Rise of the Demon King Tanjiro VS Demon Slayer Nezuko
**Originally posted in Fanfiction and Archive**
Published: 04-24-20 - Finished: 07-16-22
Summary: Muzan passed his whole Identity to Tanjiro and is now the New Demon King. He Escaped, people who were present at that day would never forget. How Kamado Nezuko swore back to her brother 'Oniichan, I will definitely, as Your Little Sister...Will Bring you back to normal!' And thus New Pillars and New Twelve Demons are About to Rise upon The Sun Demon King Kamado Tanjiro! Muzan Is always with lonely, isolated Tanjiro.
Kanon58: I'm skipping the introduction part of the manga for the descendants and just jump ahead to the add ons ok? Cuz...if I type the same exact scene from the Heisei period manga page it will felt like lazy work. So Anyhow hope you like this ending. This is one of my successful fanfic I say.
No Flames you are not a Breath Flame User xD
Thank you for all the support, cannot believe I finished this long journey of fangirling if Gotoge just extended demon slayer. Our cravings would have been justified.
And oh...HI GABY_DAGOHOY, I see you haven't taken down your posts about stealing my fanfics and other stuffs I made :D
I hope you get your karma someday. I don't need your apology, I need you to take down those REPOSTING YOU MADE.
Tanjiro's POV
Kumotori mountains, me and Nezuko's homeland.
We prayed together in the front of our family's grave as Inosuke and Zenitsu silently copy what we are doing. Clasping our hands to lead our wishes and prayers. "Father, mother...Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta. Nezuko and I manage to return. Because a lot of people helped us along the way. Many people lost their lives...but thanks to everyone's hard work, our wishes came how much hardship awaits us in the future, we will look forward and survive by helping each other out."
As I finished praying, I had a thought. 'Our lives are connected to everyone's now, and we will do our utmost best to live.'
That is when me and Nezuko heard our family's last words.
(("Welcome home."))
As he burst out crying.
Yes, yes...!
Were home, were home, were home.
"Hey! Tanjiro! Nezuko! Don't cry!" being comforted by Zenitsu and Inosuke. I cried out as I cling to Nezuko's embrace back to mine. "Nezuko...Were...home!"
We decided to confidently open our house door, my memory still blurry when I escaped here during my demonification periods but...I know for sure it is no longer a horrible sight. "Eeeh! this place isn't dirty at all!" as Nezuko steps in and moves her head to scan the surroundings with joy. It felt really nice. I noticed a piece of paper lay on the table, from the faint scent I can figure who left them there. Opening the letter, my guess is right as I replied to Nezuko's wonders. "Yes...Saburou-jiisan and everyone in the town kept this place clean. They wrote us a letter too."
I thought again to myself, 'Once I face to face with Saburo-jiisan this time, I will properly apologize for the trouble I caused him.' My memory maybe incomplete, but I do remember the part I came back to this place and almost scared Saburo-jiisan. I was glad I didn't eat him nor harm him in some ways. Nezuko whose mesmerizing the place, "And they even changed all the tatami mats and shelves! Those aren't cheap."
I nods, "We have to go out and say thanks to everyone again especially to Saburo-jiisan." then there is Zenitsu's sounds amazed as well and I think he is snifing the air too much. "Waaa so this was the house of you and Nezuko were raised in Tanjiro! It's so nice and warm!" and so Inosuke points at the wall frames were me and my siblings height measure still carved there. "W-what is this?! It got claw marks on it! these are beast marks I have never seen before! Is it a demon!?"
I chuckles and explained Inosuke. "No,no Inosuke. This is how our family measured our heights. We even wrote our names so we could know how tall we are." seeing childish side of Inosuke never ceased to bore me. "What?! Me too then! I'll surpass you all! Now get measuring! hurry, hurry!" Nezuko then took some garments, those were my mom's cleaning attire.
"Geez...Oniichan, Inosuke let us do that later. We have to clean before the sun sets."
Inosuke happily rolls at the floor as he kept his loud voice. "Now? Do it now? OKAY!" Zenitsu just being jealous behind. "Stupid boar, why is Nezuko-chan too sweet to Inosuke?"
I was happy.
Nezuko and I were together and happy with our upcoming new families.
Every night, I wrote a journal. It was the journal I wrote during my training with Urokudaki-san. Urokudaki-san said I should keep it to myself than him keeping it. He say mean stuffs that he is old and he won't be able to cherish my journal as what it should become. So I took the offer and took it with me here, back home.
As I moved my pen...
'I dream of a shining future. I wish everyone will wear a smile and lead happy lives. Until their natural death comes...and I hope their lives will never be threated by anything outrageous and absurd.
During that time even if by now...am no longer by your side. I want you to live. I want you to survive and I'm sure that if you were in my position you would be saying the same thing. I hope that these days of peace and tranquility...will keep going forever.'
Nezuko's POV
Me and my big brother Tanjiro are finally back home...but we are not just two of us, we also have Zenitsu-kun and Inosuke.
We were happy...so happy.
Is what I wanted to say, however...sometimes it crosses my mind. 'Is my brother really a human now?' I mean, I know that it finally ended, or probably not.
My big brother, Kamadao Tanjiro is actually strange ever since. Nothing off about his personality or anything unusual. It is just that...he is usually awake at night.
