The Fea

It has been well over a year and a half since the age of magic arrived, and Blake was currently sitting at one of the outposts looking out into the distance with a pair of binoculars. "When did they begin to arrive?"

"Not too long ago. About three hours or so." Dave replied. He was one of the people who had gone to the hidden military base with Blake and Bret when Blake first met Faana. "They had just settled in. I am not sure if they are even aware of our presence."

"Strange…." Blake looked at the group of fea who were building a small mini camp. The word mini was used due to it being a group of fairies or pixies. Blake was not sure since he had never met any of them before. "I will go out and try to talk with them. Do not come over, no matter what. The fea are said to be very magically inclined, more so than the elves."