«Misael» Procreate paper boats.

While a father turned on a light in the mind of his little one: he wanted to find a way to make him wake up to the call:

While all choose to procreate "warriors" for their kingdoms; he prefers to make paper boats.

This divergent initiative to the rest of the Prays community, caused a stir in the paternal hierarchies, so much so that Queen Kei Sky had to be absent once again to consult the oracle, so she must emigrate to the forest of truth, inside the Cerro enchanted on Cebu Island.

oh dad! -She said, Misha-, I wish I could go with mom on that adventure...

Claro: -Bierny continued-: You would be a prince: what would be your mission?

Misha, at her young age, had heard: 365 stories of kingdoms, kings, princes and maidens and knew several of them by heart because his father repeated them to her again.

The stories began on January 1 of each year and ended on December 31. Each story had a beginning: which consisted in deciphering the enigma of habits. So there was Misha, already heard: a thousand stories 3 times and another 95 twice.

That also meant that his ear was trained in a thousand new words, for the challenge of a writer father, he had achieved a good vocabulary.

Therefore Misha could conjugate stories that take a thousand words, like the thousand words that they ask you in the WPC for each chapter of your novel.

I want to make paper boats! -Answered, Misha-: and that they be strong, fast and that they can go up the rivers, so that they take mom on her trip up the mountain.

Oh! -That one, said the Father-: It is not a simple idea, it is already the formulation of a challenge. And I congratulate little Misha:

He added 50 milliliters of green gelatin to his glass of milk.

Then: -He observed, Misha-. You approve my request dad. –Explaining: Well, you have put green jelly: which means pass or approval as in the streets when the traffic light crosses. –Adding, with a wide and generous smile:

I can now undertake the task of making a paper boat!

That's how the two of them began: father and son, the mission of making a paper boat to help mom on her journey.

Long hours of tests strengthened the warrior's character, Bierny said to himself.

And Misha was immersed in a search for the perfection of the role, like someone who wants perfection in a good edge of a sword.

He worked so hard that he had more developed biceps, because he did barbells every day like he saw his father do.

The art of paper craft is like the notion of the engineer, the architect of the builder. It brings future benefits... and that, together with test 95 and 95 new stories were also narrated, which completed its three versions: Adding the 1095 stories. This is how Misha managed to present his paper boat project.

The reason for the things we do, insistently, is to achieve: perseverance, patience, sagacity, temperance, sanity, prudence, mental agility, manual skills: like brandishing a sword: it adds up, using a pencil, a ruler, a square , an eraser, a color, a sheet...

Bierny, had each boat saved for him as a result of Misha's work. And he had collected them at night and let them dry and repainted.

By the time Misha wanted to test boat number 95. He was surprised to find that there was a sea full of small islands, with docks and parking lots, and the 94 paper boats were groups of boats, fleets ready to head off into the unknown, to face any enemy on the seas.

But no, he believed it himself, in the same way of understanding things. Misha. He only wanted one. And he explained it in this splendid way:

But dad, how can you think that I will have enough budget to fill the other 94 tanks of fuel. I must prioritize my needs.

Without a doubt, Misha was a little man with very clear, defined and conclusive objectives.

Oh news! Misha, had learned to count and with her barely three years had counted until 95, it was 95 days and like his father, she repeated to him:

-It's the ship: number 1...

-The ship leaves: number 10…

-The 95 boats have been completed. To the final test.

Another demonstration of Misha's skill was coming. And Bierny telling Kei Sky about Misha's achievements, he received this feedback to reinforce the achievement:

How about you challenge him to tell 5 other different stories for himself. -He proposed, Kei Sky, adding-: Instruct him to use the process of crafting a ship.

How are 5 stories repeated 3 times.

You can propose that, of, a different idea of: How to help mom to get to her destination using a paper boat?

You write, 5 ideas summarized in a word, indicating action.

A verb? – Clarified, Bierny


-From there, you hope that, Misha: reuse these 5 ideas and reformulate other options or stories. We will measure its synthesis and analysis of reality, at these levels:

One. Yes Misha, repeat the story you told him. You put a star on his achievement folder and a flag on his achievement folder.

boat, of a different color: as if he had visited a different country each time, then you reinforce the boat with a strip of waterproof paper.

Two. If Misha, add other words from the thousand that you have used for each story. You put two stars on his achievement folder and a flag on the ship, of a different color: as if he has visited a different country each time, then you reinforce the ship with a strip of waterproof paper.

Three. If Misha, add at least 2 to 5 words of the thousand that you have used for each story. You put three stars on his achievement folder and a flag on the ship, of a different color: as if he has visited a different country each time, then you reinforce the ship with a strip of waterproof paper.

Four. If Misha, add 2 to 5 words from those taught, and a character: man, who is a dad and who helps him save his mom. You put four stars on his achievement folder and a flag on the ship, of a different color: as if he has visited a different country each time, then you reinforce the ship with a strip of waterproof paper.