«Intro No. 7: MA». Academy: exclusion or admission.

A "waiting" space between the good life and the bad life is the "Artisan Procreation Academy". The choice begins: at the age of 3, AND the call to action: separation or reaction: regeneration; it is at any age and from: a personal universe (x), or a family universe (x2), or a parallel multiverse (y2), or a bipolar multiverse (x4 / y4). Approach to a Goodness: GPrays guide or Evil: XMonk guide is required. To Enter or Exit the Academy of Procreation


Because if your exclusion is the reconciliation of the world,

What will be his admission, but life from the dead?

Romans 11:15

This plea was heard from the matrimonial room - Kei Sky read it.

O Creator!

We have no other alternative, but it is in your mercy will:

- Leaving him with us. EITHER,

Intervened, Bierny-: Saying:

-Electing him to the Artisan Procreation Academy.

Father and Creator! But he is so small, only three years old: why? Kei Sky replied.

It is what the oracle commands for the chosen ones. Let it go! It is time for his departure! -He concluded: Bierny.

(Then footsteps were heard, walking away. Teddy awoke in the Globalverse of the Academy of Procreation Crafts. Teddy was the Traddad, reincarnated as a child.)

The only way to help him become a leader, al Traddad, was by "calling" to the Artisan Procreation Academy. The worrying issue was his commercial inclination, due to the premise that the Creator tells you:

"The root of all evil is the love of money."

If this "commercial" inclination exceeds its "vocation of communal service", it would break the walls that separate the Academy of Goodness from the Academy of Evil. Thus, the Traddad, transmigrated into a child, named: Peluche: would open one of the fearsome XMonk portals. And he would end up in that state aligning himself with the SMonky.

Mastering the oracle, which contains the Word of Prophecy, is "the containing reason" to continue in the Academy of Kindness. For this, the 3R Project has been programmed so that Peluche can win and stand firm. And the Juvenile MAP, which in turn his parents must complete within a year; in order to help Peluche in his pilgrimage: in and out of the Globalverse.

This was a premonitory dream, of the parallel life that he has to live in the Prays multiverse. Even when he was very young: Teddy, was chosen, through the vision contained in a placid family devotional meeting. From then on he had to decipher: certain attitudes of his parents, which he had a common term: A resounding: No!

The parallel universes: human and Prays, differ in ages. Whereas in one universe you can be an adult; in the other universe: You are a boy! Or vice versa.

A special case is being in the multiverse: where all things occur in parallel, that is: what is done in one universe affects or continues in the other universe and vice versa. In this case, you must have opened: a second level Prays Portal: GPrays.

As in the story in this chapter. Peluche's dream: like a premonition in his universe; It was none other than the decision of his parents for his future in his multiverse or parallel universe.

Peluche had to go to the Prays MDF Academy: A Military Procreation Institution, where the admitted is a trainer of new heroes for the series: Prays universe.

Likewise, it occurs in parallel: an XMonk MDF Academy: A Military Procreation Institution where the admitted is a trainer of new antiheroes for the series: XMonk Multiverse.

Both Pro-Academies are part of the "Artisan Procreation Academy" found in the Globalverse.

The Globalverse exists to balance creation itself.