Probably because of his demon slayer body clock is not easily remove. But no, that was not the case. He likes morning yet he would time to time feel sleepy out of the sudden. Sometimes he cannot differ what is hot and cold. Sometimes the pain is not natural to him anymore.
"Oniichan." one time I noticed it. "Yeah?" as Tanjiro-niichan looks at me as if he cannot even feel the pain lingers to him, I point it out. "Your toe is bleeding." seeing Tanjiro-niichan's surprised face, how innocent he reacted. "W-what?! Since when did I stepped on something sharp...?!" I was concern of his well being especially now he had an old arm and a missing eyesight.
"You...you didn't felt it?"
Seeing Tanjiro niichan's whose good at saying confidently that he is ok. "I'm fine. It is far from internal organs!" but he isn't good a lying, he never was. "Ok, if oyu say so..." I decided to not be paranoid about it.
Yet then here comes the next day.
"Oniichan." I know it should be nothing of a big deal, but... "Yes Nezuko?" I again pointed below my brother's. "Your toe, its not bleeding anymore and the wound is actually gone?" I was being straight forward, I know. However to my dismay, my big brother shrug it off. "That must be your imagination."
This happen to me after I became a human again. So it is not surprising for him either...that...that somehow..."Look Oniichan, when I was converted back to human I also have the same results. My wounds heals faster than normal until finally my scar healing lapse back to normal. So you do not have to try and hide it!" I was a little bit angry, but my big brother Tanjiro smile like he always would do.
"...Yushiro is not here anymore Nezuko. It is nothing to fret about. Okay?"
I can't believe this. Even after all he still worries about others than himself. "But..."
Tanjiro-niichan decided to cup my cheeks and made his forehead into mines.
"Oniichan promised he will be with you forever Nezuko."
I like that promise, but it hurts at the same time. Because...because sometimes...
"Oniichan?" At the dark night, I find him in the middle of the dark night eating raw meat. I even confronted him. "Oniichan, shouldn't you cook that first? Also its late night why are you eating this late." Tanjiro niichan as always wears the face of an innocent good man he is. He rubs his head shyly as he speaks the truth to me. "Err, I got hungry. I couldn't sleep, also what are you talking about Nezuko? We are Japanese, Ahaha! Japanese normally eat raw stuffs!"
It doesn't sit right with me. "But..." I couldn't say he looked so bloody in his hands while eating raw meat. As if...as if he is still demonically possessed.
So I call it a night and decided to observe Tanjiro niichan further, him and his strange behaivors.
"KYAAA! TANJIROOO!" I rushed to the noise came from to find Tanjiro niichan hovering above Zenitsu near a broken vase. "Zenitsu...becareful. If that was Inosuke he would have hurt so bad." Tanjiro oniichan pats on Zenitsu's clothing as if he is trying to check if Zenitsu had any injury from the fall.
"A-aren't you hurt?!" Zenitsu panics as he noticed blood oozing from Tanjiro niichan's head. "Is it strange I have a thick forehead? My head is my special weapon! Have you forgotten? Hehe!" Immediately though Tanjiro niichan covered his head with a long cloth, warp it to himself as if he did not want anybody else to see his wound. "I'm sorry Tanjiro. I swear not to be clumsy anymore...!"
That's it, this is the last straw.
I confronted Oniichan towards the rest room.
Outside POV
"Oniichan, we need to talk." Nezuko chases Tanjiro all the way to the washroom to cleanse his wound. Pretending nothing is wrong, Tanjiro just always smiles and waves his hands to brush off any issues. "N-Nezuko? Ah no I'm fine. It's not a deep wound-" only for Nezuko to pull the warped clothing from Tanjiro's forehead which is now completely healed!
"You...You are still a half demon!" Nezuko cries. Tanjiro doesn't know how to explain but...there isn't in need of explanation. It was quite obvious. Tanjiro is sure that even Zenitsu and Inosuke noticed it but decided to be indenial since he wasn't acting bad or anything. His body was strange itself.
Nezuko is so mad that her brother tried to shoulder again all the problems in this world especially when it comes to his health."You can't lie to me like this Oniichan! I mean, I myself is also still half demon! though slowly it is fading. I mean the other day I cut my finger with a knife it no longer heals fast than it should when I became a demon slayer like you! But...but you..it has been a year still you have an incredible phase of healing-" Hugging his little sister.
Tanjiro can only say to his beloved sibling.
"Nezuko, I dream of a shining future. I wish everyone will wear a smile and lead happy lives. Until their natural death comes...and I hope their lives will never be threated by anything outrageous and absurd. During that time even if by now...am no longer by your side. I want you to live. I want you to survive and I'm sure that if you were in my position you would be saying the same thing. I hope that these days of peace and tranquility...will keep going forever."
Those where the words Tanjiro in-depth to Nezuko's skull.
After it feels like a stupid argument, Nezuko sighs as she watch Tanjiro moved a rock. "I knew it, Oniichan still has super strength."
Inosuke who saw Tanjiro casually moving a heavy rock, this rock fell when there was an earthquake and it has been sitting there for a while. It blocks the pathway downwards the hill so finally Tanjiro decided to move it away. "Did you really just moved that rock?" Inosuke taps on Tanjiro's shoulder.
