«Case No. 9» Lord Octopus's net.

It sounds contradictory: he threw a loud, lavish and crowded fifteen-year-old party and his daughter was absent. Suddenly appearing to say: MY father was to blame for being a heavy drinker. The people who attended the event where I was celebrated were the facilitating trigger to be snatched into a bipolar multiverse: my father's.

Suddenly: Josh brought Misha, who was accompanied by Aslhy. She had him by the hand. At an adult meeting. Doing a release session. It is not good to leave a child alone. His father explained it to him.

Kei Sky. She was in charge of presenting the special number. And she did it with the following words:

Ladies and gentlemen with you:

The Riddle of the Literary Game. In charge of the young people of the 3R Project:

Receive them with a loud applause:

(Applause and whistles of joy were heard for the performance of the young people)

Aslhy played guitar and Josh: played organ and

Misha recited.

Taraon Saulo: he did the voiceover, saying:

listening friend:

In this tenth, the distinguished poet and declaimer Misha: Proposes to solve a riddle!

-Taraon Saulo, announces-: The Riddle of the Literary Game.

Why vile? Two shoes!

I know: Wow, so cool!

The foot: Seven! The foot: Eight!

Behind the sheet! Bard!

It was, Saturday, and the young people directed that service.

Taraon Saulo intervened again:

Write on the sheet if you already have an answer to the puzzle or mark the possible answers listed on the sheet.

They are the ones with a blank square to the left of each answer. They can mark more than one: making a cross or an acceptance symbol.

And with you, with the first of four tenths of the first act, again: "the spectacular" Misha.

(Continued with the declamation of him Misha)

-Taraon Saulo, announces-: The Problem of the Protagonist.

Counted: Eight! An octopus.

For being, good Mollusk?

Also, double four…

From e' two, up to eight

Why only six!?

Which, once:

Walking: Very drunk!

He sank, pair of tacos!

He left him, to what destination...?

For vile! Two shoes!

There was a solemn silence. The poetry with only two stanzas: it had permeated the problem of TDrive and therefore, that of his family.

A melody played, which used to be used to meditate or meet the answer time in face-to-face classes. This instrumental music dispelled all evil thoughts and led wholeheartedly into personal worship and they began to intercede, for Tdriv, for Sasry and for each and everyone present and absent at the meeting.

As for any teaching strategy: It was distributed. A kit of materials for each of those present: That day the first issue of the Supplement was also presented: Octopus.

The technique to use in Occupational Therapy for that youthful Saturday: It was acting. Misha: You did it masterfully.

Each of those present was asked to try to reproduce the drawing on the sheets that came attached to the 3R instruments.

In the kit of materials: there was a 3R ruler, with which it was sought to represent Mr. Octopus on the sheet.

Clues or signs were already being given about the enigma to be solved. And to give it greater prominence, along with the background music, the announcer and the speaker, a group of actors joined with a small theatrical production.

They were Peluche Tradd and her sisters (What a privilege! Let a family intervene)

"Now," said the announcer, Taraon Saulo, "Joins the magnificent oratory of Misha, the Tradd Family Youth Performance Group.

And it's a privilege: Announce Peluche Tradd and her sisters.

The applause was short and praised for such a distinguished participation. Every time the family groups went out to do theater. Either everyone laughed, or sang, or cried (there was great expectation of what emotions would arise from this family performance)

Misha, whose tie was fixed by Kei Sky, took the microphone and then declaimed (while the theatrical group made a simulated performance according to what was exposed in the second tenth, of the poem: Mr. Octopus)

-Taraon Saulo, announces-: The Dilemma of School Life. (Adding: What good could be yours?)

I know! What is sleep?

Of whom, do not dream ...!

With two dirty tacos?

Say: How can you not speak!

And yes, I return: back?

Return? Go for eyes!

What if. Sack: The mud!

Use! What bitumen?

Why, help, you?

I know: Wow, so cool!

-Taraon Saulo, announces-: The return with Assertiveness. Misha: recite again and the group of the Tradd brothers: act. It was the third tenth: where a toad costume was introduced accompanied by a strange dance of comings and goings where everyone fell to the ground, got up and looked at each other so much, the shoes, that everyone in the room started to look at each other the shoes. By the time they realized: Some were laughing at the performance, others were hiding their distraction with flushed cheeks.

And stop, go, toad…!

To silence! I know how to clean!

Oh my God! Even feet?

Count! Does it imply?

In feet, left side...

Sorry: I'm insolent!

And what? Stretch is done?

Lost: Trail and course...

Why else see?

The foot: Seven! The foot: Eight!

-Taraon Saulo, announces-: Undertaking with a Teaching Guide. Misha: declaim again and the group of the Tradd brothers: emphasize their performance since it was the fourth and last tenth. From there came the oral interventions and responses to the dynamics presented.

Geez, is something wrong?

Let's see, what problem?

I am of sound mind.

It is to see, with, your eyes.

Paint! I propose:

I can, by stroke, double!

I will know, sum: Of eight!

Just come back and insist!

For being an octopus? Simple!

Behind the sheet! Bard!