Act 8: Pool of Preparation

Rise of the Demon King Tanjiro VS Demon Slayer Nezuko

**Originally posted in Fanfiction and Archive**

Published: 04-24-20 - Finished: 07-16-22

Important note from the REAL author of this fanfic Rise of the Demon King Tanjiro VS Demon Slayer Nezuko: Please report Gaby_Dagohoy who reposted my fanfic here in WEBNOVEL, without my permission...what more he claimed he own this fanfic that I wrote with blood and sweat.

Kanon58: I thought Giyuu needs spotlight. Also to people in the reviews. THANK U SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME KNOW U EXIST. IM A SUCKER FOR REVIEWS HEEHEE. Also I will be exposing Blue Spider Lily border but not right now haha, like what I did to Muzan and right now to Giyuu's...Also Updates may become slow. I only have one rest day from working :\

I intend to finish this but just saying ok! hahah...please review, it gives me inspiration to continue when you guys drop reviews IM A SUCKER FOR IT PFF...!

As Said English sucks so do Not Except it to be written beautifully or whatever. I'm doing this out of pure fangirling and fantasy.

No Flames you are not a Breath Flame User xD


Im just doing this cuz of Quarantine, But once everything is back to normal I will be busy on my Work again as an Adult. SAD ADULT FAR AWAY FROM ANIMES HUHU

REVIEW To inspire me to update. ROLF

Visit my dying chicken Gurenge Eng Cover thanks type youtube "Gurenge English Lyrics - Kimetsu No Yaiba [JeanaSama]"







Zenitsu and Kanao just got done with their job to slay a new breed of demon in a rural town. Zenitsu was not unhappy since Kanao is still a girl. Frankly Zenitsu did not do anything, Kanao did all the slaying. It was just a single demon. So now it is time for them to go home, to rest to the butterfly estate. They took some blood sample from the demon they slain.

Yushiro basically ordered all Pillar's to get some blood from the Demon Guard's and New Breed of Demon's. He is planning to become like Tamayo's way of searching for medicine, for our Tanjiro.

Kanao look's up to the moon and had her thought's occupied of her late big sister's...










"Tomioka! Is Tomioka dead..!?" It was Sanemi, yelling so loud in the butterfly estate. Because of him, Nezuko,Zenitsu,Inosuke,Aoi, Senjuro and Kanao heard the news early than it suppose to be.

Right now they are all in Butterfly estate. Remember how they were recovering from the fight with Kyoujiro? Aoi and Senjuro were still recovering. Nezuko is having her check up from Yushiro. Kanao and Zenitsu just arrived.

It was morning.

Sanemi open's the door to Giyuu's room. "Tomioka...!" A grown up Sumi Nakahara turned to Sanemi and hushed him. "Please do not be noisy...! There are other patient here..!" she was not that mad, just concern for other's. But it was too late, the commotion was too loud and some people have eavesdrop.

Those were Kanao and Nezuko.

"G-Giyuu-san..!?" Is Nezuko's gasp. Kanao looked worried. Sanemi proceed to ignore Sumi and goes to Giyuu's side. He did it again. "Hey! Tomioka!"

Tomioka Giyuu is having a bad fever. His was frowning, he was shivering, his lip's were color blue as if a bug bite him. His cheek's revealed some red dot's like rashes.

Despite the loud call out of Sanemi, Giyuu cannot hear them. "He' he...sick?" Sanemi asks.

Sumi is about to response when Kiyo Terauchi arrive with an injection. "Excuse me~" giving some way. Kiyo proceed to inject the medicine to Giyuu. The red dot's on Giyuu's face had subside, but not completely gone.

"U-um," It was Kanao, "Kiyo-chan...Is...Tomioka-san poisoned...?" it was a question, since Kanao did not want to assume that Giyuu is poisoned as he look rather ill.

Kiyo nods,"Yes, the Demon Guard had poisoned him by lips. Then we found cuts in his tongue, a broken jaw and a bite mark in his neck..." and showed them a letter from Yushiro. It says that he received the blood sample Giyuu took from Tanjiro, the rest were just the content of the injection.

"I see...Giyuu-san manage to get some blood from my brother." Nezuko admired Giyuu by that act. "I hope you get well soon Giyuu-san..."

Yushiro is currently in the lab of Shinobu's. It's morning so he cannot go out and approach them to say something, so he just goes by writing letter's. "Yushiro-san gave this medicine. He said it's made of Wisteria and some antibiotic's from Shinobu-sama's shelf."

Glancing at Giyuu whose still in bad shape, but at least the red dot's on his cheek's, or the rashes rather-had become smaller. "He said to try it out if the poison of the demon will be erase..." looking back to Giyuu. "I hope it work's. I like Tomioka Giyuu-san...he's nice guy." Says Kiyo.

Sanemi grit his teeth. "Who did it...?!" he know's it's a demon guard as the new's had said. But he wanna know specifically which demon.

Even though Giyuu can't hear them, Giyuu said a name that made Kanao's heart sank.

"Ghh...K-Kochou..." grunting, "Shi...nobu..."

Kanao, Sanemi and Nezuko were horrified.

If they encounter Shinobu's demon form, being reminded of how she and Tamayo saved them all. It will definitely take a time before they slay her. More like she is the most dangerous demon from all if she had poison...!

Kanao and Nezuko had left the room. Sanemi decides to stay with Giyuu until his condition get's better.

"Tomioka...wake up, fight whatever is going on right now, Tanjiro, he took it didn't he...?"

His bloody handkerchief is missing.

It looked like Giyuu is having a nightmare.

The wind blows.






Inside Giyuu's Dreams

(("It was a cold day. Not particularly winter...but plain cold. So cold that I shiver."))


Unware he was inside a dream. Little Giyuu is running from the top of his lung's.

There was something...Something dark behind him. 'hahh...hahh...!' glancing to his own back. He saw it. A big black demon with foul red eyes, ready to devour him whole.


Little Giyuu open's his eyes again. Taking a step forward, Accidentally stepping on a cup of water. Apparently he placed it there and he just forgot. SHATTERS!

"AH!" it wounded his toes. It was then an older girl called his name and is very worried. "Oh no! Giyuu!"

"Ehh..?" little Giyuu saw Tsutako Tomioka. Her sister is alive. Not that Giyuu is aware he was dreaming, it just felt like it's been ages that he had seen her. "Oneechan!" quickly Giyuu moved to hug her sister, his face was below her waist can reach.

Tsukato kneel to his level to hug as well. "Giyuu! What happen...?!" seeing the shattered glass of cup. Giyuu's toes were bleeding. "We have to disinfect it...!" gently pulling him up to avoid on walking further. "Let's tend it."

Sniffing. Little Giyuu was not actually crying from the pain of his toes, it was something else. 'I wonder why it hurt's...?' watching her big sister wrapping his toes with bandages. '...why does my heart hurt instead of my toes...?' Somewhere in Giyuu's heart there is a hole, that he cannot put together.

"There." Tsukato smiled at her brother and pat the head. "Be-careful next time." she giggled and tease him a bit. "I cannot believe you would fall asleep and sleep walk, now you broke the cup's. Mom and Dad will be upset~"

Giyuu's ears went red. 'what...!?' He feared to be scolded by their parent's. As he is a weak and clumsy boy he was. "T-Tsukato neesan! Please don't tell them..!"

