Goblin Den Part 1

--AN) Forgot to post the chapter! The second chapter is already in the works and will be up soon.--

Blake and Bret moved alongside the base up the ridge that the base was located under and stood on top of a large boulder that was large enough for the two of them. "No matter how many times I come here, looking out towards the city still makes me think I am watching a live version of an apocalypse movie."

"You will get there…." Blake sighed. Mana was something that could turn anything into something. With so many dead humans lying all over. Those that did not get eaten by monsters would turn into undead. Some of which had intelligence and were very strong. 

"Wait, why do I feel a chill rolling down my spine? You don't mean that shit like zombies will start appearing soon, right!?" Bret hugged his body and shivered. "I do not mind if they are in the movies, but if they are real fuck that!"