«Case No. 10-C» The 'dark & ​​white' in "overtime" (3)

And this table: Why do they use it for other things? -It happened again-

What was a social essay, to improve the image of poultry companies. It only met two advertising needs and had to close. From that table. And it began to work beyond, from 3 in the afternoon, until past 6. Precisely on the night shift.

It is surprising, as a job: that many of us want to do, ends up awakening, art, business management and opening a market niche in the poultry sector.

Unfortunately, the art was changed by disaster!

A large plastic deposit with articles, paints, pencils, rulers, sheets, stapler, corrector, among others. Another guy, who was given the key: Broke such a deposit, among other slights.

Activity, Monk, four:

-They placed- a rusty knife, inside, a black bag, in one of the toilet stalls. Bierny - when cleaning the service; found: the sharp object.

-A few days-, one of the pumps: that made the water flow from the pipe, to the toilet box: was intentionally deactivated, causing discomfort.

-It had to be called-, to Milamores: who, "in the absence of a plumber"; used to arrange these services 'for a few extra coins'. It was the monthly routine, but: strange case to take -certain intention- Although:

-In the same week-. A guy who acted as a security agent in the same market: he left a faucet open, spilling water. Causing great commotion, so much so that: he interrupted the service for several minutes. Until Bierny: clean and dry the place. Keep going…

Activity, XMonk, five:

-A guy-, with a flaccid build, decayed and with symptoms of drunkenness. In an oversight of the service, and in his insane attitude: he showed his virile member, which practically drained him: in the sink. Behind Bierny's back.

-It was understood-, that everything happened: in order to obfuscate Bierny. For him to give up or be found in some fault and have to resign from the position or be fired.

Bierny, -same- was focused on the case of Covid, which as customers in shopping mode. They entered through gate 6, from the market. And they left through this door 6, after entering through the other five doors that the market has.

-Bierny-. By having the gift of discernment of Spirits XMonk. He rebuked his evil presence on the body of occasional patrons. Who: without having to find out about the evil that left you, continued: joyfully their way.

-Reaffirming-. At the time, people who were feverish, moody, afflicted, or delicate due to the aftermath of Covid, recovered.

Bierny did not have to explain his mission to people, since he was constantly traveling and had more than 500 cases treated in the first three waves of Covid.