It Begins Part 2

"Hey, Rob." Blake walked into the little apartment that Robert and his girls had. He had come to tell Rob about his plans. 

"You're back. That was quicker than expected." Rob smiled as he took a peek at his two daughters, who were poking their heads out of the bedroom door to catch a glimpse of Blake. "You sure you don't want them?"

"Dad!" Erica yelled out before quickly retreating back into the bedroom. Rob let out a laugh before having Blake sit down. "What brings you here?"

"While you might have guessed, the age of magic is about to begin. The roar you heard was the signal for that. But before the mana flood reaches here, I want to help you and your daughters evolve. This way, it can be done in a way that has a higher chance of survival." Blake explained.

"You don't have to worry about me. Just my daughters are enough." Rob said. He felt there was no need to worry about an old man like him.