
"Stacey!" Britney's voice outside the apartment, made Stacey growled.

She could hear her friend's voice right from the rooftop if possible she was there.

What might have brought her over this early morning? Don't she sleep? If yes, then when do she take her naps and wakes up?

Seeing Stacey right now, she look like Halloween itself. Hair's a total mess, bedsheets are crumbled like she had fought with it all night. The entire place is littered with crumbled papers, clothes and several books.

Is she this lazy and her bedroom untidy?

"Stacey! Get the fucking door open!" Britney yelled again.

Stacey growled sleepily. She rubbed her eyes and scratched her messy hair.

A wide yawn escapes her mouth.

She grab her phone from the bedside cupboard, "11.49 am." She muttered. Still in a sleepover mode "Still earl–fuck!" She jumped off the bed at once.

If it was to be a cliff, she'd be dead by now.

Stacey fully forgot it's Saturday. Hmm weekend. Hoping and thinking it's school times, she thought, she's late. And you know what, if it were to be, she'll doomed by the school's policy.

Stacey you're suspended or maybe expelled.

Stacey quickly wrap her messy hair into a rough doughnut packing and barged out of the room like it was on fire.

"One minute!" She shouted while hurrying down the stairs. "Bri-"

"Oh please save it You girl!" Britney cut her off before she could realize.

Stacey is covered in sweat like she had ran a marathon. But it was just a Five seconds run from her bedroom upstairs to the door downstairs.

Britney's brows furrowed, weirdly. Her pointed finger towards Stacey hover in a circle right in the air, like Harry Potter with the stick. "What's with the heat all over?"

Stacey never realized she was in deep sweat. Guess she fell into a pool of water.

Her eyes widened. She stared down at herself. I bet if her eyes could see her back, she'd had checked herself all around and all over.

Oops! "Nevermind Britney."

"Nevermind?" Britney raised an eyebrow and place her hands on her 24 hip size. She's on a blue short, mercury sneakers and green crop hoodie.

"Tell me I'm not late, I-" She stopped after setting her eyes on someone familiar.

Umm- Yup! That's Britney's quin brother, Winston right in the driver seat of his black Toyota Ford.

Does this guy have to come along with his sister anyway? What smells fishing around here? And why does it have to be him who brings Britney over?

The stunned stare that never breaks from Stacey's focus, made Britney snapped her fingers over her face. "Hello young lady?"

Stacey broke the sight of peeping at him. Though, he wasn't watching towards their direction anyway.

He was so busy with his phone and they were just few metres away. From the car park to the apartment Should be ten more steps further.

He has no idea this was Stacey's place.

Still, Stacey could stop the flashes of pictures of him in her head, *Handsome ones indeed.* which kept popping time to time as she struggle hard to focus on Britney's words.

"You said you'll come over to my place so we could study?" Britney reminded.

Stacey knocked her head softly. What a dumb girl, "Oh yeah, but you said you're gonna study with Bernard and his friends today, right?"

"Bernard is at work today. He will be less busy by noon." Britney sighed. "So shall we?"

There no response on time, Britney had no idea what's up with her friend.

She's staring at her this time with no blink of an eye or response. Guess yesterday lectures has affected her brain.

"Bipolar?" Britney twitched her lips one side and crossed her arms.

"Bi– what?!" Stacey widened her eyes again. "Hell no."

"Then move it, dreamer." Britney retort.