The Effects Of Losing People Under You

The gruesome scene inside the tent was supervised by Noa and Blake. Even Bret stayed outside. The remains from the pot and the torsos of the orc soldiers were all gathered and put on a cart that the orcs used. It was impossible to know who was who any longer, so everything would be buried in a mass grave in Destiny City's graveyard. 

"Finally done, I see!" Blake tossed the last leg to the side before slapping the orc leader in the face, putting his bottom jaw back into place. "Remember, if you mess with my people or the land that I have claimed, I will destroy you and your entire race. Now go back and tell your leaders what I just said." 

"You!" The orc leader dare not say any more. His stomach was starting to turn. He glared at Blake and slowly stood up. While he was glad that he still had his life, his pride had been smashed, and for an orc, pride was everything. "I will be sure to feast on your limbs one day!"