«Case No. 10-A» The 'dark & ​​white' in "overtime" (1)


Many times we express verbally what we cannot feel in our own flesh. It is the custom, in an "informal city"; where it is hired: for "dark services" the "overtime" of the workers, who rely on a "Board of Directors" to get the job. By GenXPrays.}

{Discernment: Take heed, lest anyone fall short of God's grace; that some root of bitterness sprouting, hinders you, and by it many are contaminated; lest there be some fornicator, or profane, like Esau, who for one meal sold his birthright. Hebrews 12:15-16}

Arrived in the city, after a long trip, Bierny: achieved an "austere job" taking care of a public service. Which was open from six in the morning until 3 in the afternoon, even, and depending on the 'character' of the new hire until six in the afternoon.

Who are you? -Question-, ZalVip.

I'm Bierny -He replied-.

And who hired him? –He asked another question, each time "more bitter with himself"

The treasurer.

By the tone of his voice, his authoritarian demeanor, the gesticulations and gestures. It was understood: the nature of the XMonk, who ruled in that female director of a market.

How come they didn't tell me? It is not up to you to work here –Sentenced, the ZalVip.

She alarmed other managers in a few seconds. ZalVip; he worked as a prosecutor for a directive. But he commanded operationally in all the positions and minds of the other merchants. Those absorbed in their chores: they did not leave their stalls in a city market.

Tell me: Milamores! Who hired this man?

The Treasurer -Answered-, Milamores: They already went to call him.

I don't want this man here, -he rebuked-, ZalVip to Milamores, who was in charge of supervising the workers and who recommended Bierny in the position before the Treasurer.

And in whispers -I indicate-, to Bierny:

I think better, -desist-. Mrs. ZalVip, she is reluctant when she doesn't like someone.

She nor that she is the owner of the market. Bierny argued. I cannot be complacent with someone so despotic in his way of treating the market staff.

Seeing the Treasurer arrive, she on the impulse of "hit and run". Elusively, she left.

When the Treasurer arrived, she -said-: If he asks you, again: tell them, that they left the job; and as it is: a public service. She had to fill the position! Because, it is necessary for the functioning of the market:

"In other words, her," he excused himself. But, she was unfazed by the rival. She, well, she was already used to her arrogance.

From then on: ZalVip, she declared a war: No quarter!

With a group of worker vandals who, depending on her vote of confidence, helped make Bierny's life impossible.

Activity, XMonk, one:

When leaving to protest: ZalVip. She had to attend an errand outside the market through gate 5. When confronting a potato seller: she gave him a resounding slap. Blow of a mother: that she served to open, a channel for freedom over bitterness in ZalVip.

Activity, Monk, two:

Within days, Bierny began to prepare an emergency kit for customers passing through the market. The kit contained: a mask and a cut of toilet paper. To those who, due to carelessness, did not have such a demanding requirement to enter through gate 6.

Bierny: kindly gave them the kit. As an added value for the public service. There were those who, asking the price: offered a coin in exchange.

In most markets in the world: mask kits are sold, which provide some protection, in the face of the pandemic caused by the C virus ovid.

ZalVip: as soon as he found out, -from his informants-: He protested!

And he had to withdraw the common good.

But it is easy, -to give away-, Said the treasurer, when questioned, -explaining-: When this item is purchased by the box.

But out of common sense –he said-: Bierny: Better to stop giving away the kits.