Tsukato was just messing with him, but she think's it's the best to let Giyuu scolded. "Well, that is time don't sleep walk!" Giyuu pouts. Tsukato is a kind big sister, and she knows how to make Giyuu confess whatever was on his mind. "What's wrong...?"

Giyuu stopped pouting and looked down. "I have a bad dream." waiting, "That...A monster is chasing me, and wanted to eat me. It was winter or something..."

Tsukato observed her little brother before commenting back. "A monster huh..."

'come to think of it, there are rumors about monster will come out especially in winter. They call them Oni...those creatures cannot go outside with light.'

For a second, Tsukato is concern regarding the myth's of demon. What if they are real...? At all cost, she must protect Giyuu. Her precious little brother.

"Giyuu..." reaching for his cheeks, Giyuu blushed in embarrassment when Tsukato's forehead connected with his. "No matter what, as your Big Sister nothing bad will ever happen to you...even if I get married. I will always think about your safety." glancing at the calendar, there was a red circle on it. A specific date of her wedding soon to be held. "Mom and Dad are always busy on fixing water drainage...It has always been you and I." moving away from Giyuu's little forehead.

Giyuu still feels uneasy. "Onee-chan..."

Something, something so dark.

As if the water he knew was never blue...

"Tsukato neesan! Did you see my slippers?" He was out of bath. Tsukato toss him the slippers he needed. "Gee Giyuu, you still forgetful as ever! Oneechan is a bit worried about your future...don't get Alzheimer okay?"

This was a default on Giyuu. He is clumsy, weak, always afraid, emotionally affected, polite and has problem speaking up. The worst of it is that, when he was told about a chore, he forgets or does it wrong, when he place something on somewhere he forgets. Just like how he forgot there is a table near where he sleep. He thought he placed it at the said table, but he put it on the ground. To get himself cut by the shattered cup. Reminding you he almost forgot about sparing the lives of the Kamado siblings.

"Here." Tsukato dresses him his regular dark blue hakama and a scarlet haori. In this haori his name has been sewed on it. Proving he was the owner. "For you not to forget! Let me dress you up!"

Giyuu protested. "I know how to wear clothes! Also..." fidgeting, " need beauty rest. You have to be beautiful in your wedding." Tsukato stared at Giyuu and dared. "Hehh~ you know what is that 'date' without looking at the calendar!"

Giyuu knows he was being teased again. "O-of course I know! Its..."

Chatting with his big sister continued.

Tsukato has a beautiful dark-hair with light skin. She wore her hair in a thick braid tied with a light-colored ribbon down her back and a loose fringe over her forehead. Her eyes were a shade of dark blue similar to her younger brother. She wears a dark red kimono and hakama tied below her chest.

She is a courageous and loving sister, her hobby was sewing. She likes sewing to the point she sew Giyuu's haori his signature name.

Tsukato wanted Giyuu to be reminded that he is Tomioka Giyuu. The Courageous and Loyal Warrior. That was the meaning of his name, quite opposite of what he is in current.

But Tsukato believes their little baby in the family, soon will be a true cool person in the future.

(('Yes...she was a loving sister. She love me so much that...'))

Today Giyuu with his mom and dad had a chat about what happen early in the morning. Giyuu was scolded for always being so clumsy and always afraid. What is worst, Giyuu is having a hard time to explain himself to others.

That is why he had no friend's. Sure he had playmates, but he never consider them as very precious like his big sister.

'Oneechan will be married so soon...' staring at the water pond. He was planning to be grown up. 'I cannot rely anymore on my oneechan. To always protect me...'

Giyuu had made up his mind. 'I'll be mature so that, even if mom and dad are busy...even if Tsukato-neesan is nowhere to spend time with me. I will be a man...!'

Giyuu wished her sister to be happy on the day of her wedding.

A few days later. Finally, just one more day, Tsukato will be married to the man she thinks she has future with.

A bit later...

Giyuu is alone at home. Their mom and dad went to the mom and dad of the man Tsukato will marry.

They were all busy for tomorrow's biggest event. They are not rich, but not poor either. They were in the middle class. It was already noon. Giyuu's job is to fill the bathtub and drums with water.


Drip drop...drip drop...

"Once mom and dad arrive and Tsukato-neechan, they can all take a bath without babysitting me." Feeling the sense of achievement. Giyuu went out to put back the bucket he had used to fill the water.


"Huh?" In front of him, a mysterious man in black. "Umm...who are you?" Asking with politeness. Giyuu stared at the man whose walking pattern is odd. "Mister...?"

When the man left the shades, the orange color had become dark blue. The night had approach.

Despite the darkness, Giyuu's eyes widen. The zombie like man had two heads in his hand. He was grabbing them by the hair.

And those face made Giyuu screamed in horror. "IiiyAaah! M-MOM! D-DAD!?"

Anxious heartbeat . 'A...A monster! A MONSTER!'

He was too scared to run. Giyuu looked at his healed toes from the shattered cup. 'Move! Move!'

Kicking himself, pinching himself. 'Be a man...! Move and run...!' Finally able to control his shaking legs. Giyuu went inside their home and locked the door. "This should do it-"


But the door was wrecked. Giyuu's head was hit from the impact. "Ugh...!" The demon had a long tongue and red foul eyes. 'This...this is like that dream..!'

He was going to be eaten.

Giyuu curled himself at the floor. He was sure he will die. Yet,


A huge red kimono hovered him. "Kyaaaah!"

Giyuu was not the one who screamed. But his big sister, "T-Tsukato-neesan!?" His mouth was covered by her sister as she kept him covered by her red kimono that she had undress earlier. "Mmph..!" The blood dripped onto his forehead, traveled down his cheeks and chin. Tsukato is bitten in her left shoulder. "G...iiyuu...! Play, dead..." coughing blood as the demon hand made it's way to stab her in abdomen, as if grabbing her intestine. "...then, if you your life in my part-"

Giyuu couldn't scream anymore. He was too shaken at the sight of Demon eating her sister while her sister is covering her to the ground. His head though, having a mental breakdown.



Giyuu saw something, a shiny blade, the demon's head flew and hit the ground with a loud thud.


A man wearing a tengu mask that covers his entire face, also white cloth that covers his head and wraps around his neck. He appears to be an elderly individual, his hair was black and fashioned into a topknot. Wearing a cloud-patterned jinbei kimono with navy colored pants which are fastened at his shins by white kyahan guards. He also wears traditional black tabi socks, and sandals similar to Tanjiro, except his sandals have blue straps.

The new person in the house spoke. "I'm sorry I was late..."

However Giyuu's head injury is so bad that he fainted.



Little Giyuu turned his head and saw his mom,dad and big sister. They were waving to him. Between then is a boundary of lake. "Hey!" He called out.

But the trio continued to wave as they go far away.

Only thing he heard from the distance was...

' dead. If you live, live your life in my part~'

Giyuu wokes up in a loud gasp. "Aahh..!" Sitting up, Tsukato's red kimono is wrapped at him. There is also a white scarf maintaining his head from further bleeding. There was the man in tengu mask. Giyuu did not care on him though. He instead watched how the man had collected the dead bodies.



