LIVE WITH IT CH -2 (By -Xarth)

And weird. Don't forget the weird part.

Ivy made an oddly cute little noise and shifted a bit. Angel tensed, but she didn't move other than that. Just starting to wake up, then. So he should probably get up now before she was really aware of her surroundings. Just get out of bed and get dressed, and see what happened from there.

"Guess my tits are magic, huh?" Ivy murmured.

"What?" Angel asked, startled by her question and having to rapidly try to switch gears.

"They made you fall asleep."

"I don't know if that's exactly what happened."

"No? Then what did happen, smart guy?"

Angel thought about it. "I don't really know."

Ivy sat up and stretched. It took everything Angel had not to immediately whip his head around to watch.

"So we're going with my hypothesis then," Ivy said. "Magic tits."

Angel slowly rolled over, trying to pretend it had nothing to do with checking out his topless sister. She gave him a crooked smile, fully aware what he was up to despite his best efforts.

"You liiike them," Ivy teased.

"They're alright," Angel said. "I might like them on someone else."

Ivy flounced out of bed to get a shirt. "Nah. If they were on someone else, you'd admit to liking them. That's the difference."

Angel tried not to blush. "Put a damn shirt on already."

"I'm working on it, jeez."

Ivy slipped into a shirt that, given Angel's current interest, he noted flattered her figure rather nicely. It also very much didn't come down far enough to cover her panties, even leaving a strip of exposed skin between shirt and underwear.

Ivy started brushing her hair out after that, ridding herself of the worst of her bed head. She paused at one point and looked at Angel.

"You getting up or what?" she asked.

"Eventually, sure."

"Just gonna weirdly stare at me, huh?" Ivy said. "Taking this a little far, aren't we?"

"That's not what I'm doing," Angel insisted.

"Then what are you doing?"



"Right. Nothing."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Get out of bed or I'll kick you out."


"Why not?"

"Because... because I want you out of the room first."

Ivy took a moment with that. "You've got a b--"

"I've got a boner, yes."

"Hehe, really?" Ivy cracked up. "That's hilarious!"

"It's a perfectly normal thing," Angel insisted.

"Not with your sis-ter, dummy."

"It's morning wood. It happens. Especially when I didn't jerk off or anything yesterday."

Ivy snorted. "Sure, that's all it is."

"It is!"

"Uh huh."

"You're just trying to rile me up," Angel said. "I know what you're doing, and yet--"

"Seems like you're pretty riled up already," Ivy said, still giggling.

Angel glared and waited until Ivy's attention turned away from him for a moment. He launched himself at her while she was distracted, but despite the advantage of surprise he wasn't fast enough to catch her totally off-guard.

Ivy dodged and tried to trip her brother, but was caught by him in the process and they both thudded heavily on the floor together.

"Hey, leggo. Get off," Ivy growled, trying to weasel her way from under Angel.


"It's too early for this."

"Shoulda thought of that sooner then, huh?"

Ivy pushed Angel's face away, smooshing it awkwardly with her hand. Angel responded by trying to put her in a headlock.

"This is very undignified," Ivy said.

"Again, your fault," Angel said.

"I can feel your boner rubbing on me, you know."

Angel froze for a second, just long enough for Ivy to flip him on his back and sit on him. Her face went from triumphant to mildly horrified in a split second, as she immediately realized she'd landed directly on his dick. Not what she'd intended.

The door swung open while the siblings were staring silent and confused at each other. Quinn sighed in exasperation at the both of them.

"It's awfully early for this, isn't it?" Quinn asked.

"She started it," Angel said promptly.

"Oh like hell," Ivy said.

Ivy tried to smack her brother, but he caught her arms and they ended up in a flurry of activity that was mostly just a fancy stalemate.

"You guys are so weird," Quinn grumbled. "At least put some clothes on."

"I was trying!" Ivy complained. "Angel interrupted."

"You deserved it!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

Ian casually walked by and stuck his head in the door for a second. He shrugged and kept going. "I'll grab the hose."

Quinn nodded satisfactorily. "Thanks, Dad."

"Not in the house, dear!" Rose's voice called from down the hall.

"Spoilsport!" Ian called back.

Quinn sighed. "Damn, that would have been funny."

"Not that funny," Ivy said.

"Pretty funny. Anyway, we're gonna make breakfast soon, if you two want to stop being weird and join us."

"Who's being weird?" Angel asked, as though being mostly naked and pinned under his sister was a totally normal thing.

