LIVE WITH IT CH -5 (By -Xarth)

"Perfect and weird."

"That's not a thing."

"Yes it is."

Angel punctuated his statement by kissed Ivy's thigh a few times. Mostly he just wanted to do it, but it had the effect of calming her movements down so he could kiss her more, and eventually let him get her panties out of the way.

Angel just held the underwear in his hand for a moment, staring at them while deep in thought. Ivy had to poke him a few times with her toe to get him moving again.

"What, don't tell me my panties were your goal this whole time," she said.

"No, not at all," Angel said.

"So why are you staring at them instead of me?"

"I was just thinking... you know when someone, like, takes panties as a memento? I always thought it was weird and creepy, but I think I understand it now. You know, under the right circumstances."

"Don't steal my panties, bro!"

"Not saying I'm gonna," Angel said. "Just that, you know, it makes sense to me."

"Oh god why?" Ivy said. "They're just underwear. What if I stole yours?"

Angel smiled. "That'd be kinda sweet actually."

"No it wouldn't! It'd be weird."

"It can be both. A lot of sex and romance is, when you think about it."

"That's not what this is!" Ivy said firmly.

"... I'm pretty sure it's gonna be sex, at least."

"You know what I mean."

"And probably a little bit of romance."

"But not... not like in the usual kind of... like in a normal... shut up!"

Angel only grinned. "You're being really cute right now."

"I am not. That's probably just what you say to all the naked girls in your bed."

"All of 'em currently, sure."

"You're just trying to trick me into forgetting about the panty thing."

Angel tilted his head. "Is it working?"

"Not well enough, no."

"Oh. Lemme try something else real quick then."

Angel kissed Ivy's neck, and her shoulder, then down her chest. Ivy sighed happily and stretched out, making sure she was as open as possible for wherever her brother's lips chose to land.

"That's kind of working," she purred.

"Thought it might," Angel mumbled, working his way to Ivy's breasts.

Having free rein on her tits was something very special, and he spent a lot of time kissing and nuzzling them all over, occasionally sucking on them or just burying his face in them.

Ivy was torn between fully enjoying and luxuriating in the attention, and giggling at how focused Angel was on that particular area of her.

"Ok, I get it," she laughed. "You like my boobies."

"Oh good. I was afraid I was being too subtle about it."

"Not hardly. You're doing your best to suffocate in them."

"What a way to go," Angel murmured dreamily.

Ivy shrugged and wrapped her arms around his head, pinning him to her breasts. He happily accepted it until he needed to breathe again, at which point he had to wrench himself free, laughing and trying to catch his breath at the same time.

"Not committed enough there, bro," Ivy said.

"I maintain it'd be a hell of a way to go," Angel said. "I'm just not ready to go yet, is all. I've got more to do."

"Like what?"

"Liiike... this."

As Ivy had hoped, Angel kissed her tummy below her breasts, dappling her skin with soft presses of his lips, getting nearer and nearer to her pussy. Personally, from her point of view, if her brother wanted to suffocate anywhere on her body, it was far more preferable for it to be between her legs.

Her body arched involuntarily as Angel reached the top of her slit. His lips were so soft on her pussy at first, his kisses only gradually getting sloppier and hungrier as she kept thrusting her hips toward him in small but noticeable motions.

"You can... you can lick it, maybe," Ivy said, halfway between a command and a plea.

"I can, can't I?" Angel said absently.

He was feeling just as dazed as he sounded. There was something slightly overwhelming about eating his sister's pussy, as it turned out. Maybe just because it was his first time doing it, sure, but it was getting to him either way. He felt an insane need to keep going, to kiss and lick her more, to feel her hips move under his mouth, and to taste her on his tongue.

The more he licked her, the wetter she got, the more she moaned and whimpered. It was an increasing feedback loop of sexiness, and he wanted to indulge himself more and more and more, driving Ivy crazy and hopefully getting her off at some point, although to be perfectly honest that was only kind of a secondary consideration for him.

"You're licking so much!" Ivy said. "Unf, why did you never do this before? I mean don't answer, that's rhetorical, but-- ooh, fuck, that's nice."

Angel tried not to smile too hard and disrupt his rhythm as he found a spot Ivy really liked.

"Yesss, keep going right there," Ivy murmured, eyelids drooping in an excess of pleasure. "Fuccck your tongue is nice on my clit. Holy shit."

Angel groaned and tried to keep his focus.