"I think I did Inosuke." smiling to Inosuke who got worked up for something idiotic. "I WONT LOOSE!" and proceeds to grab the said rock Tanjiro have moved. "GRRRHH ITS HEAVY! IT WONT BUDGE! HOW ON EARTH YOU LIFTED IT SO EASILY?!" heck it is a stone not anymore called a rock!
"I-I guess I have stronger arms than yours ..?" it was the best lie Tanjiro could muster.
Nezuko seized her eyes to Tanjiro as Zenitsu sat beside her.
'My big brother...I have a bad feeling that Muzan's demonic genes same as mine before it fade is still there.'
It has been another year.
Saburo is still alive and he is keeping his loyalty to the Kamado siblings. "Well Tanjiro, you sure grow so slow." Tanjiro's height supposed to be the same already as the rest, but he is almost there. Maybe a bad side effect of the demonification and then going back as a human. "Well, Atleast my arm is old." Tanjiro is not hiding the fact his left arm is like an old man. Older than Saburo's, while Saburo was fortunately informed by their adventures, Saburo said something to Tanjiro in this daylight as it started to snow again.
"Hey! Tanjiro! Kanao-chan and Aoi is here to visit!" called by Zenitsu from afar. Saburo pats Tanjiro's head and pushes him forward Zenitsu's direction where Kanao's figure is visible. Saburo can tell by Kanao's face who reminds him of Kie, the mother of the Kamado's. "Make sure to make your family bigger." hard blush from Tanjiro's face.
Thus Tanjiro and Kanao went their way for a private talk.
"Nezuko-chan, you and I with Tanjiro and Inosuke been living in Kumotori mountains like a family. B-but...what about us?" Zenitsu and Nezuko sat at the tatami floor and watching the silent snow falls off the roof.
Even though they have lived under the roof, Nezuko had never once tried to seduce the man she called her hisha. "Zenitsu." Nezuko moves closer though, making Zenitsu felt very serious in the atmosphere. "Yes?" but then Nezuko pokes his nose. "Oniichan comes first before her sister gets lovely dovey with someone"
Nezuko streches her arms, "You see oniichan always put me first. Its his turn to take a leap." Then switching back to Zenitsu with an evil grinning. "Once he realize his feelings for Kanao-chan, I will take you on Zenitsu!" Zenitsu's ears went red as he felt scared yet happy at the same time. "Y-y-you mean!"
Nezuko pats his shoulders for assurance. "Yes, I will be your future wife but not this timing!" that drop a bomb on Zenitsu who collapsed to the floor while screaming his thoughts.
"That's my real hisha! Hehe!"
While Zenitsu and Nezuko at the main house, Aoi and Inosuke are in the forest of Kumotori mountains. They were told to get some wood drafts, Aoi volunteered and just Inosuke suppose to tour her here.
"For you."
Inosuke just pick some flowers for Aoi. "Flower...?" then Inosuke yells, "Kanzaki Aoi!" startled and nervous at Inosuke's hyperness. "W-what's with you being able to remember my full name?!" patting Inosuke's head, "...Did you hit your head Inosuke?" Making Inosuke have smokes in his head, after all Inosuke barely wear his boar mask anymore, right now he doesn't have his mask.
"Dumbass! No!" Aoi pretends not to appreciate the flower but plays with her twin tail's end with an available finger. "Then what do you want?" Inosuke who never felt this before can finally admit what it was. Inosuke tried his very best to be brave, he inhales and exhales with a loud voice of declaration. "These flowers are for you! So I mean is..!"
Bowing his head.
"Please be my woman!"
The word 'become my woman' is so vulgar that Aoi scolds him.
"Is that how you confess to a girl!?"
Red face of Inosuke and Aoi's, Now Inosuke is just annoyed. "Shut up! Is it yes or no?!"
Aoi smacks him. "Idiot!" SLAPS!
Aoi now gently held his slapped cheeks. "Am your woman since the start, Baka-nosuke."
Inosuke who made an evil grin of victory made a multiple jump. "Yay! I won! In Monitsu's face! He said I can't take you to be mine! He lost! Nezuko rejected him! Hah!" Aoi gave Inosuke a tired look.
"Did he just confess to me for the sake of competition? Boys sure are retards."
While there is our final couple of the day.
"Zenitsu? Nezuko?" Tanjiro and Kanao came back from the village to buy some ingredients to cook and to their surprise Nezuko and Zenitsu is not at home even though they should have been. "I guess they went to get some water?" then Tanjiro asks Kanao inside. "Come sit with me Kanao."
Kanao whose much happier than before she was emotionless. "Sure."
It's still morning. Kanao kept her hairstyle as it is while Tanjiro had kept his long hair but tied up to a ponytail. By just seeing them side by side they looked like Tanjuro and Kie in terms of body shape and appearance. Except Tanjiro is a bit smaller to Kanao's.
"To think we have been together for so long." Tanjiro said, Kanao giggles and added. "No, ever since you and I spoke to the cherry blossom we are together." It was a silent agreement between them that they may not be kissing, hugging or so what couple should do. Tanjiro and Kanao actually do dates whenever they had chance to reunite like one time Tanjiro visit the butterfly estate and here Kanao visiting Tanjiro and others.
