[Culture Point 1] Is there no shadow of evil? Only hands to work (2)

-The desire to learn, something: playful, musical and productive.

The girl, every time she sees: entering Milamores, her house. Feel security: because he was always like a father. And she reciprocated. He has paid attention to them again!

When the other children arrive. She started craft classes. Bierny began with the awareness stage. She gave each of them: a toy, made of beads, pearls, nylon. Each toy: it could be placed in the palm of the hand and attached to a metal keychain.

Elenx, was already offering to the public, among her friends at 40 years old and more. And now, she saw: how can you have other handmade wonders.

What is valuable in these training processes in dysfunctional homes is the cohesion that the process of making artisan keychains produces.

Haber, -said Bierny-: Who explains? What does this model look like, what does it have: Salmy.

It looks like a butterfly. - I answer, the same Salmy.

And this other one, which Monix has in his left hand: What does it look like?

It's a bear spider, he said: Matix.

And this one: a lizard, -he said: Momix.

And that one: a panther, -he said: Elenx.

The little one, Lohax. She looked at everyone, waiting: drop some of the samples, to take the toy in her hands and enjoy the touch and with the same look that everyone had. That look, that a child: Knows how to have when given a new toy!

Now, -said Bierny-, we will put away these toys, to go on to use the 3R Rule. He handed out a rule to each one. Also: paper, two-color pencil: red and black. A white sheet. And he indicated that he gave them the freedom to discover what the ruler was used for. Spent a couple of minutes. She showed Mr. Octopus to him. -Explaining:

Mr. Octopus is an octopus with 8 tentacles.

It doesn't look like it!, said Lohax, explaining, from his point of view, almost questioningly, "Does it look like a bat!?"

Good: what to do? -He released the question: Matías.

Well they should try to do by Rule 3R, the Lord Octopus.

After five minutes, he handed them: three pieces, complementary to Rule 3R. Pieces that resembled triangles with rounded ends. -No class material with points can be used, with small children, for safety reasons and to avoid mishaps-.

That looks great: Monix. -Bierny encouraged Monix-Well, since she was the most applied in the class. And why her mother, Elenx, said:

Monix likes to make manga, he spends his time making drawings.

How about putting eyes on the octopus! -You mentioned, Bierny. To those who were already finishing assembling the octopus. Mr. Octopus, is formed with 14 triangles.

-In the third intervention of the teaching strategy-: he gave each one a scale model of the octopus, by its parts.

These pieces that I give you are called: 3R Reflex Guides, as you can see: they are the parts of the octopus, so we have:

• 3R Reflex guides: octopus head: 2 pieces or inverted or mirrored triangles.

• 3R Reflex guides: octopus back: 2 pieces or inverted or mirrored triangles.

• 3R Reflex guides: octopus thorax: 2 pieces or inverted or reflected triangles.

• 3R Reflex guides: octopus body: 4 pieces or inverted or mirrored triangles.

• 3R Reflex guides: octopus tentacles: 6 pieces or inverted or mirrored triangles.

-Watching, Bierny: the good progress of the apprentices-, craft design. He delivered, intermediate guides, to facilitate the complementary notion to what has already been learned.

Good. Let's now pay close attention. And how, it was done before ly with the other learning block. For this third block: We save, what we use. And now we place new sheets. And you see this guide that I put on the wall with stickers.

Each rectangular piece with rounded ends measures: 3.5 centimeters wide and 9 centimeters long. They are craft objects that we will use to simulate the keys of the electronic organ. -Motivating the group, Bierny said:

Please count: How many pieces are needed? To play the song: Happy Day.

Five! Lohax said lightly.

Take a good look: there are several rows! He said: Matix.

Eleven! I will only count, because so many equal pieces are already tiring. Said Salmy.

There are 6 rows of 4. Therefore: 6 x 4, is equal to 24, plus a loose piece. Total: 25 pieces. -Confirmed: Monix. Sure, the size of him, and his first 16 tender years. They gave him more agility in his responses and drawing skills.

Okay, take one piece at a time! Bierny explained again: Write vertically, as you can see on the guide sheet posted on the wall. -The classroom had been improvised in the middle of the faith meeting-. This is because the workshop slate was located in Urb. Casagrande, near Larán. This is very far from Chincha Baja; place where the meeting of faith takes place, for the second time.

When they write the numbers assigned to each key on the keyboard. Notice: they are numbers from 1 to 6. The numbers have a dot above or below, or a line. If you see that a number is repeated as the number 1, it is because at the bottom there is the lyrics of the song that corresponds to the note to play on the keyboard.

The ability, already developed in the use, identification of craft materials, was widely shown in this third block of teaching - learning. Most scored more than 3 numbers. And as always: Monix, did more than all. However, at first, he wanted to write the entire song on a single tablet.

-Attention! Craft Design Class. -Announced, Bierny, more and more applied or accelerating the processes-: The time has come to favor multiple intelligence! -Explaining the teaching he said:

The one who wants to practice the notes of the song: Happy Birthday:

• First. We must arrange the pieces on the table: in such a way that it can resemble the guide sheet.

To do this: give the pieces to the leader of the group: What by the way should it be? -Salmy, he said, with his little voice: Lohax-

Salmy, pick up: -He indicated, Bierny-: the pieces and try, with the help of everyone, to order them in such a way that it is the same as the guide sheet.

• Second. The first to memorize will come to the keyboard to practice. And according to the order of arrival. Repeat the activity three times.

The happiness was complete. Thrill! See how in less than an hour, three learning blocks were made. And here comes the application: craft - musical. where the participant He demonstrates how competent he is, in his psychomotor, sound, memorizing, manual and playful abilities.

Rounds of three were done in three attempts. And Monix: he discovered, his passion for music, others glimpsed in mistakes, which they overcame on the third and fifth attempt.

Let us pray: Thank you Creator! Receive this praise of applause, for what you learned from your hand, your provision, your hope, your love.

Until the next meeting: Peace to your lives!