"Something terribly regal about all this," Ivy continued. "I just feel... good. So good. Your tongue on my clit. It's weird to think it's my brother's tongue, but that's part of what makes it so decadent too, I think."

There was a sense of satisfaction for Angel as Ivy's babbling devolved into less coherent structure. She may have only been trying to organize her thoughts out loud and maintain a sense of control, but he much preferred to hear her lose that control, to lose her mind briefly as he made her feel too good to help herself, and soon enough made her cum under the sinuous attentions of his tongue.

It was a stupidly gratifying release for Ivy. Maybe not the hardest orgasm of all time, but very tingly and warm, and most likely the coziest one she'd ever had. Everything about it was comfortable and happy, and left her feeling excited to still have her brother in bed with her. The edge had been taken off her horniness, but if anything she was craving closeness and intimacy with Angel even more than before.

"Come here," she whispered, holding her arms outstretched.

Angel ignored her, tenderly kissing around her pussy.

"Come here!" she insisted more firmly.

He looked up at her, grinning with his lips wet from her juices. Slowly, cat-like, he crawled back up her body until she could wrap him in her arms and pull him in for a kiss. He tasted like her pussy, but he felt like her brother.

"I coulda kept going," Angel said.

"Mmm, yeah. You could have."

"Sure you don't want more?"

Ivy shook her head minutely. "I want more, but not like that."

"Like what then?"

"I just want to hold you. I feel so nice right now. I just want you close."

Angel frowned slightly. "Just... just holding?"

Ivy smirked. "Yes, I know. I can feel how hard you are."


"So you know, there probably is something you could do from this position."

Angel's smile creeped broadly across his face. He shifted around on top of his sister, finding the perfect place to lie on top of her while letting his cock nestle against her pussy.

It was urgent to him, and yet paradoxically he was in no rush. It was like how he genuinely could have kept eating her out despite his own needs being left unattended. It was the intimacy and closeness he wanted more than anything, despite the protests from the hornier parts of himself.

They moved in slow, uncertain motions at first. In no hurry, knowing where they wanted to go, but not at first coordinating well enough to get there. They spent more time kissing and feeling each other than trying to actually get Angel inside of Ivy.

It was ok, it happened eventually. Without really being sure when or how, Angel felt himself finding the right angle, the right little thrusts, the perfect acceptance of his sister. He gasped out loud, unable to properly kiss Ivy back for a moment as he felt her take him fully inside.

Ivy made up for her brother's sudden inattentiveness. She kissed him all over his lips, cheeks, and down his neck. He finally reciprocated again when he was able, and as he did their hips moved in near-perfect harmony, his cock sliding in and out of her happy little pussy.

"Oh my god," Angel breathed.

"Good, huh?" Ivy murmured.

"Why do you feel so amazing?"

"Just special that way I guess."

Angel helplessly kept thrusting inside Ivy. His cock was lost the heavenly embrace of her wet pussy, and the rest of him fared no better in a constant exchange of kisses and wandering hands.

"You gotta... stop doing that... so much," Angel gasped.

"Which part?" Ivy purred while pushing her hips up against him with particular vigour.

"All of it."

"You don't like?"

"I like it way too much."


Ivy ran a fingernail lightly up Angel's back, then tangled her fingers in his hair and guided his head to the side so she could nibble his neck.

"I think I'm just gonna do what I want, actually," Ivy said. "Seems only fair."

"You're gonna make me cum," Angel warned.

"Not making you do a damn thing," Ivy said between attacks on his neck. "Strongly encouraging, perhaps."


Angel lost himself to his sister as he tensed, then released. A magically orgasmic pleasure swept through him as he came deep inside her.

Ivy gasped. "Angel!"

"I warned you."

"You did. You still could have waited until I came first."

"You already did though."

"Yeah, but I could go for another."

Angel shook his head, then rested it on Ivy's shoulder.

"Don't fall asleep on me," Ivy said, idly patting his hair. "I wasn't joking about cumming again."

"So needy."

"Not needy, just horny."

"There's a difference?"

"You were horny too, a moment ago," Ivy pointed out.

Angel shrugged. "I got better."

"Ok, be that way."

Ivy, with her years of practice wrestling her brother, rolled him over and claimed the top spot. It wasn't easy, as he was mostly just dead weight this time rather than an active participant, but he didn't fight her attempt either.