It was one of those pure relationship. And this purity pisses Nezuko off, since it's like they look like friends strolling rather than actual lovers whenever they together with no holding hands at all.
"I-I guess so." Tanjiro felt nervous today. Nezuko warned him if he doesn't make a move now, Nezuko will marry Zenitsu and leave him be. So Tanjiro decided to toss a coin.
In Kanao's surprise, she heard the coin sound flipping before it landed to Tanjiro's.
Or it wasn't.
Kanao's eyes widen, on Tanjiro's palm it was...
Tanjiro kneels and proposed.
"Kanao will you marry me?"
And thus Kanao remember her sister's words. 'Someday...Someone can open my heart without a coin to decide.'
"Tanjiro-kun..." taking the ring, Kanao had the sweetest smile ever as she swell in tears. "Yes I do."
"Genya, happy birthday." Shinazugawa Sanemi visiting his brother's grave. Foot steps behind him stops as it greets him. "Sanemi, I see you are visiting Genya everyday." it was Tomioka Giyuu whose still in short haired version, smiling at Sanemi. Sanemi sighs and smiles back, "He did not have a corpse so have to make a rock." Sanemi had accepted it already. It just sometimes felt lonely.
"...Yeah and so is her." Giyuu meant Shinobu had no corpse since she was devoured by an upper moon. Nothing is left except her hairpin. Having that silent cooperation to continue conversing even though it sounds tragic, they were getting old and still alive. Sanemi turns his back away from Genya's grave and properly talks to Giyuu unlike before he was hostile. "Also why are you here Tomioka? No, Giyuu...who are you even visiting?"
Giyuu's smile went to a sad ones but it did not felt any regret, just...plain emotion of mourning a respect. "Our fallen comrades of course. Especially..." next to Genya's grave is actually Shinobu's, Tokito's, Gyoumei, Renogku's, Obanai and Mitsuri. But what stood the most is when Giyuu approached a certain tomb and offered some wisteria flowers.
"Hehh~ didn't know you had feelings for Shinobu." Sanemi teased. "Why won't I? Shinobu doesn't dislike me." the blunt comeback of Giyuu made Sanemi pissed off. "Woah having a fighter tongue now?" but then it was no ill intent. Sanemi did admit his side too crushing over the previous Insect pillar. "Yeah, I like Kanae too but they are both dead. Anyway...! Hmm...So any plans to get married? I feel uncomfortable seeing those kids getting lovely dovey to be honest."
Just to hear the former water pillar with stoic face. "I won't live long and so do you right? Is there a point?" As always Giyuu is bad at humor. "Idiot Giyuu! This is why you are disliked!" Sanemi crosses his arms in annoyance. Giyuu noticed Sanemi's still missing fingers and so thus he had the fake arm.
Sanemi looks at him. "We must leave a footprint of our existence. There is no guarantee if we will be even reincarnated. Is what I believed...when I was little." the suggestion made Sanemi's eye widen to Giyuu's.
"Do you think we will be reincarnated after death? Or is everyone in heaven drinking tea?"
Giyuu smirks a little and made a proper joke this time.
"That depends on Kami-sama. Airhead."
Many years had passed...Thing's are turning to become like an old tale. Even an old tale had a little room for back stories.
Tanjiro's POV
The truth is...I was afraid. Afraid that he is still inside me. Afraid that his genes are still within my blood.
If he...if that kind of looks even emerge.
Afraid that am still a demon. Afraid that...what if, what if I made a family of my own. My kids...will they be purely made out of my bloodline or half demon?
Those strange things time to time comes up in my mind. Especially when the moon is Nile, sometimes...I can still feel it, the sensation in my old left arm that was cut off. It feels fake, originally it is not supposed to come back but it did anyway.
And that is the problem.
It came back.
If am truly human, it wouldn't functional. Sure it came back but I shouldn't be able to move it. Speaking of my blind right eye. It is blind...however, I can move it. Whenever I close both of my eyes, the right eye can see in the dark. It can feel the surroundings of nature.
As if...my right eye is someone else eye. As if...borrowed from Muzan.
Its just scary.
The other day, I accidentally sliced myself. To my horror it healed. It is confirmed, am a human but not purely as before.
I became a somewhat half demon.
I never told anyone, because I did not want them to worry. Also Yushiro had gone into nothing, we do not know if he is even alive in a far away journey or he have decided to rest with Tamayo-san's destination.
Which is why...am writing this journal, this journal where all my feelings of fear and insecurity lies.
I always doubted myself, I could not trust myself anymore. Especially when am hungry, I never loved eating raw meat that much but now I do.
The blood taste good.
It taste good.
Which is why I need to pretend asleep at night. I was guarding my love ones as I guard myself in check.
Zenitsu, Inosuke and Nezuko. They are my family...and I swore this time I won't hurt them.
I won't hurt my family...
I thought I won't...
But then...I...
"Don't you think the moon a very lovely tonight?" Kanao led me awake to the night. "E-ehh? It was?" for some reason Kanao looks so endearing this moon time. "Yes, it is what Shinobu neesan used to say." I can smell it, I can smell Kanao's intention. Getting nervous since I never had a girl seduce me, I mean they do seduce me but not in a way that I would like. "You do know the phrase meaning r-right?"