(('I was, I was just a weak kid that time...I tend to forget thing's. There is only one thing I would not forget. The day of my sister's wedding'))

Urokodaki approached the boy, "Say goodbye to your family, boy..." The stranger pulled him up to walk, closer to the dead bodies that he should not forget. He was told to look at them for one last time. Before burial, not any wedding.

Badump, badump,

(('That is why...I averted my eyes from the reality...'))

"They are..." the two corpse had a body but no head, next to it had the 'heads'. They were place in a manner as if re attaching the head to the body. The other one was a supposed to be beautiful bride, had her liver eaten, her clothes were white and red. Proving she was brutally attacked by a monster. His whole family were the dead bodies.

(('I played dead.'))

Urokodaki watched the kid. He was trembling. "Hey...kid-" before he can even pat his shoulder's to calm him down.

Giyuu clutched his head, scratching it. He was screaming. "Aaahh...AAAAARGHHHH!"

The boy broke down. There was no tears,it was just the little boy who became an orphan now, made a hysteric yell.


Urokodaki knew he had to do something. The kid was going crazy. "Get a hold of yourself child!"


He smacked Giyuu whose going mentally ill. The boy's left cheek is red. Still no tears are visible. Just eyes...were in void.

(('The weak have no rights! They don't get to make choices! All they can do is be relentlessly crushed by the strong!'))

Urokodaki unmask himself, revealing the most gentle face ever. He thought it would calm the boy down. However Tomioka Giyuu still unfazed.

"Listen to me... You may cry, but don't succumb to sorrow! Your big sister choose to die in your stead...! This isn't the time to despair. Your sister...if she had not covered you with her red kimono, the demon would have eaten you as well..!" Shaking the boy's frail shoulder's, Urokodaki kept talking to him.

"I know you're devastated right now. Your family massacred, I know it hurts. I know you wanna scream. I understand. If only I had gotten here a half a day sooner, maybe then your family would still be alive. However, there's no way to turn back time. So feel it... feel the pure rage of being unable to forgive... let it be what gives you the strength to take action. With that fragile resolve of yours, you'll never get revenge for what happened to your family!"

Despite all the effort of convincing little Giyuu to keep himself together. He remained blank.


Waiving his hand's to Giyuu's dread eyes. Finally Giyuu responded.

"Who are you...? Where am...?"

Urokodaki is shock. 'A moment ago...he was, he was screaming in rage if I'm not mistaken..!' What is this? Why is this child acting like the dead bodies were stranger and he himself is nobody?

Putting back his tengu mask.

"I'm..." clearing his throat. "My name is Urokodaki Sakonji. I'm a demon slayer who arrive to" he was not sure how to end his explanation. He thought to fix the boy up,by asking his name back. "What about you? What is your name child?"

Emotionless Giyuu plainly answered, without any hesitation. "I don't know."

Urokodaki wanted to slap him again, but it looked like the boy's brain had been damage by this tragic scene. He thought to let it slide for a bit.

"Hmm, forget it. Just come with me..."

Giyuu blinks, "Take your sister's red kimono with you and let's get going."

Giyuu remained still and sees Urokodaki starting to bury the corpse, the shovel moves until they were all covered properly. "I will train you to be a Demon Slayer as well...if you do not wish to remember who you are lad."

Giyuu did not respond, his hand was taken by Urokodaki and they start to walk away from Tomioka household.

The night is very cold...

Giyuu was in a trauma, that he forgot about his sister. Even her word's had disappeared in his head, heart and eyes.

Giyuu was a lifeless war shocked kid.

It is now very early or morning. "Urokodaki-san~!" The cheerful Sabito made his way to see Urokodaki returning home. His smile disappeared in interest. A worn out boy with head bandage, covering himself with a huge red kimono. He was not shivering, but you can see he is in a bloody state.

Sabito could tell already. The kid might have been rescued from a demon attack. "Sabito, I met him from a demon attack." Urokodaki said, "From now on this boy will live with us." Giyuu look's back at Sabito. He was distant, the way he made a eye contact it did not look like he was seeing thing's. "Once he get better, he will train with you...He's not in a good condition right now, but bare with him." gently pushing Giyuu's back for him to join Sabito's side.

Sabito is like a big brother despite that their age is basically the same. Sabito approached Giyuu himself. He did not give him a cheerful smile, it was a reassuring smile instead. "Hi, I'm Sabito. What's your name...?"

Giyuu is actually quite the shy type, then again he couldn't answer the question. Since his head had block the memories of who he was. "I..I don't know..."

"What?!" Sabito looks up to Urokodaki with a confusion. Urokodaki briefly explained what's the mental state of Giyuu. "He had a mild amnesia. I do believe his memories will come back once he learn to accept the truth." Sabito still look confused, He added, "Meanwhile we ...take care of him. Till he open up."

Sabito went back to Giyuu. "Uhh...Ok." he finally noticed. "What's that?" Giyuu tilt his head.

"I'm sorry...?" Sabito pointed on the edge of Giyuu's clothes. "...Your kimono, that's rare. A name sewed on it." Zooming in,"Hmm, gi...yu..No, Courage and Loyal...? Err..." Sabito had a realization after re-reading the japanese letter's on Giyuu's clothes. He gasp, "Ah! Maybe that is your name!" pointing to Giyuu's face. "Giyuu!"

Giyuu's eyes widen. 'Gi...yuu...? Is my name...?'

A voice echoed in his stress out ear's.


'a woman's voice...saying it referring to me? who could that be...?' Closing his eyes, Giyuu's leg's wobble. He almost fainted, "Hey!" Sabito catches him. GROWLS~

"E-eh...?" Giyuu is hungry. "Umm..Giyuu...?" Sabito is shaking him gently. Urokodaki made a relief sigh knowing Giyuu has no further damage and guided the two kid's to go inside his house. "Now, now...Go ahead Sabito, take care of 'Giyuu' for me while I prepare meals."

Sabito saluted to Urokodaki as if the command is something absolute. "Yes Master!"

(('I didn't want to remember. My Tears just wouldn't stop. Whenever I did remember, I got so sad that I couldn't do anything... I was immature. To the point i forgot my big sister's sacrifice.'))

It has been 3 days. The mentally injured boy they call him 'Giyuu' because of the name on his kimono. Sabito observed and nursed Giyuu.

Giyuu has no physical wound. But Urokodaki told Sabito to make him drink some weird herbal. It was like putting drugs on a broken person.

Giyuu has not smile at all, but he had very polite word's. "Thank you Sabito." Is all he can say before lying in the bed. Curling himself to her sister's kimono, as if he clings to it's remaining warmth.

Sabito couldn't stop himself from saying something. "Hey...that clothe..." a bit hesistant but he say it. "It has been 3 days. We should put that on laundry-"

Only to hear Giyuu sniffing. "Wuuu..." Giyuu is crying!

"G-Giyuu!?" Startled. Sabito softly turned Giyuu's body to face him. He was really crying. Urokodaki is right, Giyuu cannot accept the reality that he is still acting like a child.

"Sabito..." he whimpers, "I can't, I do not understand what am...!" Continuously crying. "...Urokodaki-san said he rescued me from demons, that he said I have a big sister who was eaten for my stead. Then...then!" Clutching his late sister's clothes. "Then my head hurts! My heart hurts! Am...drowning in a pool of sadness..!"