"I really feel like I shouldn't have to answer that," Quinn said.

"Hm, what's goin' on babe?" Zara asked, coming up next to Quinn. "Am I missing something fun or...." She trailed off as she saw Ivy and Angel together on the floor. "Oh my, I guess I am missing something fun."

"Don't you be weird too, please," Quinn said, blushing faintly.

"Not doin' a dang thing," Zara said, kissing Quinn's cheek.

"You're encouraging them, at the very least."

"I should say in a case like this they can't need all that much encouragement."

"Oh gross." Quinn slipped away from Zara and retreated down the hall. "I don't like what you're implying."

Zara tagged along after her. "And what is that, pray tell?"

"Never you mind!"

Ivy and Angel kept watching the doorway as Quinn and Zara left, then eventually turned back to each other.

"Well that was kind of embarrassing," Angel said.

"A little," Ivy said. "I couldn't even stand up at any point there because you're all hard and junk."

Angel looked away. "Yeah. That would have been awkward."

"Uh huh. Would have been."

Angel's cock twitched a little, as though reacting to their words. It enough of a movement that Ivy could feel it too. The two of them stayed frozen another moment.

"You're still really hard," Ivy remarked.

"Ok, that's enough. Off please," Angel said.

"You sure? Almost seems like you're enjoying--"

"Please don't finish that sentence."

"It's kind of funny if you think abou--"


"I mean a little."

Angel frowned, then grabbed his sister's hips and pressed her down harder against his erection. Her eyes widened and she failed to stifle a small gasp.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" Angel asked.

"Hey! Don't do that," Ivy said.

"What? This?"

Angel pulled Ivy tight against his cock again. She whimpered and tried to push his hands away.

"Yes, that," she said. "Don't do that."

"Why not? It's kinda funny if you thi--"

"It's not funny," Ivy said firmly.

"Well it was funny to you a moment ago," Angel said. "What changed?"

Ivy looked seriously at her brother. She'd been feeling some interesting things already, it was hard to sit on a hard dick and not feel something. But him forcing her to grind on him, even just a little, he was playing with fire.

"You don't understand," she said softly. "It's not... funny."

Angel narrowed his eyes. "What does that mean? Like it's something else?"


Angel contemplated further, noting the slightly glazed look in his sister's eyes, the way she bit her lip, and the faint tremble in her hands.

"Like a horny something else?" he asked quietly.

Ivy's response was even quieter. "Yeah."

Angel took a deep breath. "Well that's not good."


"It does kinda work though, doesn't it?"

Ivy sighed. "It really kinda does." She rocked back and forth, just in a small motion. "Why are you so hard?"


"Correct but unhelpful."

"Story of my life."

Ivy snickered and tried rocking again. It felt kind of stupidly good grinding on her brother. It was quite annoying, really.

"Can you stop?" Ivy asked.

"Me?" Angel said. "I'm not moving."

"No, stop being hard."

"That is so not how it works. You need to stop moving."

"I'm only barely moving," Ivy said.

Angel looked down at the way her hips were awkwardly shifting, rubbing her panties repeatedly over the tent in his boxers. He could just push her off of him. He knew he could. But he didn't overly want to. He liked the feeling of it all, even if he hated the implications of it.

"You're moving enough," Angel said.

"Enough for what?"

"You know."

She didn't stop. Neither of them stopped. They just kept staring at each other, daring the other to do something, anything at all. They were trapped in a moment of ill-advised horniness, experiencing it as no siblings ever should.

The noise of footsteps down the hall finally jolted them back to reality and Ivy bounced to her feet like she was spring-loaded. As an afterthought she grabbed Angel's hand and helped him stand up too, then they quickly separated and started throwing on clothes in a maelstrom of activity.

The siblings hardly looked at each other, each ducking out of the room as quickly as they could manage and eventually recongregating for breakfast. The first time they accidentally locked eyes across the table, they both blushed and immediately looked away again.

Conversation happened around them with no one taking particular notice at first, until Quinn started frowning at her sister.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Quinn asked.

Ivy startled to a semblance of attention. "What?"

"You keep acting weird every time you look at Angel."

"Pff, no I don't. What does that even mean?"

"You do though," Quinn insisted. "Is no one else seeing this?"

"Yep, she's being a total weirdo," Angel said, taking another mouthful of food.

Ivy glared at Angel, but he was keeping his eyes down and largely avoiding her attempt at cowing him.

