and down my long legs, from my calves up to my taut inner thighs, where the panties cut off his view.

I cleared my throat, and Anthony's head whipped back to his computer. He went to work immediately, solving it in no time. Another correct answer.

Now came time for the sweater. My fingers ran gently up the front of the garment, counting the number of buttons. 6. I had no clue how many for my blouse.

My fingers found the top button. I stared straight at Anthony as I undid it.

He watched every move and as soon as the button was undone, he was back working again, like clockwork. Another problem done and another problem correct. I smiled, my stress going down. Anthony was getting there. He was focused and motivated now.

I undid the very bottom button of my sweater this time. I had four left.

Three as Anthony completed another problems in quick succession. The bottom two and top one were now undone.

It took Anthony a little longer to finish the next one, but he got the right answer on the second try. Each new correct problem sent a jolt through my spine. Every time we inched closer to the goal. And I lost another button.

Only the middle two still remained on my sweater. Anthony made quick work of one of those, and I had one button still done up. It was the one right over my chest, and it strained a little more than usual trying to hold together the cardigan all on its lonesome.

I fretted as I realized I had lost track of which number Anthony was on. I didn't know how much more I could strip. I really didn't want to have to get down to just my panties.

Each passing problem made that seem like more and more of a foregone conclusion. Another green checkmark. The last button on my sweater was undone. I pulled the cardigan off of me and tossed it on top of my jeans on the floor. I only had on the blouse now.

Anthony's eyes were glued to my chest. I looked down and let out a barely audible groan as I noticed why.

Without a bra, the only thing I had covering my breasts was the sleeveless blouse. It was not a very thick blouse at all; I hadn't expected to not be wearing the sweater over it when I got dressed this morning.

As a result, anyone looking could clearly make out the shape of my erect nipples pressing against the fabric of the blouse. Their puffy shape was clearly distinguished, as was the fact that they were pointing slightly upwards, betraying the perky shape of my breasts. I felt suddenly more aware of the sensitive nubs brushing and straining against the top, studding my skin with goosebumps.

I told myself that it was the chill that was making my nipples hard. Not the burning in my crotch and electricity coursing through my body. I couldn't be turned on; I shouldn't be. It was wrong.

Anthony was working faster than ever. I hated to admit it, but it seemed like the more I exposed, the faster he worked. And now, I was down to the last real substantive piece of clothing I had on.

Another green checkmark on the computer screen. I found the top button of the blouse. My fingers pushed the button back through the hole and the blouse opened up a little further. I was showing a hint of cleavage, but still looked respectable enough.

Anthony's eyes devoured every square inch of my exposed skin. His pants stretched as his erection pulsed. I knew that I should have been repulsed at him. He was ogling his own mother, gladly pushing me further into the striptease.

But I was surprised that I found myself in exactly the same boat as him. I should have felt immodest or embarrassed, but I was excited. Not just for Anthony, but for myself. Each new button sent a rush through my body. It was almost exhilarating.

I cursed myself for taking so much enjoyment from this, but I couldn't help it. It was all so naughty and forbidden, and I had to admit, sexy.

Maybe I had a little too much pent-up energy. I loved my husband dearly, but he certainly wasn't anything to write home about in the bedroom. He was very vanilla and never truly satisfied me. I always brushed it off and deal with it, but now all of that festering tension inside me had come bubbling up.

My heart pounded in my chest and my hard nipples tingled. I waited anxiously for Anthony to finish his problem. I felt this overwhelming urge to continue, to push myself further. I forced myself to remember that this was for Anthony. I was doing it only to help him.

My terrible wish came true. Correct again. Another rush of excitement ran through me.

I seductively gripped the button, playing with it a little bit. I bit my lip, looking at Anthony's transfixed gaze.

I undid the button. My blouse opened further, exposing more of my cleavage. It would definitely have been one too many buttons to have undone had I planned on leaving the house. It was beyond clear (if my hard nipples weren't already a dead giveaway) that I wasn't wearing a bra.