Kanao zooms in her face as I can see her body. How the kimono she wears is a bit loosen. "Tanjiro-kun you love me right?" even though I wanted to be gentle, I'm a man of pent up frustrations and dearly I love this person.
"I love you Kanao."
"I love you too Tanjiro."
Carefully we kissed and pulled away to stare at our almost blind irises.
"You sure about this..?"
And so the full moon ends.
We me and Kanao did the 'deed', it never cross my thoughts. I was just happy...happy I was.
The more happiness you get, the more dangerous it becomes.
"Tanjiro it bossom." Kanao pats her tummy, I went red because it was too fast! It only has been 5 months when we did it. "Eh? Y-you mean..." to see Kanao's maturing smile similar's to Shinobu. "Yes, you are going to be a father." I was overjoyed and held Kanao above the sky. "For real!?"
"What!" then there is Inosuke and Aoi. Nezuko and Zenitsu whose holding hands looks at Inosuke's disappointed face. "Inosuke?"
"You are a father!? Not fair...!" Inosuke runs a tantrum. I was worried why would he say such thing, "Inosuke-" our eyes gawked and jaw drops when he said it so simply.
"I want to be a father too!"
Grabbing Aoi away from us like he just abducted her. "Lets go Aoi! We wont loose!" Aoi screams for help. "W-what-whaaat! I'm in great danger with your competition thing habit! Noway!" Aoi kicks him and runs away. "HEY! I CAN DO BETTER! COME BACK HERE AOI!"
Leaving a dumbfounded four.
"T-they left."
Nezuko laughs nervously. "Aha...Aha-ha-ha. I just hope Inosuke won't force Aoi in that way!" added by Zenitsu who doesn't care about other girls anymore now that Nezuko is his. "I'm sure they will be fine. Aoi-chan may not look like it but she is madly in love to Inosuke-kun."
Seeing Nezuko is compatible with Zenitsu like Inosuke to Aoi, I took my wife's hand. I always wanted to compliment her beauty compare to her emotionless face.
"Kanao you..."
"What is it..?"
But I decided to keep it to myself. Running my hands to her black locks,
"Nothing. I'm just glad you learned to project emotions and even able to read someone else. You really have changed Kanao."
Kanao kisses my left cheek and whispered. "I'm proud of you." I felt like an idiot smiling so wide, "Hehe, am much prouder here." Then Kanao pulls my cheeks, "Eh?" as I felt a threat somehow. "I hope though you become very dependable father after all." Kanao is becoming a full pledge Kochou!
Nezuko then elbows my back in a gentel manner. "Ahh~ahh you beat us." "N-Nezuko!" Zenitsu claps his hands in the background as Nezuko grabs Kanao's hands away from me to hers. "Ah! Congratulations Kanao-neechan! I knew it! My brother finally made a moved after my tips! It was not wasted...!"
I can't believe she is too noisy about it. "N-Nezuko! That is suppose to be only between us siblings!" Nezuko laughs on me as she ask permission as her brother that sounded so wild. "Now that you've done it. Can I get permission as well to do it with my hisha~?"
I went more red.
"W-why do you even need my p-p-permission!"
Zenitsu then hugs me from behind.
"Eh? Zenitsu?"
Zenitsu's leachers face, I just can't... "May I please make babies with Nezuko-chan! I promise to take care of your little sisywr and be the happiest mother of all...!" then Nezuko bowed with him. "Please oniichan! Give us your blessing...!" as if it was a tsukkomi time, yet I know it is actually serious.
"W-what the heck! Give me a break you two...!"
We were supposed to be happy.
I thought so.
'However remember? In every happiness, it is not always winter or spring. Season changes you know...and I know this familliarity very well. I have been there.'
The problem this time am prepared. Problem on being self aware is that you fear, you fear im everysingle thread you stich.
'The smell of blood.'
It was this day Kanao my wife is about to give birth to our first child. "Kanao-sama! Blood in your thighs..!?" luckily Aoi and Inosuke is living with us if they are not living in the butterfly mansion. We closes friends agreed to live under the roof of Kumotori mountains unlike someone wants to move a private life.
"I-It's coming out Aoi-chan...! Haah..." Kanao fell to her knees, Nezuko catches her. "Quick! I'll carry Kanao! Hurry the preparation Aoi!" Aoi then grabs the stuffs. "Y-yeah...!"
'It finally came.'
Supposed to be an excited day, the day Kanao gives birth to our first born.
'My fear is facing me head on.'
The baby cried.
Only to meet...
A red eyed baby.
Anyone's POV
"Eh...? No...way..." Tanjiro mummbles. Exhausted Kanao giving birth bothered to perk up her head to check on her husband's supposed to be happy face. "Tan...jiro...?" However, Tanjiro is trembling and did not look the slightest happy. He was terrified at the baby's face. Until he gasps the name that they haven't heard since its very existence has disappear.
Kanao is about to react to that, "What are you...?" but she fainted. "Kanao-sama!" Aoi check her pulse and she was fine.
Except the father.
"Hey!" Aoi snatched away the baby from Tanjiro's arms. "Why are you even saying that name-" then she finally notice. Aoi did not notice it earlier because the baby's eyes were close when it did it's first cry. But they opened the moment it felt the presence of it's father...
Indeed those eyes were familliar.
Aoi gasps too with massive confusion and terror. "Is this child a demon?!"