Giyuu froze, "Eh...?" Sabito embraced him. He was patting his hair with comfort. "There, there...A real man can cry, but eventually we had to stand up." Sabito's voice sounded like an adult. "You know what? Were the same."

Ending the hug, he looked at Giyuu's swollen eyes. Sabito did not look like a kid in his age. He has a big mouth. "My family was killed," he pointes at the scar of his face. In his jawline..." I got this from a Demon Attack. I thought I was a goner...such an ugly scar right?" Remembering how he was saved by Urokodaki. "I...I was too weak that makes it so weird how only I survived..." raising his fist for a fist bump, but Giyuu does not understand it.

Sabito connected his fist to Giyuu's fist. "Since were the same! Let's be friends!" Smiling, more tears went out from Giyuu's depressed face. ""

Giyuu cries out but responded to the fist bump. "T-thank you for liking me...!"

Giyuu finally smiled and laugh.

Hitting Giyuu by another fist bump,"There! That's the spirit!"

"Ow!" But Giyuu failed to dodge. Sabito snort and laughs,"ahahahaha!"

Giyuu blushes before laughing as well. "Hehehehe!"

The two became friends.

The void in Giyuu's eyes...Shine has return, his pupils reverted back to normal.

Sabito was a very kind boy with a strong sense of justice. Sabito was a selfless person, he is also a serious young man who believed that all of his actions should be becoming of a can be ruthless mentor, especially whenever Giyuu is not doing the right training techniques that Urokodaki taught them.

He was always quick to point out his flaws and refused to acknowledge him as a man. There will be occassions where Sabito wouldn't be smiling. Time that Sabito appeared to have a pessimistic view on conflicts. It happen's when Sabito fails some training ground's. However regardless, to Giyuu he is someone he looks up so much that he wanted to be on the same level as Sabito.

(('Two weeks had passed. Because of Sabito's word's and hard work to communicate with me. The memory of my family slowly returning to me. Watching Sabito having training with Urokodaki-san...I started to feel inspired. That inspiration led me to agree on becoming a Demon Slayer. To be a man that never ask for someone's protection.')))

Giyuu joined Sabito's will to become a Demon Slayer, he was not doing this for revenge. It was just the wish to be always be with Sabito. You know, fighting demon's together like heroes, it has been 1 year. The basic were done, it is now for a bigger test. It was a very exhausting thing, but Giyuu enjoyed it especially having a light hearten conversation with Sabito every single day...had sewed the hole in Giyuu's heart.

Always laughter, always adventure, always man to man secret's. Giyuu is enjoying it, as if it was not a dangerous thing for kids to do.

Until finally he remembered who he was, not just fuzzy memories.

But what exactly happens.

Giyuu swung the sword to what it seems to be a rock. "Yaaah!"


The blade shattered.



"Huuhh...?" He was not stab, but now he clutched his head because it hurt. 'W-what is this...?!'

Images, there were his past. His trauma. His family, especially the image of his big sister, a calendar, the bloody cover.

' dead. If you live, live your life in my part~'

He remembers now.

Giyuu yelps as he falls to the grass. "Haa..." Acting like his head been hit over and over. "Aaargghh!"

Sabito and Urokodaki run to check on him. Giyuu was told to do a 100 sword swing till he make a crack to the small boulder. The sword snapped and it's handle smacked his head hard that blood went visible.


Quickly Sabito and Urokodaki was on his side. "Why is there blood on your head?!" Sabito tried to pull some information from him. Urokodaki picked up the sword handle, seeing the sword that he let Giyuu borrow snapped the moment Giyuu attempting to slice the said boulder.

It look ominous. Glancing at the two boy's. 'For the Nichirin Blade to broke so fast...good thing I had a spared one Haganezawa brought the other day.' Were Urokodaki's thoughts. "Nnhh..." Giyuu still curled at the grass,pulling his own hair.

Throb, throb, throb,

It went in rush. Giyuu's eyes snaps wide. Gasp. "Am...!? ...Tomioka Giyuu...!" Trying to stand up on his own while his hand's were protecting his head from bursting out. "My...big sister, she died for me...!" Tears streaming down. Urokodaki and Sabito decided to keep their mouth shut.

Since Giyuu seems to have regain his sanity.

A few moment's later. Giyuu is down to earth. Now he remembered how useless and unworthy he was to live. Giyuu went for some time for himself as alone.


Urokodaki had told Sabito to guard Giyuu as he seems to be fragile at this moment. Sabito found Giyuu staring into nothing. He stopped swinging sword for a has been 1 week. 'Hmm..he is sulking.'

Since he remembered why he is alive till this day. Trying to cheer him up from depression, "Giyuu! There you are...! Hey, Urokodaki-san said he is not mad on the sword. He will replace it, tomorrow we can continue-" Giyu expressed intense guilt for his sister's death to the point where he began thinking that dying would be better for him.

"I quit."


There were lights in Giyuu's eyes, so he isn't crazy. Sabito frowns. "What do you mean by quit? It has been one year! Why are you quitting?!" Pointing, "...Giyuu! Explain yourself!"

Giyuu averts his eyes and said something so depressing and insulting. "I do not deserve to live anymore."


"Ow?!" Sabito slaps Giyuu's face so hard that he fell to the grass. "Sabito...?" in his red cheeks. Sabito is glaring at him, he was upset and angry. Disappointed at his friend whose saying stuff's that will ruin everything they had work through. "Don't say you better off dying ever again! If you do, You and I are done. We'll stop being friends!" still covering his slapped cheek and sitting at the grass, he is gazing at Sabito's matured eyes.

"Your sister was suppose to get married the next day. And despite knowing that, she hid you from the demon's and protected you! You have nobody else? That's an insult to your sister!" staring to Giyuu's eyes, he wanted to convey it to him. What he think's about Giyuu's past. "You can't die. Ever. That life she lost to protect you? That future she left for you? They are still with you Giyuu!"

Giyuu's eyes widens. The evidenced by Giyuu's guilt and sadness over her sacrifice, took shape to his trauma. The realization came when Sabito echoed those words.

'H-he's right...Sabito is...right...I cannot waste the life my sister gave for me. For me to live in her part...! I mean she even said so that it is okay to pretend dead...How could I disregard your feelings? Sister..!' Those were her big sister's last word. Sabito held his hand's to be reach. "Do you agree?"

Giyuu cries, he accepted Sabito's friendly hands. He was help to stood on his shaking feet. "Y-yes...Thank you Sabito. For being my best...friend!"

Sabito pat's his back as he kept crying like a little lost child.

Not knowing...this will be the last he will shed tears.

Another one year passed...A kid named Makomo had been adopted by Urokodaki. She started to train like them.

((' I shouldn't have been too happy. I shouldn't have think that it would be easy...I was, I was not qualified at all to join the Final Selection. I was not able to slice a boulder. Sabito is able to. However, I was stubborn and excited to be in battle with Sabito. I really thought it's like a team play. But no. Fujikasane mountain is the prison's of demon's. Even if they are low level ones, they are still scary and dangerous. It was my fault. I disobeyed...Urokodaki-san.'))