Anthony worked faster than ever. My fingers fidgeted with the button in anticipation. Another problem was done in no time.

I could hear every pounding beat of my heart. My throat tightened in anxiety. But my pussy throbbed and pulsed. I hated that I was getting off on this. The exhibitionism and the taboo were turning me on immensely.

The button beneath my breasts was undone. The shirt had spread open further, exposing the inside curves of my perky, full breasts. Anthony's eyes lingered over my chest, taking in the ever-widening strip of bare skin showing between the shirt.

Within a minute, I found myself being forced to remove another button. I unsnapped it, baring my belly button and toned stomach to my son. The shirt spread further open, exposing more of the perfect round inner swells of my breasts.

Anthony worked furiously, grinding his pencil down on the paper. His fingers flew over the keyboard to type in his answer.

I fingered the last button, my last shred of covering, and yanked it open. My shirt was completely undone, hanging freely on my body. Anthony's eyes traveled up from the waistband of my panties over my navel and up to my breasts. Just the slightest hint of my pink, quarter-sized areolas peeked out from underneath the shirt.

I saw exactly where Anthony was looking. I pulled together the sides of the shirt just a little bit, keeping the tease intact. The perky teardrop shape of my breasts was still visible from the exposed curves on both sides. I distinctly felt a damp spot over the crotch of my panties. One part of me hoped that was the last problem and the tease was over. But my pussy was taking over my body, yearning for more.

Anthony clicked to the next problem. I guess that answered my question. Now I had to decide whether I wanted to take off my shirt, or my panties. Either way, I would be fully exposing a very intimate part of myself to Anthony, as if I hadn't crossed that line already.

This problem took Anthony a little longer, but he still answered it correctly on the first try. He turned back to me expectantly.

I took a deep breath and made the split-second decision to take off my panties. I hooked my fingers into the waistband and stared back at Anthony. My hips shook from side to side as I inched my panties down.

The waistband slipped over my hips and began to painfully slowly expose my crotch. Just the little strip of brown hair I kept trimmed above my slit came into view. A surge came from Anthony's pants. I brought the underwear lower, bringing into view my clit-hood and then my pink folds. The fabric clung to my labia, gradually tearing itself away from my slick slit. Anthony inhaled sharply at the incredibly hot scene.

My whole pussy was now on display, and I let the panties fall to around my ankles. I stepped out of them carefully, trying not to shift the shirt at all and expose more of breasts.

My pussy burned and throbbed brighter as Anthony stared at it. I could feel his sharp gaze moving over my body, making my skin tingle. We were far beyond any moral line that a mother and son should cross, but I couldn't stop myself. I was more turned on than I could ever remember.

Anthony turned back to his work, so close to pushing me completely over the edge. He confidently submitted his answer in just over a minute.


Anthony looked puzzled. He had been on an amazing streak. He took a deep breath and tried again. Still incorrect.

My heart beat faster. This was his last chance. I knew he could do it though. I believed in him.

Anthony scoured back over his work, looking for his mistake. He sat exasperatedly for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out what was wrong.

Then that smirk appeared. A small grin that transformed into an ear-to-ear smile. He entered an answer again. Last try.


"Fuck yes!" he exclaimed as he pumped his fist. He turned his head to me.

"A deal's a deal," I said and shrugged my shoulders back.

The blouse slipped off my shoulders and fell down my arms to the floor. I was completely naked in front of my son.

"Fuck," he muttered, admiring my fully nude body. He took in every detail of me, from my perfectly firm and perky tits, to the landing strip of hair above my clit, to my taut thighs.

I felt like I could climax at any moment, without even touching myself. My hands moved to my breasts. I cupped them slightly for Anthony, kneading my soft skin between my fingers. My nipples brushed against my palms, sending small sparks through my body.

"Was that the last one?" I asked.

"Yeah," Anthony said. I looked right at him. I smiled and he grinned back at me.

"You passed?" I excitedly asked.