Tanjiro is devastated.
Kanao recovered from giving birth session the next day. Kanao is greeted by Aoi who isn't cheerful for whatever reason. Kanao is at her futon resting while Aoi is beside her, knees shut tight and clenching finger nails.
'Whats up..?'
Still weak, Kanao still dares to move and ask. "Aoi...where is my baby?"
Is the first thing of course Kanao would ask.
Maybe she felt weak but her memory is sure the baby is alive, she heard it's crying sound before she fainted. Her eyesight maybe bad but she isn't deaf.
Something is off.
"U-uhh..." Aoi wavered, "Do not worry Kanao-sama. Your baby is alive and healthy." Gently she pulled a baby basket from behind then presented it to Kanao. "It's a baby boy."
Kanao who mentioned before had a bad eyesight and due to her permanent defect from fighting demons, she did not immediately notice what is strange on the baby. So she grabbed him and hugs him. "I'm glad...!"
Aoi can only look in disbelief. It is maybe because Kanao is a mother now, but then again...someone needs to point it out.
"Kanao-sama, you really are blind now?" It was a question that Kanao had to look at Aoi with an innocent questionable look. "What do you mean?"
"Doesn't that baby's features looks familiar to you?"
Kanao never think about it, so she finally stared carefully at her baby.
It took time before she realize what Aoi meant.
The sliding door opened.
"Aoi, is Kanao already awake?" There is Tanjiro stopping at his tracks. He quickly tensed up upon seeing Kanao hugging the baby so close.
"K-Kanao...t-that thing..."
Kanao twitches.
Firmly Kanao talks back like a mother would do.
"I did not gave birth to Kibutsuji Muzan's reincarnation. Tanjiro, this is our son!"
Tanjiro fell with his knees and cried. "I'm sorry!" He knew it was wrong to neglect his first son.
Tanjiro and Kanao's relationship starts to crumble a little but they dearly love eachother. It is just that...
"Mizuno." Tanjiro glaring at the omen child. "Yes papa-" Tanjiro smacks the nearest tree instead of spanking the kid before him with black hair and red eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you, do not call me that." Mizuno is the name given to their first born. Mizuno is from the 'mizuno kokyuu'. "A-ah...yes, sorry...um..father."
Tanjiro is mad, he is mad not because he doesn't love their son, it is just that...it feels like a lie.
"Look, don't you dare wander around. You can play as much as you like but don't you ever go outside where there is a lot of people. Is that clear?"
"I-I understood."
Tanjiro turn his back, Tanjiro's footsteps were all careful, proof he is getting old even though he did not look far from an old man. His appearance is similar now to his father but in a healthy version.
"What is it?"
Tanjiro slowly turn to look at his own child.
"...Do you hate me?"
It broke him.
Kanao behind is angry. "Tanjiro!" Kanao's appearance now is similar to what Kie's wearing and so thus her hair. "...Kanao." Kanao goes beside their son and comforts the kid whose about to cry for sure. "What are you saying to Mizuno? He isn't him you know." Tanjiro cannot deny that lately he is feeling frenzy. "I-I know, but...but am worried that other kids will say something about his eyes! I just wanted to protect him-"
Kanao glared at her husband.
"The one you wanted to protect is yourself. Tanjiro...this isn't you. Muzan...Muzan is dead. He isn't Mizuno. I'm sure he looked like this for a reason but not because he is a demon..-" Mizuno goes in between them. "M-mama, F-father please don't fight! M-Mizuno will behave if that is what has to be done. I-I won't play outside the sun! I-I promise...!"
Tanjiro look at his son with an apologetic face, he did not mean to become a bad father. "Mizuno..." kneeling down and hugs his one and only son and cries out. "Mizuno! Forgive me! Forgive your father for being so cold against you. I know it is not your fault. But...but...Its just cannot be helped!" The did not wish to hide it, so Tanjiro and Kanao explained to Mizuno how he looked like the king of demons that they defeated as demon slayers.
To their surprise, the personality of Mizuno maybe a likes to Muzan (though it is inspired by Kanao's hair color) but his personality was indeed of a Kamado.
"Father...what are you even afraid of?" Mizuno wipes Tanjiro's tears. Tanjiro whose now acting like a kid, sobs. "I'm afraid that...if you grow up you become a demon."
Mizuno arch an eyebrow.
"Is that all...?"
As Tanjiro's son hugs him back.
"Then I promise! Mizuno...no, I will become just like father! The most gentle and kind human being ever! I will not become a demon!"
After that, Mizuno gained two more siblings. Mizuno's siblings were born with red hair like Tanjiro's. Apparently only Mizuno had black hair and this continue generation to generation that in Kamado's blood there will be one unique child with black hair since of Kanao's genes. One more specialty is those...red eyes that looks like the demon lord.
while Nezuko and Zenitsu had seven children. As for Inosuke and Aoi had one child. For Giyuu and Sanemi they surprisingly lived longer than expected and had their own families. Senjuro continued the blood of Rengoku with two children. Uzui and his wives had spread their bloodline further than ever. The rest kept their destiny to normal and of course to populate this world with no demons.
People who had died in this era have been reincarnated to the present year of modern era. They all lived a happy life this time, even the demons who went to hell where given a second chance but no memories of the past.
