Tree Of Life

--AN) 3 more on the way---

Blake looked at the screens while covering Pue's eyes with his hand. She struggled in his arms but gave up after realizing she could not move his hands. Blake looked at the massive monster that had a flaming coat gulping down its food and frowned. He did not know if the parents knew this was going to happen or not, and this is why they sent the child away, but if not, then they got what they deserved. He could not see himself ever abandoning any of his children. 

"Alright, let's move the drones away from there." Blake did not wish to see the scene anymore as he moved his drones back to surveying the rest of the planet to see just what kind of place it was. Once he set them on a new path, he introduced Pue to everyone. "This little one's name is Pue. She is currently a she until Lillia looks at her since she has both parts."