"Sabito. You are now ready for the Final Selection." says Urokodaki. He gave him a ward off fox mask. Sabito accepted it with full respect. Makomo and Giyuu were at the other side. Giyuu feels frustrated as he couldn't slice the boulder. Makomo is just starting her training, she does not have to join them on slicing the boulder.

"Thank you Master." Sabito says. Giyuu couldn't control his self. He wanted to join Sabito. He took a step forward. "M-master!" Urokodaki looked at him knowingly how badly he wanted to be with Sabito on the Final Exam. He tried to calm him down.

"Cool your head Giyuu. You could have slice the boulder if you weren't so impatient."

Giyuu gritted his teeth. "Please!" he bowed, "Let me aid Sabito in the Final Selection!"

Urokodaki gave him the silent treatment. Makomo raised up her hand's to join in the conversation despite being a newbie. "Um, Urokodaki-san...Why can't Giyuu join Sabito if he is strong? Is it really necessary to slice a boulder...?"

Urokodaki watched all of his greatest student. He knew eventually he got to explain. "There was this Hand demon who eat's all of the student's I train." he looked at Sabito who felt pressured for a second. "Sabito, you are the strongest sword's man I have trained than the previous kids. I want you to defeat that Hand demon, if you ever encounter it." Urokodaki cleared his throat, "Don't get it wrong. I do not wish for you to revenge on it. I captured that demon, that demon held a grudge against me. Because of him...sometimes in Final Selection, nobody survives. He need's to be eliminated."

Sabito fidgets, he was feeling uneasy by the conversation. "Master, if that so... why the Demon Slayer examiner's does not slay that demon? You told us they only keep 2-3-years demons. If they exceed those years and become strong they had to be slain right?"

Urokodaki walked in circles as he continued. "Yes they do. But that is the problem. Whenever they try to search for him in the Fujikasane forest skirts, he seems to be hiding. As if he really is trying to live for so long, just to piss me off."

Makomo, Giyuu and Sabito felt the anger from Urokodaki. They gave him a pitiful and worried look.

Suddenly Giyuu lifted his hand's and declared. "We will defeat it for you Master!" Sabito look at him with shock. "Giyuu?"

Giyuu is gaining the bravery to be confident despite not being able to cut the boulder. "Sabito and I we will defeat it! For sure...!"

Urokodaki shakes his head, he commanded Giyuu. "No. You are not qualified." But Giyuu is stubborn. "It's the same thing! Cutting the boulder or not...If I cannot kill one single demon! I can never be a slayer...!"

Makomo clapped in response, she liked how Giyuu was answering back to Urokodaki that he is not a little kid anymore.

Urokodaki was deeply worried. However, this time Sabito approached him. "Master, please let Giyuu join me in the Final Selection. I will protect him." pointing at the boulder he sliced and to the boulder Giyuu had not sliced at all. "Giyuu and I are the best combo!" grinning.

Urokodaki resigned himself from the two stubborn kids. "Fine. Just promise me one thing..." he embraced the two who had small childish blush. "Please come back home. Makomo and I will wait..."

Giyuu and Sabito hugged Urokodaki back. "Yes we will..Urokodaki-san..."

With that Urokodaki give Giyuu his own warding off mask.

Sabito and Giyuu went to Fujikasane Mountains, the Final Selection.

((' Seven Days...just seven days...Within that span of time, I was not able to kill a single demon. Sabito did all the work. Sabito was...was like a hero in someone's fiction. Saving each of the weak slayer trainees from low level demon's. I feel like a burden. Am the huge rock Sabito had brought in this Fujikasane Mountains...If only I stayed behind, maybe...just maybe...'))

"Haaahh!" SLICE! Another low level demon was killed by Sabito. "Are you alright?" Sabito held his hand to a weakling slayer trainee. The trainee shivered and tried to compose the hold of his own Nichirin sword. "T-thank you!"

"Aaah!" it was Giyuu. He was having a hard time fighting off demons, because they gang up on him. The demon's seems to hate Giyuu so much that he always had to fight one to three group of demons.

In the end Sabito would help him to slay them. SLASH! SLICE! WHOOSH!

"Gaah!" the three demon's who were ganging up on Giyuu evaporates to ashes. "Giyuu are you okay?" Giyuu wipes his own sweat. He did not want to rely too much on Sabito. He was getting impatient. Like a foolish child he was...

"I-im fine. Thanks Sabito." Deep inside, he is actually cursing his own uselessness. 'I need to slay a demon! I need to! I had not slice the boulder, yet I'm here...! I need to prove myself worthy! to become...a respectful Demon Slayer!'

The rain passed by, everyday is battle. Thanks to Sabito who single-highhandedly kill all the Demons inhabiting the wisteria flower mountain. But there was one demon left they had not seen.

Until they encountered it.

The Hand Demon Urokodaki told them. Tomioka Giyuu is the one who encountered it.

Giyuu attack's the hand demon, only for him to get whip to a tree. "eh-" WHACK! "Gahhh!" he coughed blood. His warding mask broke. Sabito who just arrive after saving other slayer trainees, spotted Giyuu about to be devoured by the Hand Demon.

He rushes to his aid. "GIYUU!"

The hand demon's attention were now reverted to Sabito. Sabito was slicing off his arms so fast that it takes time for him to regenerate. Giyuu whose light headed from the head and back injury, his eyes tried to focus on the fight that unfolds before him. ""

There were actually other trainee slayer's present at that time. One of them went near Giyuu to check his condition. "Hang in there...!"

the other kid went to help Sabito, but After getting kicked ass as well, Sabito tried to shoulder all the fight attack's himself. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY MASTER'S STUDENT'S!" yells by Sabito.

The hand demon was laughing, he was doing evil chuckling too. "Kekekeke~! Think you can slice my neck? Better watch out~!" Sabito performed breath of water. He almost had him...!

Giyuu saw the last scene of Sabito. "((Mizu no Kokyuu-!)) Breath of Water-!" in Giyuu's pupil's...Sabito was near the Hand Demon's neck, but Giyuu passes out due to the blood in his head.

He heard someone faint horrific cry. How he wished he had not fallen asleep...

A sound of a sword snapping.


A sound of a movement to punch something.


A sound of splattering blood.



Tomioka Giyuu had woken up, he was in a clinic center. "Where is Sabito...?"

"Sabito-san is..."

"What...? For real...?

Only to find out, Sabito's head was crushed by the Hand demon. Making him the only 'dead' trainee, as everyone else passed by default.

All of them were able to at least kill one to five demon's.

But not Giyuu. He has not slain a single demon at all.

Which is so weird why he even survived in the first place.

Sabito's body had returned home with the dead eyes of Giyuu. Urokodaki started to embraced Sabito's corpse, Sabito's face were wrapped tight with bandages. Hinting he had no face remaining at all to see his smile. Makomo cries so loud that she might call the storm. Giyuu had not shed tear's, he was too shock on the Final Selection results. He didn't even care what ore will he use for his own Nichirin blade.

Giyuu have ask Urokodaki to keep Sabito's bloodied kimono, he said he wanted to keep it like the bloodied kimono of his big sister. Urokodaki is unsure if he should let Giyuu like this. But for the sake of keeping his sanity on check, he allowed Giyuu to keep Sabito's kimono.