"I'm just annoyed with him," Ivy lied. "You wouldn't believe how badly he snores."

"Oh I do not!" Angel protested.

"You so do. You know you do."

"Is that what the morning wrassle was about?" Quinn asked.

"Kind of, I guess," Ivy said, trying not to sound as eager as she was about having an excuse for sitting on her brother's dick, as fallacious as it was.

"You guys need to start using your words one of these days," Quinn said. "Honestly, how are you still such children?"

"I see you smirking, Dad," Angel said. "Don't even."

Ian slipped a poker face over his expression, but it was the kind only a dad could pull off that still very clearly showed he was amused. Humouring his kid while still frustrating any attempt at being taken seriously.

"I would never take any implication seriously that you aren't all grown up and capable of mature decisions," Ian assured his son without the slightest hint of truth to his statement.

"Gee, thanks," Angel said.

"I think it's cute," Zara said, taking her turn at unhelpfully butting in. "They just really like to be together."

"Tolerate it at best," Ivy said. "I can still take my room back. Your guest privileges only go so far."

"Be nice," Rose said.

"She started it," Ivy said. "She said I like my brother. I mean, gross!"

"Them is fightin' words, Mom," Angel added seriously.

"Well you do like your brother," Rose said patiently.

"Hey!" Ivy said. "Rude."

"No need for that kind of talk," Angel agreed.

Zara giggled. "They are very cute though, aren't they?"

Ivy and Angel blushed and looked back to their food, giving up the fight. They were outnumbered and outgunned, and there was too much truth to the accusations for them to easily handle this morning.

The memory of Ivy sitting on Angel, even grinding on him, was too recent and visceral to allow for dispassionate argument.


"Fam's being a bunch of weirdos, huh?" Angel said.

Ivy, idly pushing herself back and forth on the porch swing, lazing in the sun, nodded. "Yep. Zara too."

Angel picked Ivy up enough to slide under her, taking up half the swing and letting her settle back partly on top of him. "Which seriously kind of bugs me because what is even her deal?"

"How do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said."

"No but like do you mean what is her deal with Quinn? Or what is her deal with apparently finding us fascinating?"

"Yeah, both of those things," Angel said.

Ivy shifted to get more comfortable. "Wish I knew. Honestly, I can't tell if I love Zara or hate her."

"Practically family already then, huh?"


Angel moved his hand to Ivy's head and casually played with her hair. "Like what we needed was yet another sister."

"Pff, ok then. Coulda been worse, we could have got another brother."

"You'd be lucky to have another brother like me."

Ivy snickered even as she leaned in to Angel's fingers running through her hair. "It would be absolutely intolerable."

"Hey now."

"Well I mean seriously though."

"How do you think I feel?" Angel protested. "Increasingly outnumbered and everything."

"Well it meant you always had your own room."

"True. But not anymore, apparently."

Ivy nodded, pausing as she flashed back to sharing her brother's bed, and the consequences thereof. She bit her lip and enjoyed his fingers massaging her scalp. "No, not anymore," she echoed faintly.

Angel lost concentration a bit as he got thinking back too. Ivy's warmth in his bed, the feeling of her sitting on his erection, however accidental it may initially have been.

Angel's hand dropped from Ivy's head to her side as he got caught up daydreaming. Ivy pouted a bit at losing his attention, but wasn't exactly sure what to do with the fact that his hand was now awfully close to her breast. It wasn't like he was trying to feel her up. Nothing like that. But close enough to it that her mind kind of ran with it a bit, despite nothing actually inappropriate occurring.

After a while Angel's hand returned to Ivy's head, absently petting her as he would a dog who'd curled up on the couch with him. Ivy could tell his mind wasn't really focused on it, but it was soothing and nice to have her hair played with so she didn't much feel like arguing the point.

"It's kind of nice that Quinn has someone though," Ivy said hesitantly. "And that they can have some space to themselves."

"Hm, yeah," Angel said. "I guess that's kind of true."

"And we're only making a sacrifice for a few days."

"Just a few days," Angel echoed absently.

"Not the end of the world."

"No. It's really not." Angel bit his lip and let his hand fall back to Ivy's side. "It's... you know, it's really not so bad sharing a room with you."

Ivy tried not to let her heart beat faster while her brother's hand was close enough to possibly detect it. It wasn't like she had much control over that, though. "Yeah, not so bad, is it?"

"Kinda weird."

