Headhunters Part 1

As Blake and the girls got close to the city, their destination, Blake quickly stopped when he saw a roadblock up ahead. "Everyone to the side." 

"Blake, why are we stopping?" Lillia asked. 

"That roadblock is not something we should pass just yet until we scope out the situation. Someone's coming. We will wait and watch." Blake said as he sat in the bush at the side of the road. A family of three, a man and a woman, and their child were walking toward the roadblock. Tina pulled on Blake's arm, causing him to turn and look at her. When he saw her worried look, he just patted her hand. "Just watch."

Tina frowned slightly, but she decided to trust Blake. She watched as the family got closer to the roadblock. When they were about a hundred feet away, a bunch of men with guns suddenly came out of hiding and pointed them at the family of three. "Oh? Not bad. She will make a fine trophy." One of the men yelled out while whistling.