The bloodied part of the kimono's were rip off. The two clean side's of Sabito's and Tsutako's kimono has been sewed together into a haori.

A haori that Giyuu planned to wear once his Nichirin blade arrives, to match with his Demon Slayer uniform.

"Sabito...I'm sorry, but I will not cry anymore. I will be the man you wanted..." it was raining. Urokodaki told him to rest, and yet he went up to the mountains, he had the Nichirin sword in his hand's because 15 days had passed ever since Sabito was buried. Urokodaki found Giyuu soaking in the cold rain and staring blankly at the boulder, free for slicing. "Giyuu! Come back here! You are not in the right condition to be here...!" he scolded him. "I'm just thankful enough that you were able to go home with us! With Makomo-"

The anger, the void, Giyuu finally able to slice the boulder. If only he had cut it more early, he would have saved Sabito from death!

He perform the Breath of Water.


Urokodaki was shocked and felt the fear in his body. How Giyuu sliced the boulder using the breath of water he taught him and Sabito. That he previously failed to use. How Giyuu is calm like the ripple of water, yet deadly like the tsunami.

He approached him rather slow, as Tomioka Giyuu turned around with the ocean blue eyes. The childish light's in his eyes had forever disappeared. The last tear he had was Sabito slapping him. Giyuu had never cried again.

"Master Urokodaki Sakonji," he formally said, "I will live in part of my sister and Sabito. Please watch over me."

It sounded so cold yet so veil of manly determination. Makomo happens to be hiding behind the tree, she had been watching Giyuu's mental state.

The rain magically had stop and revealed the sun giving light to the sliced boulder, reflecting sun-rays to his blade, to destroy demon's.

It was the day Tomioka Giyuu had been reborn as a real man.

The day before her scheduled wedding, Tsutako sacrificed her life to protect her younger brother from a Demon.

Sabito who everyone not to be eaten by Hand Demon died in process. Unfair as it sound's only Sabito died at the Final Selection.

Because of Giyuu's resolve, for some reason he got picked by Kagaya Ubuyashiki to become the next Water Pillar.

Wearing the haori from his love ones, Giyuu swear to never ever forget as long as there was a proof they existed in his mind, his heart,his body and his soul.

The night mare of these never ending flashback's continuous to repeat over and over until it break's Giyuu. Until Giyuu decide's to stop breathing.







(('Someone please...wake me up...from this memories...I'm drowning in the pool of Sadness...!'))

In the Real World. The night has arrived.

Yushiro is currently checking the blood sample he got from Giyuu's. He knows the human is currently in battle of mind poisonous dream. "If he dies...he must be pathetic." is what Yushiro honestly think's of Giyuu. At the same time, he is also worried.

"The demon guard, she had a similar ability like Tamayo-sama...The poison he got is to make him miserable until his brain shut's down. But hmp, as expected from Tamayo-sama she made some draft formula about how to defeat such poison...if such demon ability exist besides her ability." Tamayo may be gone, but her teachings lingers forever. Muzan destroyed her cells. Now that Tanjiro had become the new version of Muzan, he had to admit. Tanjiro had created a powerful and threatening demon guard's. If they won't hold back for them, they are all gonna die.

Especially Tanjiro. Who conquered the sun, nothing else can slay him. Unless if they found the Origin of Blue Spider Lily...maybe Yushiro can pinpoint what else can kill or cure Tanjiro. Yushiro had been here all day long in Shinobu's lab. He was been entrusted by Tamayo and Shinobu when they passed away, Ubuyashiki Kiriya told him to do as he please, as long as it can save Kamado Tanjiro. Or help them discover any other weak point of the new demon king.

When Yushiro drop the blood of Tanjiro to the wisteria sample. The purple and red blood mixed, it turned into color blue.

"What is this...?" usually purple and red if mixed should become magenta. Then Yushiro grabbed the blood sample of the new demon breed and mixed it with Tanjiro's blood and the said wisteria liquid had fused within. It turned red again.

"Could it be..."

Yushiro took the blood sample and held it up to the reflection of the moonlight. "Holy..." Yushiro couldn't believe his own eyesight, despite that his eyesight was his best body part as a demon. It is very sharp and clear. The blood mixed of wisteria, new breed demon blood and Tanjiro's blood.

The red blood glowed some blue crystal lights. It will remind you of the Red Spider Lily that becomes a Blue Spider Lily.

It was a very weird science thing. "This has to be tested out."

Yushiro packed a serum for the 'sample' and the other serum is for him to keep in his lab. For him to keep on testing it.










All of the demon guard's were properly aligned. Facing each other, as if they were waiting for someone to walk by the aisle.

to the left will be Makomo, Sabito, Mitsuri and Obanai.

to the right will be Gyomei, Tokito,Shinobu and Kyoujiro.

They were pretty hype on what is about to come on today's meeting...!

"Finally! Our lord will be announcing his plans...! Is anyone of you looking forward to it?" says Kyoujiro with the confident smile he always had. Mitsuri twirled in excitement as she responded to his question. "Yes! I'm very honored for whatever Master will tell us to do...! Can't wait! Can't wait!"

Obanai hushed her down by a soft pat on her shoulder's. "Now, not be a glutton Mitsuri~" snake sound, "Szzz~" looking at Shinobu and Tokito. "Remember, Tanjiro-sama does not like us harming too many humans. We at least got to control ourselves~Szz~"

Tokito gave him a bored look as Shinobu gave Obanai a fake calmed smile. "Why~ of course we will Obanai-san~!" Shinobu placed her pointy finger to her poisonous lips. "For my poison is only to the people who are special~"

Tokito snorts at Shinobu. "Pff, So you mean the Tomioka Giyuu guy is special huh~?" even though Tokito is not smirking, Shinobu cannot stand the poker face. "Ara~Ara~" Tokito ignores her vein pop and placed his hands to his chest, trying to feel a heartbeat that does not exist. "Ahh~ Hurry Tanjiro-sama~ tell me what to do~" fan-boying, "I cannot hide anymore how I feel~ I wanted to please him! And eradicate anyone who makes him hungry~ who makes him cry~ Who gives him pain~!"

Tokito drowned in imaginations he has...

Gyomei rubbed his budda beads and talks to Makomo and Sabito. The new demon guard members. They were quite different from them, as they resemble the traits of other ordinary demon.

The plastered smiled is always visible. "Sabito, Makomo," Gyomei calls them, their heads slowly turned as attentive to their senior. "You had to follow no matter what order's our lord Tanjiro will give you okay? Behave..?"

Makomo and Sabito nodded, they were like ghosts for not speaking.

Makomo looked almost the same as her human form except for real fox ears, nine tailed,whiskers and absolutely the red deadly fox eyes.

The commotion of everyone's excitement had quickly shut when they heard footsteps.


"Oh! He's awake!" Mitsuri panicked, making everyone startled and immediately tried to be compose like soldier's waiting for the king to make his way.

Tanjiro had a nice smile greetings for them as he walked straight and nonstop from the long aisle then walking up the stair to reach a specific chair.

Tanjiro have sat to a king size chair. He crossed his legs in a elegant yet authoritative way, he rest his right elbow to the free frame and puts his head on it.

Like a real demon king.