The look on his face as she straddled him was actually quite gratifying. Admittedly, it was probably quite a nice view, having her naked and upright while nearly sitting right on his crotch.

"You suuure you don't wanna be horny with me?" Ivy asked.

"Less and less sure by the second," Angel said.

He reached up to casually play with her boobs, enjoying the convenience and ease of access.

Ivy bit her lip and leaned down even more, partly to let Angel fondle her, but mostly to brace herself better so she could rub her pussy back and forth across his cock. It was soft and slick at first in the aftermath of their previous attempt, but didn't take much encouragement to start getting hard again. Ivy kind of loved feeling it pulse back to life, stiffening against her hungry pussy until she was able to slip it back inside her.

It was a slower, easier ride this time. Less urgent. Ivy very much wanted to cum again, but they'd both had a first cum at least, so there wasn't the same rush about it.

Time sort of ignored the siblings for a while, letting them just kind of exist together in their own sexual bubble. Being together, feeling and experiencing each other in a new way, on a new level.

They would have been happy for it to last forever, or at least a very long time. However, their wondrous alone time was not allowed to continue uninterrupted. A knock at the door had both sibs whirling their heads toward it, and Ivy just barely had the chance to start speaking before it opened.

"Don't come-- oh goddammit!"

"I was just wondering if--" Rose started before freezing at the sight in front of her.

Angel and Ivy were just as unmoving as their mother, not a one of them able to process a way out of the situation with even a shred of dignity or decorum.

"Did you find them?" Quinn asked from outside the room. "They should be--" She stopped as she came into view, and almost immediately clapped her hands over her eyes. "Dammit. Didn't need to see that. Didn't want to see that!"

"You can close the door now!" Ivy yelled.

"Any time would be nice," Angel agreed.

"Why, what's going-- oh my god!"

The sibs groaned as Zara appeared next to Quinn, and unlike their mom or sister, Zara had no apparent qualms at all about accidentally stumbling into the situation. In fact, she was grinning like a manic goblin girl, making for an even bigger contrast between Quinn hiding her face and Rose stuck like a deer in the headlights.

"And here I thought you two never actually did that kind of thing," Zara said. "It was a fun thought, but totally unrealistic, I assumed." She craned her neck for a better view. "Very nice."

Quinn only whimpered and tried to edge away without looking.

"We don't do this," Angel clarified, to no great success.

"Um... beg to differ," Zara said, cocking her head in amusement.

Rose unfroze a little. "Honey, we can all see what you're up to. It... right, the door."

"Well don't shut it yet," Zara argued.

"Everyone please leave," Ivy pleaded. "We don't normally do this. It's... jeez, this is a coincidence is all."

"It's not!" Quinn shouted from just out of sight, now visibly trying to yank Zara away too.

"It is!" Angel called back. "Usually this doesn't happen!"

"What doesn't happen?" Ian asked. "What's everyone doing over here?"

Angel and Ivy groaned. Ivy lay herself fully down on her brother, burying her face in him to avoid further humiliation. It was only partly successful.

"This might be the worst thing that's happened to anyone ever," Ivy whispered.

"There's an argument for that, sure," Angel said. "But hey, at least we don't have to sneak around now."

"That's your takeaway from this?!"

"Not really. I think I might be disassociating a little."

"Oh sure."

"I think it's time to get the hose," Rose said, trying to force the door closed again.

"Right, I'm on it," Ian said, suspiciously cheerfully all things considered.

"Don't get the hose!" Ivy protested. "We'll... jeez, we'll be out in a minute if you give us a chance to get dressed. Honestly!"

"Don't dress up on our account!" Zara called in a sing-song voice.

"Oh my god you're more embarrassing than they are," Quinn grumbled, finally dragging her girlfriend away. "And they're very fucking embarrassing."

The door finally closed and Ivy rolled off her brother with a groan, lying flat on her back and staring blankly up at the ceiling. "So... suicide pact?"

Angel snorted. "So dramatic."

"Feels like the moment to be dramatic, if ever there was one."

"Sure. But let me ask you this, other than that nightmare just now, how are you feeling about everything?"

Ivy frowned. "That's all I can think about."

"Oh. 'Cause I can think about you an awful lot still." Angel rolled on his side, getting close and snuggly with Ivy. He kissed her cheek. "It makes the embarrassment fade out pretty hard."

"That's not fair."


"Making me feel nice right now. Can't you give me a few hours of angst and dread first?"