Only a few had held those memories closes to their hearts and dreams.
Unlike Kiriya Ubuyashiki lived the longest...
As for the first son of Tanjiro and Kanao decided to leave their household without saying a single word.
All they could think of is...Mizuno probably wanted to fulfill his promise alone that he would never...just never become...
*this blank space is the one you have read from Gotoge's epilogue and pretend you have read it here*
Agatsuma Yoishiteru noticed something flying above. "Parkour?" only to find Kamado Sumihiko says with monotonous voice. "Oops, I slip off-"
"Sumihiko!" terrified as his classmate fallen off the concrete. "B-blood... blood!" Yoishiteru thought he witness a crime. "What to do?! What to do?!" seeing Sumihiko not moving at all as blood oozes out, Yoishiteru gain composure. "That's right." and starts yelling for help. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! MY FRIEND!HE'S-
But then Sumihiko sits up and yawns. The blood is there but not the wound. "H-his wound...it healed!"
Sumihiko greets Yoishiteru with a very sleepy face. "Is it breakfast already?" Yoishiteru cannot believe it!
'Just like my great great great super great grandfather Agatsuma Zenitsu says,demons...demons exist?!"
"S-Sumihiko...?" poking Sumihiko whose being a dunce right now. "Huuhhh~? Oh. Its you. Eto...?" annoyed by Sumihiko's lack of recognition to his. "It's Agatsuma Yoshiteru! Your classmate!" Sumihiko makes an idiotic smile. "Oh...hi!" changing the topic, "A-Anyhow! You! You are not human aren't you?!"
Sumihiko stood up from sitting position where blood lingers and pats his clothes to remove the dirt. "Hm? Oh...you mean that scratch?"
Yoishiteru is trembling with excitement. "S-so you are aware...? Is that why you are always sleepy in mornings!?" pointing at Sumihiko who just doze off the clouds. "What's that, a vampire?" somehow it reminds you of Muichiro Tokito's.
"Demons and vampires are same technically!"
"Ohhh...is that so?"
Yoishiteru found himself fanboying now. "T-This is serious! You fell off from your dangerous parkour stunts and hit your head to the ground! The blood...! Look at that puddle evidence! You are not suppose to have a close wound after that huge fall!" but Sumihiko starts to walk away. Yawning, "~I really hate mornings. I hope its night time already..."
'The fact that he always feel sleeply at morning is a sign of being a half demon?! Like that Nezuko character in Grandpa's-'
Grabbing Sumihiko back to his, "Listen!" then Sumihiko look at him with a serious face this time.
"W-what is it?"
He smiled.
"I'm not a demon. If you kill me, I'll die you know. Same as the rest of my kin."
Grabbing his bag that been laying on the floor when he fall off. Sumihiko assures Yoishiteru.
"Also, demons don't exist anymore according to my grandma. They are probably reincarnated as a human being now~"
Agatsuma Touko kicks Yoishiteru's back. "Hurry were going to be late stop idling here! Kanata is waiting for me kyaaah~"
Then Hashibira Aoba passes by the alley and sighs. "Good to be young."
"Toujiro!" Happily greeting the descendant of Rengoku's. "Sumihiko! You are late!" as they are in the stop light. "Sorry...Yoshiteru drag me late. But lets go." like Rengoku, Toujiro does not fret much. "Sure!"
Like always these duos doing crazy stuffs. "Where are we going to race next?" as Sumihiko asks, Toujiro points to the target. "How about the high-bridge!"
Bumping to a tall man who had black curly hair and red eyes. Somewhere along Sumihiko's blurry memories of past slips off his lips. "Muzan..."
Toujiro whose not following, "What?" the man they bumped too just bowed and walks away without a word. "Wait...that guy...he looks familiar." even though he shouldn't chase him, he did.
"Excuse me mister!"
The man stop at his tracks and without turning his head spoke.
"Do I know you...?"
The black haired man who looks identical to Muzan yet his eyes resembles the Kamado pupils. He smiled as the wind blows.
"Maybe, because am looking for my long lost relatives. You and I...somewhat had the same eyes."
The anticipation in their stomach echoes
"May I know your name?"
The mysterious man finally faces them with an angelic smile. "My name is Kibutsuji Mukuro, how about you?" Sumihiko like hypnotized answered back. "My name...Kamado Sumihiko." The guy named Mukuro puts his fingers to his own chin for showing how thoughtful this disturbs him a bit. "Hmm," till it rings a bell. "Kamado...Ahh, I see. You must be indeed a relative of mine. But then again, we must not be together. Farewell~"
With that weird encounter, Toujiro looks at Sumihiko who is now staring the at the floor. Silent until Sumihiko opens his mouth again.
The guy who can walk in the sun no longer be seen.
"That guy...he feels nostalgic."
Toujiro still not following.
Sumihiko looks above the clouds.
"Am not a demon though, I'm sure I just heal faster due to my skin tissues well cared by mother."
Toujiro smirks then dashes off "Who care about that! Its a race! Tag your it!"
"Eh?! N-Not fair...! Wait up you cheating Toujiro...!"
Yushiro whose still alive till this day keep on painting Tamayo. He knows how everyone else were doing great and how the blue spider lily has been found.
As Yushiro grab the vase with Blue spider lily on it as an offering to his beloved beauty.
