Liquid Mana Part 2

Mina and Yui both watched as Blake took out a small bowl from his pouch. It was filled to the brim and had a radiant hue to it as he placed it on the table in front of him. Mina was the first to react as she flew over to the bowel and then looked at Blake. "Where did you get this!?"

"You know what it is? I figured it was liquid mana." Blake was unsure, so he could only hope he was right.

"Not just any liquid mana! This is like the holy grail of liquid mana! If you were to even drink a small portion of this, you would be able to expand your mana pool and boost your strength by leaps and bounds! This stuff is…. Is this all you have!?" Mina's eyes were brimming with excitement.

"No, I have quite a bit." Blake began pulling container after container out of his space pouch and placed it on the table. Mina's eyes almost fell out of her head, seeing so much liquid mana.