Wanting To Stay….

Ancient Tamal could not argue with these words. A good ruler would not allow his people to suffer. A good ruler would listen to his people's words. He wondered just when did the dragonic forget such qualities? His race never used to treat their own kind as they do now. For some reason, the idea of war took over, and now their entire race was militarized. From the day they were born, they were born to become soldiers to die for their clan.

"I see… I can understand where you are coming from." Ancient Tamal really had no way to persuade Clance to form a truce.

"I do not know what that father of mine is plotting, but I can say this. No matter how much you all grow in strength, you can not defeat this city. This city will grow in strength faster than any of you can ever imagine. But remember, we are also a peaceful place. We do not attack those who do not attack us. We offer protection to everyone.