«Bierny» And how, to get out of this situation?

Bierny, was returning from a long journey guided by the Creator. Only this time, he was called upon to traverse the Valley of the Inca Bones. Passing through a cemetery, high up in Otuzco, a mountainous region of the Cajamarca Region. A bone in his spine was dislocated at the height of his waist, causing him excruciating pain; which made him bend down to sit on the floor. More than one tear ran from his eyes to the Maker's flask.

For his well-formed reputation with gifts, ministries, and operations. This phase of adult life broke what was said and affects the next trip.

The Creator usually asks for a pause to reflect on the entrusted mission or firmly allows others to touch you. Whether in order to lower your proud pride or to indicate a new level of spirituality. A gift, inaccessible and that is achieved with experimentation, in the flesh.

And for Bierny, this was the case. And how to get out of this situation?

Consider first that the test came in the measure of the action carried out, as a spirit of revenge for the liberation of one to many individuals lost in iniquity, linked generationally, imprisoned in the evil they claim to do.

The journey lasted hundreds of days; in a round trip from one region to another. A land crossing, which lasted almost 10 long years, but the meeting was achieved:

For many, it is ambivalent, like a two-sided coin, like the oriental enigma of Yin and Yang: black and white. To the feminine and to the masculine. To passivity and activity. In the dark and in the light. To earth and to heaven.

Unsolicited intervention is difficult, and time proves right.

The Bierny multiverse vs the Milamores multiverse.

Arriving at Milamores room. Everything was painted black, the floor, the walls, the curtains, the windows, even the bedding. The same mattress: Black!

For those who are knowledgeable in these matters:

It was "blackness" on the outside and "yellow to pus" on the inside.

To his bad luck, he had a new mother, a false mother-in-law; but she was solid in finances and with a daughter who extolled the carnal appetite of the Milamores.

And the appointments in the morning, at twilight or at dusk and at dawn... they added up: Milamores! For extreme cases of virility. Yes. That's right: turn off the camera! To give security to lovers.

For Bierny, it was just enough. Stay for a while since he was invited ten years in advance. And these visits. They are not the kind that repeat themselves every ten years. Maybe only once, two or three times in life.

This natural connection is the hammer that whips up all fire until it molds every corrupted bone in these crazy love affairs.

One of the difficult deities to counter is sodomy. A sodomite has such power, read it yourself and draw your conclusions:

-Tell me? Because this girl is gone, and I no longer wait; How is it that other times when she was alone she stayed and now she doesn't!? –He blurted out, Milamores, against Bierny.

What do you say to them?! For them to go away...

Suddenly in the air, detached from the outstretched arm of Milamores: A snake flew! Which wrapped around Bierny's leg as if imprisoning him.

It is a mythological being we would say, because although it is written in the prophecy and it produced all the evil of the universe and against humanity. No one pays attention to him, or avoids commenting on it.

After a tenacious supernatural vision, since the animated object was seen by Bierny, but not by Milamores, who did not understand what he treasured for all his accumulated evil. Understand they are legions of demons.

A couple of words said at the same moment that the paranormal vision occurred was enough for Bierny. It is not necessary to give credit to what is manifested in these trances of defiance and provoked spiritual warfare. Well, at the slightest: fear, fear, or doubt.

The entity materializes and could cause paralysis, the fearsome cancer, uta, leprosy, an internal tear, skin inflammation, monkeypox. Something: "like when a dead person touches you" or who knows what malignant disease to discover and difficult to cure before falling bedridden until death.

The mere presence was enough; of Bierny. As in the case of Saul converted into Paul, who exercised power in the prophecy and that gift was invisible, but powerful. To the point that when he arrived he scared away the negative spirits.

All negativity was banished. One by one in a ten-month plan… that takes the visit. (Continues in one of the 100 chapters of this novel)