MOMMY'S MERRY CHRISTMAS CH -1(by:- Thomas_LM_Windsor)

Claire Blackcomb stood outside of the doors to the baggage claim at the Airport shifting from one foot to the other anxiously. Her hands fidgeted with the hem of her winter coat. Anyone passing by would have seen an attractive 35-year-old woman anxiously awaiting the return of a husband or a long-anticipated friend. Had she not been so obviously suburban white, the airport authorities might have thought her suspicious with her inability to stand still. As it was, no one gave her more than a second glance.

Looking at her watch and seeing that he should be arriving any minute now, Claire moved her position amongst the gathering crowd so that she still had a clear view to the baggage claim doors.

No more than a few minutes later, which seemed far longer to Claire, the doors opened again and out strode a tall young man. Standing a few inches taller than everyone else around him, the young man, some would still call a boy, scanned the crowd.

It did not take long for Chris's crystal blue eyes to lock on to the matching set on Claire, who also happened to be waving frantically and calling out his name.

Quickly striding down the ramp, almost jogging, his baggage rattling, Chris barely had time to drop his suitcase in order to catch his mother who flung herself at him, arms wide.

Chuckling, Chris pulled his mother up and closer to him, lifting her off of the ground and spinning her around quickly.

Claire giggled like a school girl and looked up at her son. His dimples crinkled at the corners of his mouth as he smiled broadly. The feeling of his strong arms supporting all of her weight and his clean crisp scent washed over her, making her melt and forget about all those around her. Leaning up, Claire pressed her soft pink lips against those of her son.

Reality crashed back into Claire as she felt Chris's arms stiffen around her and she barely felt his lips return the kiss. Pulling back quickly, and blushing furiously, Claire chastely kissed her son on the cheek to try and cover up what she had just done.

Looking up into her son's eyes again, this time nervously, Claire saw a flicker of uncertainty pass through them before his lips parted again and he gave her one of his brilliant smiles.

"It's good to see you too Mom," he said, the smirk evident in his voice as well as on his face.

Claire looked around quickly and saw one woman who appeared to be scandalised having just heard Chris call her 'mom'. Quickly she grabbed her son's hand and led him away. "Shhhh!..." Claire hissed as she dragged her son along. "Come on baby, Momma didn't park far," Claire said over her shoulder as she steered her son away from further prying eyes and ears. Chris dutifully followed his mother, enjoying the way her auburn curls bounced with her quick strut; he tried to peek at her bum, but her winter coat sadly covered it from view.

Even though incest had been legalised in Canadian law for about 10 years now, it was still pretty heavily frowned upon by most people. The law had been quite a surprise when it had suddenly come into effect, but the growing trend of family love would not be stopped, and the government had decided once again, that it had no business in the bedrooms of its citizens. Canada was a pretty progressive place!

Once outside in the crisp December Air, Claire turned around and looked back up at her son smiling.

"It's good to see you too baby," she said up to him coyly.

Chris smiled down at his mother and leaned in for another kiss. Quickly, Claire put a hand on her son's chest stopping him. Her eyes flickered back and forth quickly looking for people who might be watching.

"I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have done that back in there. It's too risky to be doing in public," Claire whispered, her voice sounding remorseful.

Chris looked into his mother's uncertain eyes and plastered one of his genuine smiles back on his face. "It's okay Mom, I understand," he said as he wrapped his right arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her auburn hair. He started walking, leading them in the general direction of the parking garage even though he didn't know where he was going.

Claire let out a pent-up breath and allowed her son to lead the way. His arm around her shoulder felt so right and comforting in that moment. The cold wind blew at them, trying to catch at their clothes, but the warmth from her son kept her cozy.

"How were exams honey?" Claire asked after a moment, wanting to know how her son's first semester away from home, all the way out in British Columbia, had ended.

"Eh, pretty boring," Chris replied half-heartedly. "I won't get my results for a couple weeks yet, so I'm trying not to think about them too much... Especially not when there are other things present that are much more interesting," He finished looking back at his mother.

Claire blushed but smiled up at her son. "The parking garage is that interesting, is it?" She teased Chris.

