«Intro No. 8» A sensitive adolescent heart.

It was already 9:30 at night. A devotional time was held, invoking the presence of the Spirit of the Creator.

Bierny, discerning probationary time: by faith, she shared a Word of Prophecy Passage. Therefore, the signs had to manifest themselves as what happened later:

Katty, she began to tell from her own mouth the story that her parents announced in advance in the afternoon. Counting:

In the group where we meet. There is a group of musicians. It's my turn to sing. We do this periodically. However, someone realized that all the musicians are men, adults and married: they have a wife and children. And being me, the only young, single. This has aroused jealousy in her wives. To the point that they have begun to murmur: Why? I am summoned knowing the general context of the group. -At the end, she touched her chest. And her mother Gloria of her: she had to keep telling.

It happens that Katty has a very sensitive heart and the mere fact of murmuring and mistrusting her and worse of insinuating: "a state of adultery or fornication"; that they are not, another thing: that bad habits of her or of them or of her.

And Katty blushed when she heard what her mother was saying. Her father assumed, who, you see: powerless, not being able to do something. Her Father: almost begged, for spiritual help.

The 3R Project seeks to restore things, the Youth MAPA Project, to help regenerate: young people, therefore Bierny: He proceeded to apply one of the methods, occupational therapy, which is sometimes necessary to use with the CreaMYPE Workshop.

Thus, Bierny asked to bring: several white A4 sheets and a pencil.

She took Katty's hands, and looking at him with authority in the Creator, she said:

You are going to take a sheet, on which you will write: all those "hundred" things that hurt you. This while singing a song of spiritual intercession.

Three minutes passed and Katty, with tears in her eyes. She said:

I've finished. –Her father gave her towels to dry her tears.

Parents, in reverent silence! They followed the procedure carefully.

Well: Take, Katty, the sheet and crumple it up and throw the paper away, while deep inside you: Believe that, by doing this: you have discarded all those things that affect you and hurt you. Say: I reject, the verbal curses imposed!

I reject, the verbal curses imposed! Katty said.

I reject, the verbal curses imposed! - Said Gloria and her husband, almost as in a solemn prayer.

Katty, do it again, until there's not one thing left that you remember hurting you.

The routine lasted until the morning of the next day:

Good: Katy. Bierny said: How do you feel now?

Better. I'm calmer -Her voice sounded safer and warmer than the first time she communicated her ills. The heart attack problem disappeared, within the time spent in occupational therapy.

It was noticeable on her face, that she lost swelling and restored her color.

Your hands! Look: Gloria, her hands, -said, the father.

Katty's hands restored her form, warmth and color to her. And her voice and her face and her inner being. Katty, in just one watch had been healed, thank the Creator. And to the providential way of doing her will.

If more than one, XMonk, had possessed these people: be aggressive silent or passive. Or verbal or active aggressive.

They were defeated! Defeated and Expelled from that family home!

Bierny confirmed it the next day. He was sitting on the piece of furniture, in which he had to spend the rest of the morning. It was a providential visit, and there was nothing prepared for him. It was enough for him to work his gifts, the rest is not necessary to demand and aspire to have or treasure.

He saw how the 11-year-old son got up, washed up, prepared his breakfast, arranged his backpack, said hello and went to study.

In the afternoon this teenage boy: he had a "verbal" fight with his little sister.

The girl: she didn't struggle, nor did she say any dishonest word: but what, she turned around and went into her room. And she heard her whispering intercession and prayed to the Creator:

Abías (which means, God is my: Father), Oh Creator! Forgive my brother and forgive me. I didn't mean to offend him. Thank you! –Then she sang joyfully and reverently, as in an act of "thanksgiving" to the Creator.

The family universe, was regenerated. Because they discarded all influence of the bipolar multiverses.