"Yeah, I fucking did," he confidently responded.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, rushing to him. I flung my arms around my son's neck, pulling my naked body to his clothed form. Before I could stop myself or even think about what I was doing, my head moved to his, and our lips met in a forbidden kiss.

My hands cupped Anthony's cheeks. He drew me to him in a close hug, so I was essentially straddling his lap. We held our lips together for what seemed like an absolute eternity. Anthony's lips were surprisingly soft and smooth. I could have stayed in his embrace forever.

It was so weird to me that a week earlier I never would have never, in my entire life, considered doing something like this. To everyone who knew me, I was a quiet, conservative woman, very even-keeled and reasonable: seemingly the perfect wife and mother.

But something inside of me was compelling me had compelled me to do all of this. I couldn't explain it. As soon as the idea for the motivating Anthony had popped into my head, it had completely consumed me. I had needed to do it, more than anything else I could remember. Just thinking about how I had slowly stripped for my son sent a new rush down to my crotch.

I had told myself it was for my son. To get him motivated and help him concentrate. But that was a lie, and I had slowly come to realize that with each new button. Sure, it had helped Anthony. But deep-down, I knew I was doing all of this for me.

My son kissed me now as a totally changed person. Just yesterday, he was Anthony, the most wonderful son I could ask for. But today, my view was completely different. I saw him as a sexual being. Why had I never noticed how handsome and masculine he looked? Why had I never noticed how broad and strong his shoulders were? Why had I never noticed how big that tent in his pants was?

I finally pulled away from Anthony and took a long deep breath. My heart fluttered in my chest. That was it. If I really wanted to, I could have justified the striptease to my conscience.

But this, this was something else. Something entirely new. And something that I absolutely loved.

"Holy shit," Anthony whispered.

I smiled at him, soaking in every perfect feature of his face before staring back into those gorgeous eyes. He had gotten my eyes, unlike my daughter. I was glad about that. I leaned back in and kissed Anthony again.

This time was much less sensual. It was more raw and passionate. My hands ran through Anthony's short hair, pulling his mouth tighter to mine. He fully kissed me back, not putting up any form of protest.

My tongue extended out against Anthony's lips. He parted them eagerly and my tongue snaked into his mouth. I wanted to explore every inch of him, tasting him deeper. Anthony reciprocated, our tongues joining together in a twisted, beautiful dance.

We were like animals, hungry for each other. Our tongues were down the others throats, connecting us as one sweaty form. It was the most surreal and sexual kiss I had ever had.

Anthony's hands wandered over my naked back, trailing down to my firm butt. He gripped and squeezed the flesh, pulling my hips in tighter to him. I felt his erection pressing against my thigh.

My thoughts became consumed with that erection. I needed to taste it, to pleasure Anthony.

I painfully withdrew from our kiss. Anthony both and I had to pant after the long French kiss. We stared right into each other's eyes. He smiled, and I couldn't help but start laughing.

"Fuck, this is so bad," I said.

Even as I did, my hands moved down to my son's crotch. I kissed him again as my fingers worked to undo his jeans and fish his cock out from his underwear.

My fingers wrapped around my son's cock for the first time. It immediately throbbed against my touch. I squeezed it tighter, gently stroking my hand up and down. Anthony's breath drew in, and his hands tightened on my ass.

I pulled away, stealing one last brief kiss on the lips. I quickly dismounted from Anthony and he pushed his chair further away from the table. I dropped to my knees in front of him, my son's cock now at eye-level just a few inches from my face.

Anthony pulled his pants down to his ankles while I took his dick in hand again and admired the shaft. I had only been with one other man besides my husband, and that had been more than 25 years ago. Anthony was probably close to 7 inches, much larger than either of them.

My mouth was open slightly and I licked my lips admiring the beautiful tool in front of me. I shifted forward and aimed his cock towards me. My mouth formed into an "o" and my lips wrapped around my son's cock.

My mouth sealed around his head. I continued jerking the bottom of his shaft, up to my lips. I let Anthony's head rest against my tongue inside my warm mouth for just a second.