"Hmmmm. Nope!" Chris said curtly, shaking his head as if thinking about it first.

"Then what?" Claire teased.

Chris looked over at his mother, his eyes full of warmth "My beautiful mother,"

Claire blushed again and looked away, continuing to walk alongside her son. Her tummy roiled at his words even though she had heard them so often before. She didn't know why, maybe it was because she hadn't seen him for a few months and she missed him dearly, or maybe he had learned something new at university, but his words affected her more than they ever had before.

The mother and son had started their romantic relationship right before he had left for school on the West coast of the country, and Claire had dearly missed him since his departure. Now, she was ecstatic to have him back in her arms.

Taking his hand in hers Claire squeezed. Chris looked down at their joined hands and squeezed back, looking up at his mother afterwards with his quirky half smile.

No, he still looked at her the exact same way, and he still talked the same. Anything he learned at university from the girls there he didn't try to pull on her. That realization made Claire's tummy all the fuzzier.

At some point, Chris took a wrong turn and Claire decided that it was about time for her to start leading to way.

"This way baby," Claire said shaking her head at her son's confused look. Chris grinned sheepishly at his blunder and followed after his mother, his hand still in hers. Claire tried to take her hand back after a moment, but Chris only squeezed it again and smiled at her. Claire smiled back and let her son hold on to her; It was very cute of him she thought warmly.

Once at the car, Chris loaded his things in the back and went to go sit shotgun like he usually did, but he found his mother already in the seat.

"Umm, you want me to drive mom?" Chris asked uncertainly.

"Oh, would you Chris? That's so very sweet of you," Claire said with an enchanting smile, her perfect teeth shining.

"Anything for you mom."

As Chris started the car and pulled out of the garage, Claire shifted in her seat, her legs rubbing together, the fabric of her warm leggings easily allowing her thighs to glide along each other. Claire was very aware of how hot her pussy was as she shifted, trying to control herself until Chris got along a safer stretch of road.

"So, how have things been at home mom?" Chris asked after a couple minutes of silence where the radio Christmas music was the only sound in the car.

"Oh, you know, things have been going okay. It's a lot lonelier in the house now with you gone."

"Isn't Zoe back already? I thought she left her apartment downtown a few weeks ago." Chris asked, sure that his older sister had. Zoe had decided, against her parent's wishes, to not go to university, but instead start working as a tattoo artist. Chris thought it was cool what his sister was doing, as she did happen to be a really good artist.

"Yes, and that's been a blessing. But that's only been for the past few weeks. The rest of the time it's just me and Tibby" Claire said, talking about their family cat.

"Hmm. And Tibby isn't as good of company as me??" Chris asked, fishing for a compliment.

Claire saw what her son was doing but she wasn't about to deny him the truth.

"You know Mommy loves spending time with you baby," Claire whispered warmly as she reached over and stroked her son's thigh. "You help me out so much with my stress," Claire continued, her red painted nails going further up her son's leg to the considerable bulge in his sweats.

Chris swallowed and after a quick glance at his mother put his eyes back on the road. "Well, I can honestly say that I couldn't wait to get back home. I've missed you a lot mom," Chris delivered the words with gravity.

Claire felt her heart swell at her son's words. She had been nervous that he would have been indifferent to their time apart. She knew that wasn't likely, but it felt so good to hear that Chris felt the same way she did about being apart.

"Awwww. Mommy missed you too baby. So much... And mommy missed this little guy too!" Claire teased seductively as she finally wrapped her dainty fingers around her son's not so little cock through the soft fabric.

"Little eh?" Chris asked jokingly, confident in his size.

"Yea, this tiny, weeny, little guy," Claire teased, her white teeth flashing as she leaned over the seat and rubbed her nose along her son's length. She squeezed him again and felt his manhood twitch, her palm absorbing his heat.

"Hmmm, Fuck mom," Chris breathed out as he firmly put both hands on the wheel.

"Don't curse baby," Claire mumbled into her son's manhood. The vibrations caused Chris to groan again.

"Sorry Mom," he added lamely, not really sounding sorry.

