Anna’s Choices

After a few days, Olinia settled into her new life. She found that although she was not Blake's wife but a concubine, she was still treated very well. Blake's main wives all treated her with respect and did not look down on her. They even let her join them at the dinner table, which made her happy because this was one of the few times she got to see Blake. Blake also did not treat her as an outsider either and would suck her blood every now and then and give her a quickie which did not last long, but it was enough for her not to feel lonely. 

Blake was currently in his lab trying to finish the first prototype of his new mana link. Anna, who had just finished another round of training, slipped into the room and walked up behind him with curious eyes. "You are here Anna?"

"Mm…. Big Brother, what are you doing?" Anna asked as she hugged Blake from behind.