I slowly moved my tongue, licking over Anthony's head. My tongue flicked over his tip and circled around it slowly, matching the pace of my stroking hand. Anthony groaned and shifted his hips a little bit.

My cheeks drew in, sucking in on Anthony's head. My tongue continued its magic, working over the engorged helmet.

I pulled back off his cock and let a string of saliva fall onto his dick. I rubbed it in with my hand, lubing up his shaft.

Anthony's eyes were resting squarely on me. I bent down and gave a soft kiss to his tip. My tongue snaked out and licked over his head again. I circled back and forth around the ridge where his head met his shaft before quickly licking up and down on the underside of his head.

"Goddamn," Anthony groaned, his cock pulsing. I kissed his head and gave it a few more licks before sealing my mouth around it.

My lips moved over his purple organ as I bobbed up and down. I sucked down on the head as much as I could, creating a perfect seal over it.

I bobbed deeper, drawing more of his cock into my mouth. Anthony's hips gave a subtle pump up in reaction to each downward movement. My hand stroked faster, meeting the tempo of my head. My tongue moved along with my mouth, licking along his shaft.

I drew back up to his head and withdrew my lips with a "pop." I kissed Anthony's head and doted the top of his shaft with gentle kisses before extending my tongue out and continuing to tease him, just licking over his dick like the cat that got the cream.

His cock slipped back into my mouth as my head undulated over his shaft. I went faster, taking more of his cock in. Saliva dripped down his cock and pooled on his balls. I had close to half of Anthony's length in my mouth, and my jaw was stretched quite far. I wasn't used to sucking on anything this big.

Anthony's tip was moving close to my gag reflex, and I pulled off his dick. Long strands of saliva ran from his cock to my lips. I looked up at Anthony and smiled again. My hand never stopped stroking his cock.

My neck craned down and I continued just kissing and licking Anthony's head. I took his cock in briefly and bobbed my head twice before withdrawing and teasing his helmet.

As my tongue flicked over his tip, I tasted a small bead of pre-cum. That was enough teasing from me. I didn't want him to finish anytime soon.

Anthony groaned as I removed my mouth and hand entirely from his cock.

"I need your cock inside me," I commanded, a sense of urgency taking over as I stood up and bent over the kitchen table. My slick pussy was being presented to Anthony for him to take. "Mommy needs you to fuck her!"

Something about saying that and acknowledging Anthony was my son really turned me on even more. Maybe it was the extra kink, but I couldn't believe I had managed to keep all these feelings bottled up for so long.

"Yes, Mom," Anthony enthusiastically replied. He stood up and positioned himself right behind me. I propped my upper body up on my elbows and looked over my shoulder back at my son. His muscular form towered over me, preparing to fuck me exactly the way I needed.

He placed one hand just above my ass, and the other gripped his cock. He nestled his helmet against my wet folds, readying to enter me. I sharply drew in a breath, the anticipation nearly killing me. My pussy was so wet.

My son's head pressed against my entrance and he ground his hips forward. His cock spread apart my lips and slipped into my pussy.

"Ohh fuuck!" I moaned out. It was only a tiny stimulation, but to finally have some form of release felt so amazing after so much teasing.

Anthony simply grunted and moved both hands to my hips. He gripped me tight for leverage and began slowly pushing deeper inside me.

"Fill me up all the way, baby!" I begged.

Anthony moved quicker, sliding more of his cock into me. My natural lubrication made the job much easier, but my pussy was still not used to taking something this size. I felt my walls squeezing and contouring around his probing cock, gripping it tightly like a glove.

"Shiit," Anthony groaned.

"Keep going, sweetie! Almost there! Oh God!" I moaned.

My pussy was being stretched out tremendously by Anthony's cock. It was wider and longer than anything I'd taken before. But it seemed like every square inch of my pussy was being rubbed and stimulated by his cock. My crotch was on fire, burning with an intensity that consumed me down to my very core.