Claire's mouth was starting to salivate, imitating her drooling pussy. Her fingers pulled at her son's drawstrings and soon she was wiggling his pants down his butt. Trying to keep his dick trapped underneath his sweats so that she felt like she was unwrapping a present, Claire positioned her son's girth carefully.

Then, with a devious look up at him, which Chris only returned briefly before putting his eyes back on the road, Claire reached into her son's pants.

She bit her lip as her hands wrapped around her son's warm, pulsing meat. She squeezed her son's dick lovingly as she was reminded of how much he filled her tiny hand. Carefully, she peeled back his sweats until with a gentle spring, Chris's dick popped into view.

Standing at easily over 8 inches tall, Claire took in the long pale appendage that had been the object of pretty much all of her fantasies for the past few months. Squeezing his dick at the base Claire watched as more blood was pumped into the veins that crisscrossed her son's beautiful schlong.

Claire didn't realize it, but Chris heard the needy whine escape her pursed lips as she looked at his cock.

"Miss me that much mom?" Chris pried as he spread his legs as much as he could, getting comfortable for what was to come.

"You have no idea baby," Claire whispered before leaning forward and swiping her tongue in a long-wet stroke along the side of Chris's veiny cock.

Chris inhaled sharply as his mother's wet tongue made first contact with his dick since she had visited him that one time for fall reading week. "I missed you too mom," he replied as he pulled over into the slow lane.

Claire took another few loving swipes of her son's cock with her tongue. She relished exploring the feeling of him on her tongue again. She swiped her tongue over his smooth skin, feeling the veins pulse beneath her wet muscle as she bathed him in the most loving way possible. She wanted to remind herself of every vein and ridge along his glorious dick, but her need for more wouldn't allow such slow ministrations, not now when she finally had her son's dick back in her hands after so long.

Adjusting her position so that she could better lower her head, Claire reverently took her son's spongy head into her mouth, careful to avoid teeth; no good mother ever sucked her son's dick with teeth.

"Mmmmmngggh," Chris whimpered as his mother's plump wet lips slowly wrapped around his sensitive glans and he felt her give the tiniest bit of suction.

"Mmmmpppppphhh!" Claire echoed her son's whimper, but much sluttier, as she tasted his first delicious drop of pre form on the tip of his dick. She greedily swiped her tongue along her little boy's cumslit and sucked harder, trying to draw more out of him.

Chris's knuckles turned white on the wheel as he closed one eye in a blissful grimace, but carefully kept the other one open and firmly on the road.

Soon, Claire was slobbering and sucking on her son's dick with a masterful abandon. Though she was drooling like a starving dog, she was not some sloppy slut gagging and choking herself. She kept her blowjob sensual and erotic; there was some slurping, because even though she wasn't sloppy, Claire was a bit of a slut for her boy's cock.

Her tiny hands were slick with her saliva and Chris's pre as it slowly dripped over her digits while she worked his lengthy pole with them. Chris groaned as his mother cradled and squeezed his balls, rolling them in the warm wet palm of her other hand.

Hearing his moans, Claire happily pleased her son as best she could, encouraging him to vocalize his pleasure more. She sucked and licked on his hot throbbing cock like she hadn't seen it in months, which was very true.

"Oh my god mom..." Chris groaned. "How are you so good at this??" he added as he took one hand and pushed some stray hair out of his mom's face.

Claire moaned happily around her mouthful of cock and sucked encouragingly before pulling off with a wet plop.

"Better than those uni girls??" Claire asked in a light teasing tone, even though she was desperate to know.

Chris flushed a little red. "...I don't let girls suck my cock."

Claire's heart swelled with motherly pride at her son's word.

"...You only like mommy sucking your cock baby?" Claire asked as she lovingly peppered her son's wet dick with sensual kisses, her plump lips now starting to look redder than their earlier pink.

"Well... yea. I don't know. One time a girl got close. But it just felt dirty to be doing it with someone other than you... Maybe that's stupid," Chris mumbled self-consciously.

