Blake’s True Evolution Part 4

--AN) running on 2 hours of sleep inn 48 hours. But will still try to get 2 more chapters done tonight then sleep ten hours and then right the 6 chapters I promised.---

The two Blakes circled around each other with big grins on their faces. This kind of trial had one flaw. It was perfect for those who were a bit of a battle maniac. After a few rounds, both Blakes charged forward and throughout a punch. Both caught the other's punches and were grinning like mad men at each other as they began to throw punch after punch at each other. "Hahaha! This is fun!" Blake let out a laugh as he blocked another punch. The other him also let out a laugh while blocking Blake's punch. 

While this was going on in a space where no one could see, Lillia, after hearing what the trial normally consists of, held her head. "We will be here for a while…."