"Well sure."

"There was that whole thing this morning...."

Ivy nodded. "Should we... talk about it?"

Angel sighed and looked away for a moment. "I mean, it would be the responsible, adult thing to do."

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"Honestly don't know."

Ivy shrugged. "Yeah, me either."

Angel sat for a moment just thinking, and slowly becoming more aware of how nice Ivy felt against him. She was dangerously warm and soft, and his traitorous imagination could conjure some tantalizing reasons to slip his hand under her shirt instead of on top of it.

"Have you been horny ever since this morning?" Angel finally asked.

Ivy froze. "Why?"

"Because I have."

"Oh thank god. Me too."

"It's not great, right?"

"Less than ideal, I should say."

Angel nodded thoughtfully. "So the sane and rational option would be to, like, talk about what happened in a calm and supportive way, try to ensure it never happens again, and probably go to therapy for it. Something like that?"

Ivy considered for a moment. "Yes, I think that all sounds reasonable."



A couple increasingly tense minutes passed in silence.

"Do you... do you actually want to do any of that?" Angel asked hesitantly.

"Nope," Ivy said instantly. "And just so you know, it's incredibly frustrating that you've got your hand so close to my tits and aren't actually taking advantage of the situation."

Angel turned to stare intently at his sister. She met his eyes with an outwardly serene expression, but there was just enough tremble in her attempted stoicism to make it clear she was anything but calm.

"I would never take advantage of such a situation," Angel said firmly.

"You wouldn't?"

"I would not."

"Well it's good to be clear," Ivy said. She was mildly confused and disappointed for about another five seconds before Angel's hand moved to her breast, just as casually as could be.

"Best not to have any misunderstandings," Angel said conversationally.

"Yes, good point," Ivy agreed, feeling absurd thrills at just the slightest of inappropriate feels from her brother. He wasn't even really feeling her up, he just kind of had his hand on her tit. It ordinarily wouldn't have made much of an impression, such small contact, but from Angel it was different. Partly just because neither of them really knew what any of it meant. The excitement was largely in the unknown, currently.

Angel couldn't quite believe Ivy was letting him feel her breast. She'd suggested she would, sure, but that was very different from accepting the reality of it.

He didn't really know what to do after that. He'd basically anticipated Ivy slowly pushing his hand away, just kind of a teasing mutually inappropriate maneuver between them. She seemed happy enough with where he was, though.

"That doing it for you?" Angel asked.

"Mmhm," Ivy said.

"Really? Easy as that, huh?"

"Hey, I'm not easy. It's just if you're gonna feel me up, you might as well commit."

"That is not what I was doing," Angel protested.

"Sure felt like it to me," Ivy said.

"Something wrong with you then."

"Says the guy feeling up his sister."

"That's not what... I'm not...."

"You have no counter-argument, do you?" Ivy said just a tad smugly.

Angel frowned at Ivy, but she only beamed beatifically back at him. He considered his options for a moment, then slipped his hand under her shirt. Ivy gasped and her smile turned to shock for a solid few seconds.

Angel was less concerned with her expression than how good she felt, though. He got fairly lost in how wonderfully warm and soft her skin was, something that he was becoming increasingly aware of in life generally. It probably wasn't smart to keep feeding his interest like this, but then something about the two of them being together had always made them kind of dumb. Just not quite in this way, usually.

"You're right," Angel said. "Might as well commit."

"Not what I meant," Ivy said.

"Yes it is."

"Well... it kind of is. But... but...."

"What, no counter-argument?" Angel asked.

"Oh shut up."


Ivy, working on instinct rather than any kind of common sense, dropped her hand to her brother's lap and grabbed his crotch. He gasped in turn as she massaged his cock through his clothes.

"Oops," she said, totally deadpan.

It took Angel a few moments to respond, partly because he didn't truly want to interrupt whatever was happening currently. "If you think that's gonna stop me, you're sorely mistaken."

"Who even said I want you to stop?"

"You were implying it."

"Nope. I just said I didn't tell you to fondle my boobies under my shirt like that. Big difference from telling you not to do it."

"Oh. I see."

Angel removed his hand from Ivy's breasts, much to her immediate disappointment. It didn't stop her from groping him, but she was preparing to chastise him for abandoning his task.

It turned out he was just going for her bra clasp. It was an extremely bad angle for him, one handed and blind no less, so she didn't comment on the awkward fumbling even if it would have been so easy to tease him about it.