-Retaking, the spirit of oppression: XMonk-
Why are they silent: mothers, for bread for their other children. Who in turn: imitate the facts, because the chain cannot be broken by crying for help.
Required: regional release. Who can afford it? Business is over! Who yearns for change? Who could change you?
A cultural intervention. Involving the media. And defying fears. Raising: flags of intrafamily freedom.
-In the study group Prays-
Milamores! It is not enough to take out what the person has inside himself. And what led him to do what he did. Bierny explained, adding:
Let's talk about the attacker! But he is, also the deposit he made, on which he will collect with increased interest:
|After the sexual abuse-. There are repercussions:
• The ones that stand out at first glance are found: the physical ones. Post-traumatic climate. The slow and never physical recovery in women.
• The child: who carries in her womb and by which family mistreatment is exasperated. And the abuses are repeated, replicated and multiplied.
• What if it was done by the father? He would become: brother and son of the victim. And what does the family do? The victim's mother: she adopts him as her own son, since her husband procreated him. And silence is worth a dysfunctional home. At the same time this child is the fruit of incest. He acquires "the manly authority", delegated by the mother and imposed by the father.
• What if the Father's brother did it? The victim's visits to the uncle's home: will be done: How always? Because of the self-generated interests of taking advantage of the situation of extra-family royalties for the benefit of other silences.
• What if the older or younger brother proceeded against his own sister? We already mentioned it above. It is a matter of inheritance. And possession of all things by the "men of the house." To the detriment of the "women of the house".
• What if the father's partner did it? Here the deal is closed: by making the father's friend a "compadre". And let the jarana be "enlivened". Bring on the cajon And let the bells toll! There is a mass to pay. And a benefit for life. -The food goes for you compadre-. In fact comadre: Say no more! Health!
An equally relevant aspect is how the immobility of the attacked and lost proceeds to act at will to aggression: it is immobilization.
• There is a general trend across several countries and regions (we see it, also in the movies). Where a liquid is smeared on a handkerchief which is placed over the victim's nostrils and the victim yields bodily. Giving signs of weakness and cruelty proceeds.
• Another is the use of a spray: that it be sprayed towards the victim's face. Same procedure of immobility and poise to the aforementioned.
• But what is most surprising about these cases, let's say: antisocial, that happen: in large cities as well as in the most inhospitable places. Even in exclusive places for tourists: such as a restaurant, a hotel bar.
-It is about practice: intrafamiliar- . When Bierny found the complaint: at the CEM in Nuevo Chimbote. When giving a null case of attention. She conceived, visualize the problem from the systematization.
• Inside homes: gradually, it is provided, injected, absorbed, consumed, provided. Substances in format: pills, syrups, applicable. From simple headache relievers to powerful prescription medications.
• The person: his concentration drops, he declines to do normal activities: like studying, having fun, getting around, working. And he lives in a lethargy of life: that is consuming her inside. His mind is inactive to carry out activities typical of his age. or eat lose weight, or exceed your body mass.
• In the sense of the problem. It speeds up your physical metabolism. And despite his young age. Shows the needs: physiological characteristics of adults.
• The vision of the manipulated people becomes blurred. He lacks motor skills. And she is constantly taken to the doctor. Getting used to relying on drugs for your abnormal lifestyle. Tax by mutual agreement of their families.