After letting go the flash of jealousy at the image of some dumb uni slut touching her son, Claire's heart ached with love for her son so much in that moment that it almost hurt. She sat up straight so she could look in her son's eyes; although she did not take her hand off of his cock.

"That's not stupid at all baby," Claire cooed to her son. "That's actually one of the sweetest things mommy has heard in a long time... And, I feel the same way about you." Claire finished a little more uncertainly.

Chris looked over at his mother questioningly. "So then... you and dad haven't..." Chris let his question die off.

Claire bit her lip and shook her head. Chris's face broke into a beaming smile to which Claire squeezed his dick and smirked on her own.

"I love you so much mom!" Chris said looking into her gorgeous blue eyes. Claire quickly leaned in and kissed her son on the cheek.

"Mommy loves you too baby. Now shush and let me suck your cock," She whispered in his ear before going back down to his lap where she quickly took his stiff dick back into her mouth.

After a few careful strokes to get herself ready, Claire took a deep breath and slowly slid her mouth down her son's cock until she felt his spongy head pressing at the entrance of her throat. Consciously focusing on those muscles, Claire relaxed them and pressed forward. She felt a burst of triumphant pride as she felt her son's thick dick start to spread her throat walls apart. The accompanying groan from her son only validated her pride in her skills.

Slowly, Claire continued to slide her throat onto her son's throbbing cock until his soft bush made contact with her left cheek. Taking a moment, Claire simply basked in the gloriously full feeling of having her son's cock all the way inside of her. She could feel the ridges of his meaty pole and the eager pulses as it twitched, happy to be inside of her. She wiggled her head back and forth slightly and made swallowing motions, all of which Chris seemed to enjoy based on his squirming.

"Fuck mom... I'm gonna!" Chris said through gritted teeth as he took one hand off the wheel and placed it on top of his mother's head, his fingers curling in her luscious reddish-brown curls.

Claire ignored his cursing and continued to swallow, milking his cock for all she was worth. Her soft hand continued to cradle and roll her son's heavy orbs, pleading with them to give up their warm load.

All too soon, but not soon enough, Claire felt her son jerk in her throat and she began pulling off, wanting to taste her son's spunk.

"Nnnngggh. I love you mommy!" Chris whined as his spurting cock dumped a week's worth of teenage cum into his loving mother's waiting mouth.

Claire felt her pussy gush as her baby boy called her Mommy again. She heard it from his so seldom nowadays, but almost every time it came out of his mouth something else was coming out of him too. Her pussy had figured out the connection long ago and was very eager to hear that name again, a kind of pavlovian response.

She continued to suck and milk her son's cock. Soon her mouth was full and she had to swallow what was in there to make room for more, lest she want it shooting out of her nose. That had happened a few times before, and Claire honestly found it incredibly fucking hot having her son's gooey load blow out of her nose because she was a bad mommy who couldn't swallow fast enough; but right now, she really didn't want to ruin her car seats.

All too soon, Claire felt the continued jerking of her son's cock lessen, and the volume of hot spunk pouring into her mouth decreased to a trickle. Careful to milk the last few spurts for all they were worth, Claire lovingly pulled off of her son's flagging erection with a tight close-lipped smile; a tiny string of cum trailed down from the side of her lip.

With two big gulps, Claire finished what was in her mouth, then happily realized there was still some on her face. Daintily, she swiped what was on her face onto her finger and inhaled her boy's scent before plopping it into her mouth and sucking the digit clean. Chris was breathing heavy and his gaze kept flicking from the road to his mom's contended face.

"Holy shit mom. That felt.... Felt unreal," Chris mumbled in that post orgasm-tired tone as he put both hands back on the wheel.

"Mommy's glad you liked it baby," Claire said warmly as she leaned forward and sucked her son's cock back into her mouth. She sucked and squeezed his length a few times just to try and draw out any hiding cum, and to help clean him off, before she pulled away and gently tucked his tired cock back into his sweats; patting them in place before sitting back in her seat and looking back to the road.

"Oh, and honey," Claire said out loud.

"Yea mom?" Chris said with a lazy smile, turning to look at his mother. She looked back at him and returned the cheeky grin.