Will I Really Be Reborn

Blake walked down the street with the old woman on his back. Tina and Lillia walked at his side with small smiles on their lips. They couldn't help but giggle at how awkward their man was. Everyone who was able bodied was carrying someone. Mack and his group were on watch, so they couldn't really help. 

They walked for hours on end. Even when they were tired, they had no choice but to keep moving on. Blake did not want to stop, nor did they have the luxury to stop. Those who were tired from carrying someone would switch off with someone else and then have to hurry to catch up. This kept the group moving at a steady pace. Luckily eating some wyvern meat did help a lot in boosting everyone's stamina, but even still, after hours of marching, people were growing tired. 

"Blake, they are slowing down…." Tina said while tugging on Blake's sleeve. It had been eight hours already, and they still had a few hours left to go.