His friendly smiled disappeared into serious and observing one. He flip his long hair for you to visibly see he still had the hanafuda earrings. "Everyone~"

"Yes!" everyone responded in union.

Tanjiro kept his stoic face as he spoke. "I would like to thank all of you for the hard work on taking care of my body~ So now I have a bigger request to everyone," Tanjiro pulled something from his chest pockets and revealed the bloody handkerchief. "The owner of this Marechi, I want you guys to find him or her~" thinking what else does he has to say. Tanjiro slowly made an evil smile, "Rejoice~!" his red eyes glowed. Everyone felt it.

Their lord is looking forward on something, and that something... they will be doing it for him soon.

"Today is the day I will re assigned your positions~! Mitsuri and Obanai," if Tanjiro does not call them as 'mitsuri-san and iguro-san' Meaning, Tanjiro is not open for disrespect." ~You are still assigned in Red Light District. The winter is coming very fast, everyone whose in heat will probably go there. I want you guys to cause a scene to make the Demon Slayer's come and investigate. At the very best, I hope you do not kill them~ Since we need to find out who owns the Marechi~"

Mitsuri dared to spoke how she felt upon not killing the enemy though. "B-but M-master! I get very hungry...! If we wish to reduce on replicating people, isn't best to eat the Demon Slayers instead? No one will search for them, they do not need to be replicated!"

Tanjiro's evil smile turned into mild bored lips. "Hm~ I guess you are right." pausing for a sec, "Well, Ok~ if you has to eat the Demon Slayers. Then eat them~but still, not so much. I do not wish them to hate our existence further~" a little bit sad Tanjiro is.

Mitsuri's eyes sparked. "Yay! Food!" Obanai coughs and elbows her to behave. "Ehem, Mitsuri...words and manners to Tanjiro-sama..."

"E-ehh! s-sorry!" she bowed and blush.

Tanjiro doesn't mind though, he looked at Obanai. "Obanai, I leave the rest to you on controlling Mitsuri's appetite okay~?"

"Of course my lord." bowing his respects.

Tanjiro looks at Gyomei. "Gyomei~" Gyomei is blind on his normal eye socket. But the three crystal orbs in his forehead, right arm and left arm can see perfectly. The past, The future and the present. Meaning he can see their lord's face and his comrades through the crystal ball's in his demon body. "Yes Tanjiro-sama, I'm here to serve you."

Tanjiro is still not smiling, "Alright Gyomei~ I need you to go to the Sword-Smith Village." Gyomei raised his head for a bit surprised, "Isn't that Muichiro's district? I understand he was previously assigned to Kumotori Mountains, then you moved him to Sword smith village...why change now?"

Tokito glanced at Tanjiro then to Gyomei, he wanted to interrupt but he couldn't, as he knows making Tanjiro angry is not good. Tanjiro tap his fingers from his left arm. Contemplating, "I was planning to put you guys together, But I had doubts of Muichiro-kun's temper~" Tokito knew it, this is indeed a very serious job! Their lord is not open for jokes. Tokito thought to speak his feelings to assure Tanjiro he won't mess up this time. "T-Tanjiro-sama! I...I promise to do what you want me to do. I-I'll"

Sweat drops.

Tanjiro smiled a bit. "Ok then, Gyomei and Muichiro-kun go to the sword smith village. Tell them to swear alliance with us~"

Everyone gasp.

'For real!?' Kyoujiro couldn't stop to speak his thoughts on it. "T-Tanjiro-sama!? You are making us take over the Sword Smith village~?!" 'how bold!'

Tanjiro smirked, "Why of course~ Without the sword smiths, they cannot produce Nichirin blades. It will be a fair trade don't you think~? We will allow them to get a spare Nichirin sword if they swore to be in peace treaty with us~ hehe~" giggling, Tanjiro's demonic eyes sparkled. "I can't wait to be in good terms~!"

Everyone remained calm, they were overwhelmed on Tanjiro's daring orders.

"Now Sabito and Makomo I want you guys to go at Fujikasane Mountain~ The wisteria are still in bloom but I needed you guys to take over the place~ To stop them from creating more Demon Slayers in the future. Restrain them~"

Makomo finally spoke as well Sabito replica did. They bowed their heads to acknowledge the order. "If that is your wish Tanjiro-sama~"

Shinobu reacted this time. "My~my~ Tanjiro-sama! They are just newbies~ They are like the lower demon guards. Are you sure that huge task can be fit to them~?" Shinobu is in doubt, Tanjiro can smell her doubts and he assured her. "Shinobu, those youths are not yet officially Demon Slayers, they should be easy to be convinced on swearing loyalty to my proposal~"

Shinobu looked at her lord before she let out a soft smile. She thought she shouldn't push to be against him. "Alright then~ We trust your commands, but what about me~? Where am assigned~?"

Tanjiro still sitting in a cross leg position, he rested his back to the furniture. "I want you to find whereabouts Tomioka Giyuu-san being kept~" his eyes narrowed, "As always I do not want you to kill him, rather try to convince him to join our side~or more like~" Tanjiro threw her the bloody handkerchief. Shinobu catches it, "Locate the owner of this Marechi. I smell his lies. He definitely is associated with whoever owns that Marechi bloodstain. He was luring me to his...If you ever find the owner of the Marechi, do not kill him." his voice went deep, to show Shinobu that she shouldn't play with their preys for now. "Bring him to me. The Marechi, alive and complete body parts~I will take care of him~hehe."

Shinobu nods and excused herself. "I understand~Sorry for my sadistic side~I will try my best to be less!"

Finally Tanjiro called his first demon guard. Rengoku Kyoujiro. "Rengoku-san~" but he did not call him 'Kyoujiro'. It look's like the kind demon lord Tanjiro is back, or maybe...his good and evil side is becoming one personality as time flows.

"Yes Tanjiro-sama?" waiting.

Tanjiro released his sunshine smiled, everyone wanted to see him smile rather than being scary or emotionless. "Come with me~ Let's go to the Shinobi's estate."

Kyoujiro gulps down, "Y-you cannot be serious Tanjiro-sama...?"

But Tanjiro is deadly serious. "I want you to go with me, and make the Shinobi's become one with us~"

Shinobi's were the clan of ninja's. That is where Uzui Tengen is after his retirement. "Tanjiro-sama! I Kyoujiro will fulfill all your desires! Use me as you will!" feeling pumped up how Tanjiro wishes to travel with him, Kyoujiro is too pleased for such special treatment.

"Now let us take over the Demon Slayer corps~" raising his left hand above to pretend on capturing the moon. Seizing it. "Watch over me Muzan~ I will fulfill our dreams."

"The hunters, then japan."

Tanjiro sure is happy.


Sounds so merry, yet sadistic.

With those final bold orders. Their plan...Commence...!








The morning came.

Kanao staring to the blue sky. She was anxious. 'What should I do...? To think I will fight with Master. N-no. It is not really her...still...I wonder how her demon face looks like...I'm scared. Will I be able to bring it down...?'

Feeling her nervous heartbeat.

Out of nowhere, Nezuko sat beside her. "Kanao-chan~!"

"Ah?!" Startled. Nezuko giggled, she was planning to cheer her up. "How are you?" Smiling.

Kanao blushes and shook her head. "I-I'm fine."