"I'll still won't see you soon, I will protect what you fought fore even if there are no longer any demon slayer. Who knows if any demon like me even survived...is nothing but a spec of fairytale to this modern day."
There are rumors that Yushiro is a vampire as per her neighbors, and Yushiro does not even bother to correct nor comment.
After all he is indeed a demon and so thus Kamado bloodline is stained with half demon genes now.
[Here lies Tanjiro's final words...]
*it is in the actual manga*
'Please never forget to smile, when you cry, it makes me so sad. I'm never able to bear it. Never feel guilty about anything you do. Just remembering that we were once alive is good enough. We fought together and we smiled together. Like brother's and like parent and a child.
Please hold your head high, I was extremely lucky to have met you and it was a blessing. Your presence saved me, and it helped me cast aside all my loneliness. When I think about you, I can feel a burning strength rise from the depths of my body.
If it was possible, we wanted to live and stay by your side. That has been everyone's greatest wish. But we do had to make a choice, on whether we lived or we died, whether we won or we lost. Yet being able to choose is still a blessing on it's own.
Toigh situations strike like avalanches. They swallow you whole instantaneously and you won't get a choice in anything.
I just wanted to protect you. Your life was more precious than my own. Happiness never lasts for long. Still I wanted you to see just how happy I truly was.
Not once in my entire life, have I considered myself unlucky or accursed.
Never give up, never run away, keep belieiving.
I always did the best I could do at every moment.
All my strong emotions became a great blade that struck my enemies down.
But this was the strenght of everyone. I would never have won without the help of every single person around me.
Living is a miracle itself, you are an honorable person. You are important to me.
Please live the best life you can possibly have...
My beloved comrades.'
Under a Sakura tree, they celebrate freedom.
"Everyone stay close! It will take a picture soon!" The three butterfly girls calls out. "SMILE...!"
All the survivors of demon slayer corps made a somewhat family picture for remember.
"Woooww it is really a photograph! Modernity sure is amazing! Don't you think so too Darlin?" Nezuko said to her husband but, "Mmmhh.." Zenitsu had proceed to write some stuffs to a book he had been scribbling after the photoshoot.
"What are you writing...?"
Zenitsu sparkles, "Ah this! Perfect timing Nezuko-chan! I'm writing our story into a book!" confident as he reveals his secret gift to all who died from this battle.
Zenitsu showed Nezuko the drafts of his writings. "The truth is I always wanted to become a novelist! Conveying my feelings in books and kept protected. If gramps is still alive he would surely happy to read it."
Nezuko is too stunned to speak before she surrenders to the idea.
"I'm sure he will. But...you mean writing a story that sounds like a journal or a diary instead of a novel."
Praised by his wife, Zenitsu is very happy. "Hehe! That is the point! I will make sure everyone who died in this battle are remembered and honored! After all nobody knows the existence of us Demon Slayers. Which is why I got to make one...!" turning to see Tanjiro being fawned over by people, there is Aoi scolding Inosuke like always. Then Kanao with the butterfly girls.
"Even if there are no longer demons around to prove that we exist. All of our efforts, the blood spilled will be remembered in here. At the very least we will be acknowledge as someone amazing if people reads this book. It does not matter what people thinks, if they are true stories or not."
Nezuko listens to him intently with a proud smile.
"The struggled weve' all had is never a light feel. I want people to mourn for them even if they might think they are fictional. But hey...isn't heart pounding? Hehe, also! People shall know how awesome I Agatsuma Zenitsu protected his wife the heroine! Whoop ass! Yay!"
The wind blows.
"Ahaha...That's really a thoughtful thinking Zenitsu. Then what will be the title...?"
"I shall name it...!"
Kimetsu No Yaiba.
Forever The End.
Kanon58: Drop your review and support my own manga from here on okay? Also you do mind subbing to my youtube channel named 'Kanon58ful the Orange Maker'? PLEASEEEE XDDD
Also are there demons? yes there is but they are now called vampires here. I mean it is quite obvious, look at Yushiro.
And PLEASE visit tapas dot com to support my own manga titled 'Paradox Mansion' lolz do subscribe! HELP.
If you want more of my books, view my profile! If you want to know me more check my websites! Matta ne!
-Yes demons and slayers are both reincarnated I just didn't make enough drama but it's said.
-Yes Muzan's genes are still within Kamado blood line thus they are half demon and immune to sun but still a human who can die. How do they die if they heal fast? They die of old age for me.
-Is that Muzan? No, that Kibutsuji Mukuro is the descendant of Mizuno. Remember he separate ways like the two siblings of sun and moon wielders did way back the very old era.
-Did Nezuko and others part ways after getting married? Yes they did. Nezuko inherit the Kumotori house while Tanjiro and Kanao decided to moved to the Butterfly house. Inosuke and Aoi went away on their on journey of building a home thus the present day Aoba Hashibira is not close to the rest. (Is me assuming how it went xD)
-How old Tanjiro died? Like I said, old age so he had his last will and I think that was him speaking in the manga.
-Why I didn't made the reincarnated characters interact and just copied what Gotoge did? Well they were so many to mention and I just thought it feels ooc if I do that. So I leave that to your fantasy. TEHE
Toyuuu akede Jeana-sama deshta! *bows*