"Not really." Angel kissed her lips, just softly. "You make me feel too good."

Ivy sighed and kissed him back. "Yeah, same. Problem is if we stay here too long, they might actually get the hose."

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"Yeah, but I need to sleep in this bed tonight still."

"Think they'll still let us sleep together?"

"Pff, what choice do they have?" Ivy asked. "This situation is as much their fault as ours, really."

Angel nodded sagely. "Lead with that, I think. Project the blame."

"Oh shush. Maybe just kiss me some more if you aren't going to take this seriously."


Angel kissed Ivy again, and she really leaned into it, losing herself in his lips, and the warmth of his naked body pressing against hers. It could almost allow the both of them to forget their recent uncovering, except for some odd sounds emanating from the stairwell outside. It took a moment for them to properly register, but as the noises got louder both Angel and Ivy groaned out loud and fell apart again.

"He's dragging the hose up here, isn't he?" Angel said.

"Fuck's sake."

Ivy, more proactive at this point just because she'd given up on being left in peace for a few minutes, jumped out of bed and stuffed herself into a shirt and panties. It was technically her brother's shirt, but that was the least of their problems currently.

Ivy flung open the bedroom door. "Don't you dare, Dad! Don't you dare!"

Ian beamed with false innocence at her. "Don't know what you're talking about."

"You're in the midst of dragging the garden hose up the stairs. What story are you going with exactly?"

"Oh that." Ian looked down at the hose in his hands. "Well you know, your mother usually doesn't let me spray you two indoors, and it seemed like a fun--"

"Oh for fuck's sake," Ivy moaned, slumping to the floor. "You'd really do it, wouldn't you?"

"Probably. Hadn't decided yet. But after all the effort of dragging this up there, it would be a waste not to."

Angel, having dressed a bit less hastily than Ivy, appeared in the hallway as well.

"Then again," Ian said mournfully, "it seems I'm too late."

"Better luck next time," Angel said.

"Don't encourage him," Ivy said absently.

Ian finally dropped the end of the hose, wincing as it accidentally slid back down a few stairs once released. He took a serious look at Ivy's state afterward, and at Angel who was doing better, but still in a somewhat troubled frame of mind.

"You going to be ok, kiddos?" Ian asked.

"Oh who's to say," Ivy said. "Everyone saw... well they saw us."

"I didn't, if that's any consolation," Ian said.

"Not as much as you might think," Angel said. "But thanks."

"We've known about it for years, though," Ian said. "So yes this was a bit of a shock, but--"

Ivy and Angel's heads snapped up almost as one.

"We haven't done this for years!" Ivy said.

"First time," Angel agreed, nodding. "Almost a second time too. That didn't go so well though."

Ian rolled his eyes. "That's the story you're going with?"

"It's true!" Ivy said, leaping to her feet with a surge of righteous indignation. "Does everyone think that?" She stomped down the stairs, seeking the rest of her frustrating family. "Angel and I do not typically have sex with each other! I just want that to be clear! This was an atypical event!"

Ian and Angel watched Ivy go in near-silence.

"It's true, you know," Angel said eventually. "We don't normally... have sex. We're not like that, whatever everyone thinks."

"Oh," said Ian. "Well... I mean it was always just speculation. You too have always been... close."

"Shouldn't speculate about things like that."

Ian shrugged. "Shouldn't do things like that, technically speaking."

"Damn, you got me there." Angel sighed. "We always just fought for the most part. I don't know how--"

"You fought in a way that always ended with you two rolling around together. Quite intimately at times. And when you weren't fighting, you just always were close some other way."

"That wasn't the intent."

"Uh huh."

"It wasn't! And anyway, whose genius idea was it to make us share a room anyway?"

Ian nodded. "In hindsight, and with new information, maybe not the brightest move."

Angel smiled in a way that started slow, but eventually stretched across his whole face. "Then again, it's been... nice."

"Please, tell me exactly zero details."


Ian looked at the hose he'd dragged halfway up the stairs. "Want to put that away for me?"

"Only if you promise not to spray Ivy and me while we're in bed," Angel said.

"Only then?"

"I mean... don't spray us at all, actually. That would be preferable."

"Let's see how it goes."


Supper was a bit of an awkward affair that evening. Quinn was quiet and mostly stared down at her plate, while contrarily Zara seemed altogether too chipper and alternated between grinning at Ivy and Angel, or playing with Quinn's hair.