[Culture Point 1] No shadows of evil? Only hands to work (1)

This topic is very controversial: turn off your camera! If possible, do not read it, otherwise you intend to reflect a little deeper: Why do calamities, degenerative diseases, or extreme cases of human misery happen?

• Natural: like earthquakes.

• Physical: as physical illnesses, in one, in two parents at the same time.

• Relatives: Because he sees great prosperity in his sisters.

Years while you are limited.

■ We will touch on points such as congregational, post-traumatic work. Occupational therapy through productive technical workshops directed as in a pastoral mission. The mistakes made within the dysfunctional home. All this, in a framework of human action and divine response. The Creator leaves his creatures to his free will. Until adding everything and charging suddenly. After the discipline passes: people return to their same routine. -The Pisco earthquake. It was nothing compared to the global pandemic caused by Covid-. Who will have learned? Of this or another fact; to the point of compensating for their actions. Take back control of your actions and seek help: for a total change.

Being partial in these cases: leads to complicity. Common sense is mixed with vested interests: family, social, political. There is no place for protest. The complaint: it has a limited legal framework, for the evasion of justice. The educated are attentive and make the empowered win. To the winner. The one who exercises authority because of his own family.

The error charges an invoice, to those who did not sell anything. And for offering an exchange experience?

Let things happen by themselves! –Bierny mentioned to Milamores, explaining:

It cannot be altered, what the Creator. He has decreed that it happen the way it is being done: doing it.

At this time the Creator: Is directing through Elenx. I have waited months: for an answer and it is given in this form.

1|It's actually crazy. Let someone else: set the pace of the work of a pastor trained in missionary leadership.

But. Is there purpose? Of course! Elenx, it's a big raindrop: How refreshing, the mission! And it will make it germinate and a lot:

The word of the Prophecy: It does not return empty! It thrives in that for which it is sent.

2 | It was, the same Creator acting in his life: as for the past, present and future. Elenx. He has counted, about three dreams. That by discerning, he leads us to the conclusion: God is doing his will!