«Bierny» Walking to Youth

He woke up: -Bierny, in the morning with a little man curled up between his chest and supported by one of his arms-. Who slept peacefully, while his little hands: they caressed him so many.

After a while her wife came: Kei Sky, and she kissed him. Taking the child, she whispered to him that: Come down to breakfast, darling. And, she kissed His forehead! -Like reminding him of love for this new family day.

So that, later, I take the other son to high school and then the oldest daughter to university. This in another city.

After a while there was a strident noise from the young man's room and dance music from the eldest daughter's room.

His functions as a family man competed with the work of being editor of GenXPrays Weekly and his Octopus Supplement.

[This supplement gave character to his purpose, by this means: he had managed to rescue hundreds of young people from the clutches of the bad guys. Immersed in a parallel universe: earth - sky, very close to the black and white bipolar universes.]

░ Each new young man who joined as Agent 3R; henceforth counted impressions of him weekly. These anecdotes nourished, with fresh journalistic reasons for a youthful editorial line. They are the dialogues through questions and answers in the chapter comments.

▒ The population of the Ica Region was on the lookout for every article, column, news, essay, argument... the editorial was almost devoured with its eyes, since it summarized: new social approaches; that this: emerging youth yearned to acquire. So as not to clash with his new familiar surroundings.

Today it's time to build a maritime or pluvial environment with my classmates –Josh-: he told his father in front of the whole family-: They have given us sheets with different participation options. We must elect a school project leader. And form a development team. (The project goes for several chapters)

And according to everyone, they perform a navigation function whether on land, as a lookout in a port or as a lookout in a lighthouse.

There is the option of being a sailor on a small fishing boat, which we will make by hand.

Thus, we will implement an appropriate scenario so that our ideas are told by teams, and illustrated through sketches that we will later graph and whose pages would be acted out in a campfire that simulates a stay on the beach in the Bay of our choice: Paracas or Chimbote.

For this we will use the Red 123 method, recommended by Papa Bierny in the Octopus supplement, through the Networks: Reader, Graph and Actor.

Ashly –raised her hand-: And proposed his contribution in favor of a better development of his beloved younger brother Josh-: I suggest Josh. Since you are already used to using the 123 Network. Let your colleagues contribute at least one idea for each team formed. Sure

the teams will seek to choose you for the recommendations you give in the youth journalist column of the weekly GenXPrays.

Kei Sky –He added-: Yes. Well, we know that you are excited to participate with other young people. And I think you should take advantage of the opportunity to consolidate an assertive, proactive and resilient leadership.

Listening to others –He said, Bierny-: It opens doors to dialogue. And if an invitation comes from one of the teams. Well you Josh; You are well trained in collaborative work.

Josh –He reaffirmed-: It will be a project based on problems. The conclusions we reach will allow us to elaborate an essay, where the young people will contribute a vision, as children, to the work that the parents dedicated to fishing carry out. Of course you have to discriminate first if he is a fisherman from a river, lake or sea.

Saying a: Thank you! Josh finished his daily agenda report.

In my case -Ashly mentioned-, I want to start a business life project that allows me to apply my university learning in the field of business management, I want to leverage my business ideas with a "Star Up" and compete with other colleagues for a university financing. In this way we will apply in society and we will form in each one of us the business vision; after we conclude this business life project.

This project -Asunto, Kei Sky- is quite a case, given that it was a university subject, one of the two parents -older than their children in terms of experience, science and competence-: had to initiate the dialogue of the Daily Agenda for Ashly: and if you give us, copies of your Project; We will look for pertinent information: which we will then contrast with your university research. You will have a better "draft" of your business project, for your first group meeting.

In the folders, which I left on your desks, are the documents and my first impressions for this work. Ashley confirmed.

And as always I will sit down to listen to him and if there is something to draw or paint or build I am ready to help you little sister of my heart –Josh announced his contribution, pounced on his sister and filled his face with caresses.

¹|Both lavished sincere affection on each other in public, they practiced it naturally, from home. They saw their parents do it!

And everyone hugged each other wishing each other the best in their activities for this day.

Not so fast, family –Don't leave your younger brother waiting-: Well, he wants to walk!

Bravo! Hurrah!

In the afternoon, upon your return, we get together to teach him how to walk together, as we did at the time with each of you.

²| The morning for every good son to be like this; is very satisfying for every good father or mother.

³|Actions like these open bonds of unity and social inequality or youth prejudice will have no place in this solid family environment.

When the students and the worker left an informative medium of a technical level and a weekly with a profile of values ​​based on the study of the prophecy.

The house was partially silent.

Until Kei Sky finished cleaning the kitchen utensils and household utensils used for breakfast. Then a childish, very lively and happy song invaded the house.

It was time to get Misha up.