Nezuko puts her elbows to her knees while supporting her own chin. "You know what...During my demon state. I was really hungry..." when Nezuko said that, Kanao looks at her. "I was in a sleepy ish state. But I remember it clearly~ The days and nights me and Oniichan traveled. May it rain, may the sun be so bright, may it be the darkest night...stars, pretty stars above."

Kanao is not sure how to response. She isn't sure if Nezuko is sharing her feelings as a demon or trying to comfort her from almost waivering upon knowing Shinobu was replicated. The demon guard, how she fears to encounter the demon Shinobu.

"I know all the time I had spent with you and everyone. Though I cannot recall the exact conversations...but I know each of the feelings surrounding me. Whenever I sleep to regain strenght, to stop the hunger...I will simply think of my family. How big brother bare it for so long..."

Taking Kanao's hand. "Inshort do not bare it all alone Kanao-chan! If you think you cannot fight Shinobu-senpai's demon version. I will kick her ass for you!" Showing a rather gentle and sister smile. "After all...Tanjiro Oniichan likes the speaking Kanao~"

Kanao blushed further. "W-what?"

Nezuko teased her. "Oniichan shared it to me! He talked about how he flip the coin! He said your smiling face and speaking tongue is the best...!"

Fidgetting. Kanao is a little bit stupid when it comes to 'getting approval'. " like my brother right...? What made you like him beside his kindness..?"Nezuko pushing for a girl talk. Kanao hid her face as she answers. "T-Tanjiro-kun is...he's a gentlemen. I guess...?"

"Heehh~ so you will fall for a guy as long as they are a gentleman? Is that it...?"

"N-no! Tanjiro-kun is different...he is more than that." Checking her heart pulse. "I cannot put it, but I just like everything about Tanjiro-kun. I would never forget how he flip the coin." Having a confident smile. "Yes, I love him for setting the chains in me..."

"I see~I'm sure Oniichan would be so red if he hears it...! Hee~hee~" seeing how cheerful is Nezuko despite she was suppose to be depressed about her brother becoming an evil demon lord very soon.

"U-um...Nezuko-chan..." shy, "D-Don't tell anyone." She become so embarrass now.

Nezuko laughs,"There is nothing for me to hide! Everyone notice it you know! How you and my brother had such atmosphere~ it is really cute!"

"C-cute?" Her words stutters. Slowly gaining courage, she asks Nezuko back. "How about you Nezuko-chan...? What kind of guy do you like?"

Nezuko thought for a moment,"Uhh~ let's see~" recalling her conversation from back when her siblings were alive. "Ah! I remember now! I want to marry a Hisha~!"

Chibi confused face Kanao is. "Hisha?"

Only to be interrupted by the reporting crow.


Nezuko and Kanao looks at eachother with a serious face. "I guess it is time to kick some demon asses~" says Nezuko.

Naho Takada approached the two girls. "Nezuko-chan, Yushiro-san had something for you. He said give it to other pillars!"

"From Yushiro-kun?"

Naho gave her some bottles. It was the antidote samples Yushiro made. Handling some as well to Kanao's, the grown up Naho briefly explained. "It's the antidote draft. Yuishiro wanted to test to any demon guard or demon breed. To see if they will revert back to their original form or becomes something else! In short do not use it to Tanjiro-niichan yet~!" Giving her a note with warning from Yushiro.

['If you use this to Tanjiro I will eat you.']

Nezuko had sweat drops. "W-we'll try not to be excited..."

Meeting up with Senjuro whose fully healed and Zenitsu pretty high spirit outside the gate of Butterfly estate. "Nezuko!" Greets Senjuro. "Are you ready?"

Nezuko flips her hair and Zenitsu fanboys immediately. "Nezuko-chan so cuteee~"

Nezuko approach the two and gave them the serum sample. "What is this...?" Senjuro lifts it up to see the content if anything strange. Nezuko shurgs as she isn't really smart when it comes to science and medicines.

"Yuishiro-kun said not to use it to Tanjiro Oniichan, but we must use to it to the demon guards...It is like a antidote test perhaps...?" Zenitsu hides the serum in his pockets. "Well then! Let us go to the Red light district!"

Stopping his feet "Wait...Red Light." Zenitsu turns to face Senjuro and Nezuko who had quizzical look on Zenitsu's sweating face.


Zenitsu pointed out. "Isn't be...suppose to be girls? Kanao and Aoi...y-yet."

Senjuro answers back. "Uhh is gender important for this mission?"

Zenitsu screamed and braced himself. "OH NO! THIS HAPPEN BEFORE! SENJUROOO!" shaking Senjuro violently. "E-EH?! ZENITSU-"


Senjuro just made a disturb chibi confusion. "EEeeeeehh?!"

Nezuko puts her fist on her palm. "Ah~!" and smiles. "I'm the only real girl~!"

The winter had finally came.



"Relax yourselves gentlemen~offer me your everything even the dirtieeest part~hehe!" Giggling and seductively, Demon guard Mitsuri pulls the man's face to hers. "Let's have a lovely night time shall we~?" Her demonic eyes hinted excitement. "Thank you for the meal~" the victim did not even run away, the man was laughing. "Hehehe, sweet Mitsuri-chan...please eat me...~!"

Mitsuri's heart shaped tail stabs the man, then after sucking out the life force from the man, she proceed to the other men in the room.

She devours the men lined up for her who seems to be under her spell.

Behind her is Demon guard Obanai, watches in silent, he had a long scroll in his hands, it is a list of blood types of people working in the Red light industry. "There are no Marechi Blood type on this list~sszz," throwing the scroll and grabbing a new set. "Maybe this one~hmm~"

The room was bloody as Mitsuri eats a lot, those who were not under her spell gets smashed and get fed to Obanai, to eat them 'whole' like a snake does. No bones remains. "I'm sorry~ the men I have eaten, non of them were Marechi~how troublesome!" Licking the blood from her hands, her tail wiggles like a dog.

Obanai puts an 'X' mark on the checklist who is negative of Marechi. "This set of customers are also not a Marechi. Guess you can eat those who wanted to be eaten~sszz~then those who you do not like the taste, just give it to me okay?"

Reminding the glutton. Mitsuri is inlove for more food. "Kyaha~They are all delicious~ I will try my best not to decrease the population~!"

Obanai smiles amd shrugs. "Don't blame me if Tanjiro-sama get's angry~sssz, hehe."

Nezuko, Senjuro and Zenitsu will engage a dangerous battle.


To be Continued






Kanon58: i based Giyuu's trauma on chap 130. He said he wanna forget that meant he attempted to block his memories. You notice Giyuu tend to forget. Like how he forgot about Kamado siblings lol. Sure 2years passed but Giyuu also forgot Sabito's words for him . Seem? Giyuu is a person tend to forget things. For him not to forget, he needed their haoris to remind him how sad!

Also according to his words for Tanjiro, i think we can assume he was really traumatize than Tanjiro did as he witness how her sister is devoured. Just saying!

Next: Nezuko, Senjuro and Zenitsu received their second mission to go in Red Light District. Little did they knew they will face off with the Succubus and Snake like demons. Mitsuri and Obanai duo against them, Will they survive?! Nezuko is in trouble until she remember's...she likes a Hisha.