«Case No. 10-B» The 'dark & ​​white' in "overtime" (2)

Activity, Monk, three:

-Running out-: The 'hygienic towels' that women "buy" at the entrance to the toilets. Bierny: had the idea to replace. Since, the treasurer did not appear, until the afternoon. It was noon. And for those things of "health and hygiene", no woman, 'wants to wait, because she can't wait'. If it is a physiological emergency.

Bierny asked Kach: -an apparently helpful stevedoring worker-; Please: ask, to other directors: the article. Given the refusal for a response to replace the good required for health and hygiene emergencies.

Bierny: he gave money to Kach, so that he could buy said good for the exteriors of the market.

Please, -you bring a voucher-: Don't forget, to report to the treasurer.

Bierny, -With concern-, of the 'urgent orders' in a "public service". You forgot to request: proof of payment upon delivery of the bag with the sanitary napkins.

Arriving on the weekend. And balance the accounts. The Treasurer, he asked, to Bierny:

How did you acquire the bag of sanitary napkins? – In a consulting tone.

Bierny, -explains-: You: were not available in such an emergency. And the directors consulted: they did not give a timely exit. So it had to be bought outside the market. Unfortunately: the private server, stowage, called Kach. For reasons I do not know: he did not deliver the voucher. As much as he was asked, he has refused to deliver.

-Despite- a lengthy explanation. He considered giving a discount in case he didn't have the receipt for the following week.

End of month reporting date; -Knowing that- the Accountant was not very cordial: if not they delivered a payment document that represents the value of the acquired good.

A few days after Kach, he got sick with Covid and his brother had a setback: Did it cost them more than what they earned for evading the receipt?