Saving Friends Part 2

"Huh? Who the hell are you!? Where did you come from!?" One of the men yelled out. He was very confused as to where Blake even came from or how he made such an entrance, even leaving a small crater where he landed.

"I am here to ruin your fun. You dare shoot my friend and chase after him like a pack of hungry wolves? Do you even know who the fuck you are messing with!?" Blake yelled. He was mad. He liked Robert. He was a good man. He did not like seeing those he saw as friends being hurt. 

"Hey, look, I know you are trying to play hero, but I suggest you fuck off before you die." One of the men yelled out before aiming his gun at Blake. 

"I think it's you who needs to fuck off. Not that I planned to let you." Blake's lips curled up as he dashed forward. 

Seeing how Blake was charging at them, the men raised their guns and began firing at him.